NAND write: device 0 offset 0x1000000, size 0x65ac3c0

Input block length is not page aligned

Data did not fit into device, due to bad blocks

106611648 bytes written: ERROR

flashing 'system' failed

上面是sdfuse flash system system.img 命令会这样。

用fastboot flashsystem system.img 也一样的结果。

问了一下朋友,在uboot格式化一下nand flash 。

SMDKV210 # nand scrub

NAND scrub: device 0 whole chip

Warning: scrub option will erase all factory set bad blocks!

There is no reliable way to recover them.

Use this command only for testing purposes if you

are sure of what you are doing!

Really scrub this NAND flash? <y/N>

Erasing at 0x0 -- 0lete.
Erasing at 0xa00000 -- 1complete.
Erasing at 0x1440000 -- 2



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