下面由Golang教程栏目给大家介绍Golang实现简单的API网关的方法 ,希望对需要的朋友有所帮助!

在最近的一个项目中,采用了微服务架构-go-kit进行后端的开发。在微服务架构风格中,一个大应用被拆分成为了多个小的服务系统提供出来,这些小的系统他们可以自成体系,也就是说这些小系统可以拥有自己的数据库,框架甚至语言等,因此我们需要设计一个API 网关(API Gataway),其实网上已经有较多现成的实现框架,但是本项目的需求是比较简单的,因此将使用Golang自行实现。




  • 通用反向代理:NginxHaproxy、……
  • 网络编程框架:NettyServlet、……
  • API网关框架:Spring Cloud GatewayZuulZuul2、……

API网关最基本的功能就是反向代理。其实现方式有很多,本文将基于标准库net/http/httputil包中的ReverseProxy类型来实现实现一个简单的反向代理。反向代理的实现主要涉及到func NewSingleHostReverseProxy(target *url.URL) *ReverseProxytype ReverseProxy

func NewSingleHostReverseProxy(target *url.URL) *ReverseProxy
// NewSingleHostReverseProxy returns a new ReverseProxy that routes// URLs to the scheme, host, and base path provided in target. If the// target's path is "/base" and the incoming request was for "/dir",// the target request will be for /base/dir.// NewSingleHostReverseProxy does not rewrite the Host header.// To rewrite Host headers, use ReverseProxy directly with a custom// Director policy.func NewSingleHostReverseProxy(target *url.URL) *ReverseProxy {targetQuery := target.RawQuerydirector := func(req *http.Request) {req.URL.Scheme = target.Schemereq.URL.Host = target.Hostreq.URL.Path = singleJoiningSlash(target.Path, req.URL.Path)if targetQuery == "" || req.URL.RawQuery == "" {req.URL.RawQuery = targetQuery + req.URL.RawQuery} else {req.URL.RawQuery = targetQuery + "&" + req.URL.RawQuery}if _, ok := req.Header["User-Agent"]; !ok {// explicitly disable User-Agent so it's not set to default valuereq.Header.Set("User-Agent", "")}}return &ReverseProxy{Director: director}}

NewSingleHostReverseProxy返回一个新的ReverseProxy,将URLs请求路由到targe的指定的scheme, host, base path

// ReverseProxy is an HTTP Handler that takes an incoming request and// sends it to another server, proxying the response back to the// client.type ReverseProxy struct {// Director must be a function which modifies// the request into a new request to be sent// using Transport. Its response is then copied// back to the original client unmodified.// Director must not access the provided Request// after returning.Director func(*http.Request)Transport http.RoundTripperFlushInterval time.DurationErrorLog *log.LoggerBufferPool BufferPool// ModifyResponse is an optional function that modifies the// Response from the backend. It is called if the backend// returns a response at all, with any HTTP status code.// If the backend is unreachable, the optional ErrorHandler is// called without any call to ModifyResponse.//// If ModifyResponse returns an error, ErrorHandler is called// with its error value. If ErrorHandler is nil, its default// implementation is used.ModifyResponse func(*http.Response) errorErrorHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error)}




实例代码只涉及微服务中 userauth模块,可以根据实际需求自行修改部分

package mainimport ("fmt""log""net/http""net/http/httputil""net/url""strings")type handle struct {host stringport string}type Service struct {auth *handleuser *handle}func (this *Service) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {var remote *url.URLif strings.Contains(r.RequestURI, "api/auth") {remote, _ = url.Parse("http://" + this.auth.host + ":" + this.auth.port)} else if strings.Contains(r.RequestURI, "api/user") {remote, _ = url.Parse("http://" + this.user.host + ":" + this.user.port)} else {fmt.Fprintf(w, "404 Not Found")return}proxy := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(remote)proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)}func startServer() {// 注册被代理的服务器 (host, port)service := &Service{auth: &handle{host: "", port: "8081"},user: &handle{host: "", port: "8082"},}err := http.ListenAndServe(":8888", service)if err != nil {log.Fatalln("ListenAndServe: ", err)}}func main() {startServer()}


  1. 详解Golang中函数作为值与类型
  2. go语言中普通函数与方法的区别是什么?
  3. 详解Go 中方法与函数的区别
  4. 关于golang封装一个bash函数,用于执行bash命令
  5. 总结Golang实现PHP常用函数
  6. PHP扩展之XML操作(三)——XML解析器使用及相关函数
  7. 实例简析XPath串函数和XSLT
  8. XmlTextWriter函数定义与用法汇总
  9. XDocument函数定义与用法汇总


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  2. 用JQuery写的一个简单的验证码功能
  3. 使用jQuery确认对话框防止上的表单回发
  4. Jquery基于ActiveX的批量上传
  5. ie8下jQuery动画没有ie7流畅,是浏览器性能
  6. 使用jquery实现点击按钮弹出层和点击空白
  7. js jquery 关闭弹出页面 并刷新父页面(win
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  9. jquery done()不能获取外部变量
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