






        原理就是安装每个APK的时候 只要是launcher ,就把category是HOME的值改成x,只要是你的launcher就把category的值改成HOME,那么全局就只有你一个launcher了


/*************************************************************************************/                if(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME.equals(value)) {                value = "x";                } else if((Intent.CATEGORY_HOME + ".xxx").equals(value)) {                value = Intent.CATEGORY_HOME;                }                /*************************************************************************************/



private boolean parseIntent(Resources res,            XmlPullParser parser, AttributeSet attrs, int flags,            IntentInfo outInfo, String[] outError, boolean isActivity)            throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {        TypedArray sa = res.obtainAttributes(attrs,                com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestIntentFilter);        int priority = sa.getInt(                com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestIntentFilter_priority, 0);        if (priority > 0 && isActivity && (flags&PARSE_IS_SYSTEM) == 0) {            Log.w(TAG, "Activity with priority > 0, forcing to 0 at "                    + mArchiveSourcePath + " "                    + parser.getPositionDescription());            priority = 0;        }        outInfo.setPriority(priority);                TypedValue v = sa.peekValue(                com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestIntentFilter_label);        if (v != null && (outInfo.labelRes=v.resourceId) == 0) {            outInfo.nonLocalizedLabel = v.coerceToString();        }        outInfo.icon = sa.getResourceId(                com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestIntentFilter_icon, 0);        sa.recycle();        int outerDepth = parser.getDepth();        int type;        while ((type=parser.next()) != parser.END_DOCUMENT               && (type != parser.END_TAG || parser.getDepth() > outerDepth)) {            if (type == parser.END_TAG || type == parser.TEXT) {                continue;            }            String nodeName = parser.getName();            if (nodeName.equals("action")) {                String value = attrs.getAttributeValue(                        ANDROID_RESOURCES, "name");                if (value == null || value == "") {                    outError[0] = "No value supplied for ";                    return false;                }                XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                outInfo.addAction(value);            } else if (nodeName.equals("category")) {                String value = attrs.getAttributeValue(                        ANDROID_RESOURCES, "name");                if (value == null || value == "") {                    outError[0] = "No value supplied for ";                    return false;                }                XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);                                                                /*************************************************************************************/                if(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME.equals(value)) {                value = "x";                } else if((Intent.CATEGORY_HOME + ".xxx").equals(value)) {                value = Intent.CATEGORY_HOME;                }                /*************************************************************************************/                                                                outInfo.addCategory(value);            } else if (nodeName.equals("data")) {                sa = res.obtainAttributes(attrs,                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData);                String str = sa.getNonConfigurationString(                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData_mimeType, 0);                if (str != null) {                    try {                        outInfo.addDataType(str);                    } catch (IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException e) {                        outError[0] = e.toString();                        sa.recycle();                        return false;                    }                }                str = sa.getNonConfigurationString(                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData_scheme, 0);                if (str != null) {                    outInfo.addDataScheme(str);                }                String host = sa.getNonConfigurationString(                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData_host, 0);                String port = sa.getNonConfigurationString(                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData_port, 0);                if (host != null) {                    outInfo.addDataAuthority(host, port);                }                str = sa.getNonConfigurationString(                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData_path, 0);                if (str != null) {                    outInfo.addDataPath(str, PatternMatcher.PATTERN_LITERAL);                }                str = sa.getNonConfigurationString(                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData_pathPrefix, 0);                if (str != null) {                    outInfo.addDataPath(str, PatternMatcher.PATTERN_PREFIX);                }                str = sa.getNonConfigurationString(                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.AndroidManifestData_pathPattern, 0);                if (str != null) {                    outInfo.addDataPath(str, PatternMatcher.PATTERN_SIMPLE_GLOB);                }                sa.recycle();                XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);            } else if (!RIGID_PARSER) {                Log.w(TAG, "Unknown element under : "                        + parser.getName() + " at " + mArchiveSourcePath + " "                        + parser.getPositionDescription());                XmlUtils.skipCurrentTag(parser);            } else {                outError[0] = "Bad element under : " + parser.getName();                return false;            }        }        outInfo.hasDefault = outInfo.hasCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT);        if (false) {            String cats = "";            Iterator it = outInfo.categoriesIterator();            while (it != null && it.hasNext()) {                cats += " " + it.next();            }            System.out.println("Intent d=" +                    outInfo.hasDefault + ", cat=" + cats);        }        return true;    }


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