做worklight例子时出现这个错误install faild insufficient storage


1- Right click the root of your Android Project, go to "Run As" then go to "Run Configurations..." locate the "Android Application" node in the tree at the left, then select your project and go to the "Target" tab on the right side of the window look down for the "Additional Emulator Command Line Options" field (sometimes you'll need to make the window larger) and finally paste "-partition-size 1024" there. Click Apply and then Run to use your emulator.

2- Go to Eclipse's Preferences, then Select “Launch” Add “-partition-size 1024” on the “Default emulator option” field, then click “Apply” and use your emulator as usual.


  1. Android(安卓)ADV 虚拟卡常见错误Failed to push的解决
  2. Google I/O大会发布Android(安卓)Studio,安装与不能运行解决等错
  3. Android(安卓)5.0 android:elevation 如果给button设置效果
  4. Android中判断Intent是否存在的方法
  5. Android常见错误(http://www.cnblogs.com/ok-lanyan/archive/2011
  6. Android错误处理——Android读取txt文件乱码解决方案
  7. 如何导入android中的sample例子
  8. android中常见的错误及解决办法
  9. OpenGL ES 学习笔记(一)


  1. android蜂巢效果、环形菜单、Kotlin影视
  2. Android中控件的继承 通用行为和属性
  3. Android主题theme和样式style总结
  4. Android使用AsyncTask下载显示图片
  5. 《Android/OPhone 开发完全讲义》样章和
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  7. Android(安卓)进程和线程模型 .
  8. Android获取SD卡路径/内存的几种方法
  9. 《Android/OPhone 开发完全讲义》样章和
  10. Android(安卓)JNI(NDK)开发总结