记录Android 8声音调整过程。

frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\android\server\policy\PhoneWindowManager.java    private void dispatchDirectAudioEvent(KeyEvent event) {        if (event.getAction() != KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {            return;        }        int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();        int flags = AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_UI | AudioManager.FLAG_PLAY_SOUND                | AudioManager.FLAG_FROM_KEY;        String pkgName = mContext.getOpPackageName();        switch (keyCode) {            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP:                try {                    getAudioService().adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE,                            AudioManager.USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE, flags, pkgName, TAG);                } catch (Exception e) {                    Log.e(TAG, "Error dispatching volume up in dispatchTvAudioEvent.", e);                }                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN:                try {                    getAudioService().adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(AudioManager.ADJUST_LOWER,                            AudioManager.USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE, flags, pkgName, TAG);                } catch (Exception e) {                    Log.e(TAG, "Error dispatching volume down in dispatchTvAudioEvent.", e);                }                break;            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE:                try {                    if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {                        getAudioService().adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(                                AudioManager.ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE,                                AudioManager.USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE, flags, pkgName, TAG);                    }                } catch (Exception e) {                    Log.e(TAG, "Error dispatching mute in dispatchTvAudioEvent.", e);                }                break;        }    }frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\android\server\audio\AudioService.java       /** @see AudioManager#adjustVolume(int, int) */    public void adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(int direction, int suggestedStreamType, int flags,            String callingPackage, String caller) {        adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(direction, suggestedStreamType, flags, callingPackage,                caller, Binder.getCallingUid());    }    private void adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(int direction, int suggestedStreamType, int flags,            String callingPackage, String caller, int uid) {        mVolumeLogger.log(new VolumeEvent(VolumeEvent.VOL_ADJUST_SUGG_VOL, suggestedStreamType,                direction/*val1*/, flags/*val2*/, new StringBuilder(callingPackage)                        .append("/").append(caller).append(" uid:").append(uid).toString()));        final int streamType;        synchronized (mForceControlStreamLock) {            if (DEBUG_VOL) Log.d(TAG, "adjustSuggestedStreamVolume() stream=" + suggestedStreamType                    + ", flags=" + flags + ", caller=" + caller                    + ", volControlStream=" + mVolumeControlStream                    + ", userSelect=" + mUserSelectedVolumeControlStream);            if (mUserSelectedVolumeControlStream) { // implies mVolumeControlStream != -1                streamType = mVolumeControlStream;            } else {                // 获取当前StreamType类型,传入的是AudioManager.USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE                // AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC                final int maybeActiveStreamType = getActiveStreamType(suggestedStreamType);                final boolean activeForReal;                if (maybeActiveStreamType == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) {                    // 判断AudioFlinger当前是否是用AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC                    activeForReal = isAfMusicActiveRecently(0);                } else {                    activeForReal = AudioSystem.isStreamActive(maybeActiveStreamType, 0);                }                // 获取声音类型, 就是前面getActiveStreamType得到的AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC                if (activeForReal || mVolumeControlStream == -1) {                    streamType = maybeActiveStreamType;                } else {                    streamType = mVolumeControlStream;                }            }        }        // 判断是否是MUTE操作        final boolean isMute = isMuteAdjust(direction);        // 判断类型是否合法        ensureValidStreamType(streamType);        final int resolvedStream = mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType];        // RING类型声音处理        // Play sounds on STREAM_RING only.        if ((flags & AudioManager.FLAG_PLAY_SOUND) != 0 &&                resolvedStream != AudioSystem.STREAM_RING) {            flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_PLAY_SOUND;        }        // 通知或者电话,显示UI,但是不进行MUTE操作        // For notifications/ring, show the ui before making any adjustments        // Don't suppress mute/unmute requests        if (mVolumeController.suppressAdjustment(resolvedStream, flags, isMute)) {            direction = 0;            // 将相应的位清零            flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_PLAY_SOUND;            flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_VIBRATE;            if (DEBUG_VOL) Log.d(TAG, "Volume controller suppressed adjustment");        }        adjustStreamVolume(streamType, direction, flags, callingPackage, caller, uid);    }    /** @see AudioManager#adjustStreamVolume(int, int, int) */    public void adjustStreamVolume(int streamType, int direction, int flags,            String callingPackage) {        if ((streamType == AudioManager.STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY) && !canChangeAccessibilityVolume()) {            Log.w(TAG, "Trying to call adjustStreamVolume() for a11y without"                    + "CHANGE_ACCESSIBILITY_VOLUME / callingPackage=" + callingPackage);            return;        }        mVolumeLogger.log(new VolumeEvent(VolumeEvent.VOL_ADJUST_STREAM_VOL, streamType,                direction/*val1*/, flags/*val2*/, callingPackage));        adjustStreamVolume(streamType, direction, flags, callingPackage, callingPackage,                Binder.getCallingUid());    }    private void adjustStreamVolume(int streamType, int direction, int flags,            String callingPackage, String caller, int uid) {        if (mUseFixedVolume) {            return;        }        if (DEBUG_VOL) Log.d(TAG, "adjustStreamVolume() stream=" + streamType + ", dir=" + direction                + ", flags=" + flags + ", caller=" + caller);        // 判断参数是否合法        ensureValidDirection(direction);        ensureValidStreamType(streamType);        boolean isMuteAdjust = isMuteAdjust(direction);        // 判断声音是否受MUTE影响        if (isMuteAdjust && !isStreamAffectedByMute(streamType)) {            return;        }        // use stream type alias here so that streams with same alias have the same behavior,        // including with regard to silent mode control (e.g the use of STREAM_RING below and in        // checkForRingerModeChange() in place of STREAM_RING or STREAM_NOTIFICATION)        // 获取声音类型的别名        int streamTypeAlias = mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType];        VolumeStreamState streamState = mStreamStates[streamTypeAlias];        // 获取声音对应的device        final int device = getDeviceForStream(streamTypeAlias);        int aliasIndex = streamState.getIndex(device);        boolean adjustVolume = true;        int step;        // 跳过蓝牙请求,如果对应的设备不是蓝牙        // skip a2dp absolute volume control request when the device        // is not an a2dp device        if ((device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) == 0 &&            (flags & AudioManager.FLAG_BLUETOOTH_ABS_VOLUME) != 0) {            return;        }        // 获取UID        // If we are being called by the system (e.g. hardware keys) check for current user        // so we handle user restrictions correctly.        if (uid == android.os.Process.SYSTEM_UID) {            uid = UserHandle.getUid(getCurrentUserId(), UserHandle.getAppId(uid));        }        if (mAppOps.noteOp(STREAM_VOLUME_OPS[streamTypeAlias], uid, callingPackage)                != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) {            return;        }        // reset any pending volume command        synchronized (mSafeMediaVolumeState) {            mPendingVolumeCommand = null;        }        flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_FIXED_VOLUME;        if ((streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) &&               ((device & mFixedVolumeDevices) != 0)) {            flags |= AudioManager.FLAG_FIXED_VOLUME;            // Always toggle between max safe volume and 0 for fixed volume devices where safe            // volume is enforced, and max and 0 for the others.            // This is simulated by stepping by the full allowed volume range            if (mSafeMediaVolumeState == SAFE_MEDIA_VOLUME_ACTIVE &&                    (device & mSafeMediaVolumeDevices) != 0) {                step = safeMediaVolumeIndex(device);            } else {                step = streamState.getMaxIndex();            }            if (aliasIndex != 0) {                aliasIndex = step;            }        } else {            // 更改UI上的显示,增加/减少一格            // convert one UI step (+/-1) into a number of internal units on the stream alias            step = rescaleIndex(10, streamType, streamTypeAlias);        }        // 对与RINGER_MODES有关的声音组处理        // If either the client forces allowing ringer modes for this adjustment,        // or the stream type is one that is affected by ringer modes        if (((flags & AudioManager.FLAG_ALLOW_RINGER_MODES) != 0) ||                (streamTypeAlias == getUiSoundsStreamType())) {            int ringerMode = getRingerModeInternal();            // do not vibrate if already in vibrate mode            if (ringerMode == AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE) {                flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_VIBRATE;            }            // Check if the ringer mode handles this adjustment. If it does we don't            // need to adjust the volume further.            final int result = checkForRingerModeChange(aliasIndex, direction, step,                    streamState.mIsMuted, callingPackage, flags);            adjustVolume = (result & FLAG_ADJUST_VOLUME) != 0;            // If suppressing a volume adjustment in silent mode, display the UI hint            if ((result & AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_SILENT_HINT) != 0) {                flags |= AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_SILENT_HINT;            }            // If suppressing a volume down adjustment in vibrate mode, display the UI hint            if ((result & AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_VIBRATE_HINT) != 0) {                flags |= AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_VIBRATE_HINT;            }        }        // If the ringermode is suppressing media, prevent changes        if (!volumeAdjustmentAllowedByDnd(streamTypeAlias, flags)) {            adjustVolume = false;        }        int oldIndex = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);        if (adjustVolume && (direction != AudioManager.ADJUST_SAME)) {            mAudioHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UNMUTE_STREAM);            // 判断是否要更新蓝牙的音量            // Check if volume update should be send to AVRCP            if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC &&                (device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) != 0 &&                (flags & AudioManager.FLAG_BLUETOOTH_ABS_VOLUME) == 0) {                synchronized (mA2dpAvrcpLock) {                    if (mA2dp != null && mAvrcpAbsVolSupported) {                        mA2dp.adjustAvrcpAbsoluteVolume(direction);                    }                }            }            if (isMuteAdjust) {                boolean state;                if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE) {                    state = !streamState.mIsMuted;                } else {                    state = direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_MUTE;                }                if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) {                    setSystemAudioMute(state);                }                for (int stream = 0; stream < mStreamStates.length; stream++) {                    if (streamTypeAlias == mStreamVolumeAlias[stream]) {                        if (!(readCameraSoundForced()                                    && (mStreamStates[stream].getStreamType()                                        == AudioSystem.STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED))) {                            mStreamStates[stream].mute(state);                        }                    }                }            } else if ((direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE) &&                    !checkSafeMediaVolume(streamTypeAlias, aliasIndex + step, device)) {                Log.e(TAG, "adjustStreamVolume() safe volume index = " + oldIndex);                mVolumeController.postDisplaySafeVolumeWarning(flags);            } else if (streamState.adjustIndex(direction * step, device, caller)                    || streamState.mIsMuted) {                // Post message to set system volume (it in turn will post a                // message to persist).                if (streamState.mIsMuted) {                    // 静音的情况下先unmute设备                    // Unmute the stream if it was previously muted                    if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE) {                        // unmute immediately for volume up                        streamState.mute(false);                    } else if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_LOWER) {                        if (mIsSingleVolume) {                            sendMsg(mAudioHandler, MSG_UNMUTE_STREAM, SENDMSG_QUEUE,                                    streamTypeAlias, flags, null, UNMUTE_STREAM_DELAY);                        }                    }                }                // 调整声音大小,并保存声音的数据                sendMsg(mAudioHandler,                        MSG_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME,                        SENDMSG_QUEUE,                        device,                        0,                        streamState,                        0);            }            // Check if volume update should be sent to Hdmi system audio.            int newIndex = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);            if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) {                setSystemAudioVolume(oldIndex, newIndex, getStreamMaxVolume(streamType), flags);            }            if (mHdmiManager != null) {                synchronized (mHdmiManager) {                    // mHdmiCecSink true => mHdmiPlaybackClient != null                    if (mHdmiCecSink &&                            streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC &&                            oldIndex != newIndex) {                        synchronized (mHdmiPlaybackClient) {                            int keyCode = (direction == -1) ? KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN :                                    KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP;                            final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();                            try {                                mHdmiPlaybackClient.sendKeyEvent(keyCode, true);                                mHdmiPlaybackClient.sendKeyEvent(keyCode, false);                            } finally {                                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }        int index = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);        sendVolumeUpdate(streamType, oldIndex, index, flags);       //更新UI显示     }    frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\android\server\audio\AudioService.java     private class AudioHandler extends Handler {                  @Override        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {            switch (msg.what) {                case MSG_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME:                    setDeviceVolume((VolumeStreamState) msg.obj, msg.arg1);                    break;                case MSG_SET_ALL_VOLUMES:                    setAllVolumes((VolumeStreamState) msg.obj);                    break;                case MSG_PERSIST_VOLUME:                    persistVolume((VolumeStreamState) msg.obj, msg.arg1);                    break;                case MSG_PERSIST_RINGER_MODE:                    // note that the value persisted is the current ringer mode, not the                    // value of ringer mode as of the time the request was made to persist                    persistRingerMode(getRingerModeInternal());                    break;                           private void setDeviceVolume(VolumeStreamState streamState, int device) {            synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {                // Apply volume                streamState.applyDeviceVolume_syncVSS(device);              // 将声音的数据写到底层                // Apply change to all streams using this one as alias                int numStreamTypes = AudioSystem.getNumStreamTypes();                for (int streamType = numStreamTypes - 1; streamType >= 0; streamType--) {                    if (streamType != streamState.mStreamType &&                            mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType] == streamState.mStreamType) {                        // Make sure volume is also maxed out on A2DP device for aliased stream                        // that may have a different device selected                        int streamDevice = getDeviceForStream(streamType);                        if ((device != streamDevice) && mAvrcpAbsVolSupported &&                                ((device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) != 0)) {                            mStreamStates[streamType].applyDeviceVolume_syncVSS(device);                        }                        mStreamStates[streamType].applyDeviceVolume_syncVSS(streamDevice);                    }                }            }            // Post a persist volume msg            sendMsg(mAudioHandler,                    MSG_PERSIST_VOLUME,                    SENDMSG_QUEUE,                    device,                    0,                    streamState,                    PERSIST_DELAY);        }                  private void persistVolume(VolumeStreamState streamState, int device) {            if (mUseFixedVolume) {                return;            }            if (mIsSingleVolume && (streamState.mStreamType != AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC)) {                return;            }            if (streamState.hasValidSettingsName()) {                // 将参数保存                System.putIntForUser(mContentResolver,                        streamState.getSettingNameForDevice(device),                        (streamState.getIndex(device) + 5)/ 10,                        UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);            }        }


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