
go help查看命令

The commands are:    build       compile packages and dependencies    clean       remove object files    doc         show documentation for package or symbol    env         print Go environment information    fix         run go tool fix on packages    fmt         run gofmt on package sources    generate    generate Go files by processing source    get         download and install packages and dependencies    install     compile and install packages and dependencies    list        list packages    run         compile and run Go program    test        test packages    tool        run specified go tool    version     print Go version    vet         run go tool vet on packagesUse "go help [command]" for more information about a command.Additional help topics:    c           calling between Go and C    buildmode   description of build modes    filetype    file types    gopath      GOPATH environment variable    environment environment variables    importpath  import path syntax    packages    description of package lists    testflag    description of testing flags    testfunc    description of testing functionsUse "go help [topic]" for more information about that topic.

这里使用的是go get,可以直接获取到github的第三方库,之后再使用go install就可以安装第三方库


go get github.com/mpatraw/gocurse



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