import;import;public class LomoFilter {public static Bitmap filter(Bitmap bitmap){int width = bitmap.getWidth();    int height = bitmap.getHeight();    int dst[] = new int[width*height];    bitmap.getPixels(dst, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);        int ratio = width > height ? height*32768/width : width*32768/height;    int cx = width >> 1;int cy = height >> 1;int max = cx * cx + cy * cy;int min = (int) (max * (1 - 0.8f));int diff = max - min;int ri, gi, bi;    int dx, dy, distSq, v;        int R, G, B;        int value;    int pos, pixColor;    int newR, newG, newB;    for(int y=0; y<height; y++){    for(int x=0; x<width; x++){    pos = y*width + x;    pixColor = dst[pos];    R =;    G =;    B =;        value = R<128 ? R : 256-R;    newR = (value*value*value)/64/256;    newR = (R<128 ? newR : 255-newR);        value = G<128 ? G : 256-G;    newG = (value*value)/128;    newG = (G<128 ? newG : 255-newG);        newB = B/2 + 0x25;        //==========边缘黑暗==============//    dx = cx - x;dy = cy - y;if (width > height) dx = (dx * ratio) >> 15;else dy = (dy * ratio) >> 15;        distSq = dx * dx + dy * dy;    if (distSq > min){                    v = ((max - distSq) << 8) / diff;                    v *= v;                    ri = (int)(newR * v) >> 16;                    gi = (int)(newG * v) >> 16;                    bi = (int)(newB * v) >> 16;                    newR = ri > 255 ? 255 : (ri < 0 ? 0 : ri);                    newG = gi > 255 ? 255 : (gi < 0 ? 0 : gi);                    newB = bi > 255 ? 255 : (bi < 0 ? 0 : bi);            }    //==========边缘黑暗end==============//        dst[pos] = Color.rgb(newR, newG, newB);    }    }    Bitmap acrossFlushBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);    acrossFlushBitmap.setPixels(dst, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);    return acrossFlushBitmap;}}


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