

Qt on Android

The Qt for Android port is now fully supported and ready for production use. Qt applications can be run on devices with Android v2.3.3 (API level 10) or higher and deployed easily to Google Play.

The tools have been nicely integrated with Qt Creator 3.0 for a seamless workflow and Qt applications can be developed, built, packaged and deployed all directly from within Qt Creator.

Qt Webkit is not supported on Android and we are working on providing a cross-platform API to integrate web content into mobile apps. If you you would like to incorporate web content into your Qt application, you need to use a native web component. To make interacting with native contents easier, we are providing the QtAndroid Extras modulewith a JNI convenience API.

Learn more about Qt forAndroid support.

Qt on iOS

Qt is now also fully supported on iOS. With the new Qt specific JavaScript engine, both Qt Widget and Qt Quick-based applications run well on iOS and are compatible with App Store policies.

Qt Creator 3.0 features experimental support for iOS development. For the most parts, you can use Qt Creator for your development workflow, but for signing and deployment, you will still need to use XCode.

Qt WebKit is also not supported under Qt for iOS and because of App Store policies, it will not be supported either. For now, you need to use the native WebKit in iOS. This can be done by using the native Objective-C libraries, which is possible with the iOS compiler, clang. The same approach can be used to add other platform-specific functionality like in-app purchasing into a Qt application.

Learn more about Qt foriOS support.


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