最近开发Android通讯录播报号码时需用到播放多个连续音频文件,用传统的MediaManager无法满足复杂性需求,而 SoundPool则满足,于是写了一个SoundPool的管理类SoundManager管理音频的播放。


package com.yous365.android.util;import org.xml.sax.SAXException;import android.content.Context;import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;import android.media.AudioManager;import android.media.SoundPool;import android.os.Handler;import android.util.Log;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Vector;import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;public class SoundManager {    private SoundPool mSoundPool;    private HashMap<String, Integer> mSoundPoolMap;    private AudioManager mAudioManager;    private Context mContext;    private Handler mHandler = new Handler();    private Vector<Integer> mKillSoundQueue = new Vector<Integer>();    private VoicePhoneNumberUtil util;    private long delay = 1000;    private long seperateTime = 700;    private float rate = 1.0f;    private String locale;    static private SoundManager _instance;    /**     * Requests the instance of the Sound Manager and creates it if it does not     * exist.     *      * @return Returns the single instance of the SoundManager     */    static synchronized public SoundManager getInstance() {        if (_instance == null)            _instance = new SoundManager();        return _instance;    }    /**     *      */    private SoundManager() {        util = VoicePhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();    }    /**     * Initialises the storage for the sounds     *      * @param theContext The Application context     */    public void initSounds(Context theContext) {        mContext = theContext;        mSoundPool = new SoundPool(1,                AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0);        mSoundPoolMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();        mAudioManager = (AudioManager) mContext                .getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);    }    /**     * Add a new Sound to the SoundPool     *      * @param key - The Sound Index for Retrieval     * @param SoundID - The Android ID for the Sound asset.     */    public void addSound(String key, int SoundID) {        mSoundPoolMap.put(key,                mSoundPool.load(mContext, SoundID, 1));    }    /**     *      * @param key the key we need to get the sound later     * @param afd  the fie store in the asset     */    public void addSound(String key, AssetFileDescriptor afd) {        mSoundPoolMap.put(key, mSoundPool.load(                afd.getFileDescriptor(),                afd.getStartOffset(), afd.getLength(), 1));    }        /**     * play the sound loaded to the SoundPool by the key we set     * @param key  the key in the map     */    public void playSound(String key) {        int streamVolume = mAudioManager                .getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);        streamVolume = streamVolume                / mAudioManager                        .getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);        int soundId = mSoundPool.play(                mSoundPoolMap.get(key), streamVolume,                streamVolume, 1, 0, rate);        mKillSoundQueue.add(soundId);        // schedule the current sound to stop after set milliseconds        mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {            public void run() {                if (!mKillSoundQueue.isEmpty()) {                    mSoundPool.stop(mKillSoundQueue                            .firstElement());                }            }        }, delay);    }        /**     *      * @param key  the key in the map     */    public void playLoopedSound(String key) {        int streamVolume = mAudioManager                .getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);        streamVolume = streamVolume                / mAudioManager                        .getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);                int soundId = mSoundPool.play(                mSoundPoolMap.get(key), streamVolume,                streamVolume, 1, -1, rate);        mKillSoundQueue.add(soundId);        // schedule the current sound to stop after set milliseconds        mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {            public void run() {                if (!mKillSoundQueue.isEmpty()) {                    mSoundPool.stop(mKillSoundQueue                            .firstElement());                }            }        }, delay);    }      /**   * play the sounds have loaded in SoundPool    * @param keys the files key stored in the map   * @throws InterruptedException   */    public void playMutilSounds(String keys[])            throws InterruptedException {        int streamVolume = mAudioManager                .getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);        streamVolume = streamVolume                / mAudioManager                        .getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);        for (String key : keys) {            Log.d("playMutilSounds", key);            if (mSoundPoolMap.containsKey(key)) {                int soundId = mSoundPool.play(                        mSoundPoolMap.get(key),                        streamVolume, streamVolume, 1, 0,                        rate);                //sleep for a while for SoundPool play                 Thread.sleep(seperateTime);                mKillSoundQueue.add(soundId);            }        }        // schedule the current sound to stop after set milliseconds        mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {            public void run() {                if (!mKillSoundQueue.isEmpty()) {                    mSoundPool.stop(mKillSoundQueue                            .firstElement());                }            }        }, delay);    }    /**     * Loads the various sound assets     * @param locale the load to load audio files     */    public void loadSounds(String locale)            throws SAXException, IOException,            ParserConfigurationException {        Log.d("load locale", locale);        this.locale = locale;        AssetFileDescriptor afd;        Map<String, String> audioFiles = util                .getAudioFileConfig(locale,                        mContext.getAssets());        for (String key : audioFiles.keySet()) {            afd = mContext.getAssets().openFd(                    audioFiles.get(key));            addSound(key, afd);        }    }    /**     * Stop a Sound     *      * @param index - index of the sound to be stopped     */    public void stopSound(int index) {        mSoundPool.stop(mSoundPoolMap.get(index));    }    /**     * Deallocates the resources and Instance of SoundManager     */    public void cleanup() {        mSoundPool.release();        mSoundPool = null;        mSoundPoolMap.clear();        mAudioManager.unloadSoundEffects();        _instance = null;    }    /**     * unload all resource in the sound pool     * support for user change VoiceLanguage or Locale or user close the voice function !     */    public void unloadAllSoundsIn() {        if (mSoundPoolMap.size() > 0) {            for (String key : mSoundPoolMap.keySet()) {                mSoundPool.unload(mSoundPoolMap.get(key));            }        }        mKillSoundQueue.clear();        mSoundPoolMap.clear();    }    /**     * set the speed of soundPool     *      * @param i i<0 means slow i= 0 means normal i>0 means fast     */    public void setVoiceSpeed(int i) {        if (i > 0) {            rate = 1.2f;        }        else if (i < 0) {            rate = 0.8f;        }        else {            rate = 1.0f;        }    }    /**     * set the delay after one number's sound have played     *      * @param i i<0 means short i= 0 means normal i>0 means long     */    public void setVoiceDelay(int i) {        if (i > 0) {            seperateTime = 700;        }        else if (i < 0) {            seperateTime = 400;        }        else {            seperateTime = 500;        }    }    public String getLocale() {        return locale;    }    public void setLocale(String locale) {        this.locale = locale;    }}


  1. Android(安卓)Audio Focus的应用(requestAudioFocus)
  2. Android播放照相机声音
  3. Android(安卓)MediaPlayer音乐播放
  4. 【Android】如何用MediaPlayer实现一个简单的音视频播放器
  5. android音频、视频、拍照基础操作
  6. Android(安卓)TextToSpeech语音播放文本
  7. Android(安卓)WebView 使用方法,可以解决web视频播放层级问题。
  8. Android(安卓)studio中音频播放与进度条联动
  9. android显示gif图片


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  2. Android(安卓)利用发送Intent播放本地视
  3. android webview将网页内容导出为图片和P
  4. 全局参数
  5. 移动端判断当前环境是否是微信、IOS、安
  6. 如何在Ubuntu12.1下安装Android(安卓)NDK
  7. Android(安卓)API 中文 (53) —— BaseAdap
  8. android 8.0后打开wifi热点以及更改热点
  9. TextView设置中文粗体
  10. Android(安卓)webview 使用自定义字体