

TheAndroid Documentation saysthat there is two sizes for a view, themeasured dimensionsand thedrawing dimensions. The measured dimension is the one computed in themeasure pass(theonMeasuremethod), while thedrawing dimensionsare the actual size on screen. Particularly, the documentation says that:

These values may, but do not have to, be different from the measured width and height.

So, my question is: what could make the drawing dimension be different of the measured dimension? If theonMeasure(int,int)method respects the layout requirements (given as the parameterswidthMeasureSpecandheightMeasureSpec, how could the SDK decides that the view should have a different drawing size?

Additionally, how/where in theAndroid Source Codethe measured width/height is used to compute the drawing width/height? I tryed to look into theView source code, but I can't figure out how the measuredWidth/Height is used to compute the final width/height. Maybe it has something to do with the padding, but I'm not sure.

android android-layout view size dimensions
share | improve this question asked Dec 28 '11 at 15:08 lgfischer
90 1 6
I think that these measures can be different in case if a scroll is added to the view.– Yury Dec 28 '11 at 16:32
Maybe, but I developed a custom ViewGroup, and this is happening in my code. I am not dealing with scroll until the point where this behavior occurs. So I think that there should be more than scroll involved into this.– lgfischer Dec 28 '11 at 18:34

1 Answer

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up vote 12 down vote accepted

As the name suggests the measuredWidth/height is used during measuring and layoutting phase.

Let me give an example,

A widget is asked to measure itself, The widget says that it wants to be 200px by 200px. This is measuredWidth/height.

During the layout phase, i.e. in onLayout method. The method can use the measuredWidth/height of its children or assign a new width/width by calling layout method of the view.

lets say the onLayout method calls childview.layout(0,0,150,150) now the width/height of the view is different than the measured width/height.

I would suggest not to use the measuredWidth/height outside onLayout method.

to summarize .

  1. onMeasure -> sets up measuredWidth/height
  2. onLayout -> sets up the width/height of the widget.

public void View.layout(int l, int t, int r, int b)
seems to be place where the assignment of position and size happens.

TheAndroid Documentation saysthat there is two sizes for a view, themeasured dimensionsand thedrawing dimensions. The measured dimension is the one computed in themeasure pass(theonMeasuremethod), while thedrawing dimensionsare the actual size on screen. Particularly, the documentation says that:

These values may, but do not have to, be different from the measured width and height.

So, my question is: what could make the drawing dimension be different of the measured dimension? If theonMeasure(int,int)method respects the layout requirements (given as the parameterswidthMeasureSpecandheightMeasureSpec, how could the SDK decides that the view should have a different drawing size?

Additionally, how/where in theAndroid Source Codethe measured width/height is used to compute the drawing width/height? I tryed to look into theView source code, but I can't figure out how the measuredWidth/Height is used to compute the final width/height. Maybe it has something to do with the padding, but I'm not sure.

android android-layout view size dimensions
share | improve this question asked Dec 28 '11 at 15:08 lgfischer
90 1 6
I think that these measures can be different in case if a scroll is added to the view.– Yury Dec 28 '11 at 16:32
Maybe, but I developed a custom ViewGroup, and this is happening in my code. I am not dealing with scroll until the point where this behavior occurs. So I think that there should be more than scroll involved into this.– lgfischer Dec 28 '11 at 18:34

1 Answer

active oldest votes
up vote 12 down vote accepted

As the name suggests the measuredWidth/height is used during measuring and layoutting phase.

Let me give an example,

A widget is asked to measure itself, The widget says that it wants to be 200px by 200px. This is measuredWidth/height.

During the layout phase, i.e. in onLayout method. The method can use the measuredWidth/height of its children or assign a new width/width by calling layout method of the view.

lets say the onLayout method calls childview.layout(0,0,150,150) now the width/height of the view is different than the measured width/height.

I would suggest not to use the measuredWidth/height outside onLayout method.

to summarize .

  1. onMeasure -> sets up measuredWidth/height
  2. onLayout -> sets up the width/height of the widget.

public void View.layout(int l, int t, int r, int b)
seems to be place where the assignment of position and size happens.

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Android getWidth和getMeasuredWidth的正解

泡在网上的日子发表于2013-03-07 20:11, 285 次阅读

摘要一。也许很多童鞋对getWidth()和 getMeasuredWidth()的用法有很多的不解,这两者之间有什麼样的不同呢,网上也有各种不同的版本,但大多数都大同小异,从这个地方 Ctrl+C,到另一个地方Ctrl+V,没有把问题说透,也有一部分文章误导了大家对这两个方法的认识,

一。也许很多童鞋对getWidth()和 getMeasuredWidth()的用法有很多的不解,这两者之间有什麼样的不同呢,网上也有各种不同的版本,但大多数都大同小异,从这个地方 Ctrl+C,到另一个地方Ctrl+V,没有把问题说透,也有一部分文章误导了大家对这两个方法的认识,我也是深受其害。这裡先纠正下面的一个版本的说 法,Baidu上一搜一大堆的,可惜这种说法是错的,所以希望大家就不要再盲目的转载到你的空间裡:
getMeasuredWidth是得到某view想要在parent view里面占的大小.

1. 在一个类初始化时,即在构造函数当中我们是得不到View的实际大小的。感兴趣的朋友可以试一下,getWidth()和getMeasuredWidth()得到的结果都是0.但是我们可以从onDraw()方法裡面得到控件的大小。
2. 这两个方法所得到的结果的单位是像素即pixel.
getWidth(): 得到的是view在父Layout中佈局好后的宽度值,如果没有父佈局,那麼默认的父佈局是整个屏幕。也许不好理解。通过一个例子来说明一下。
例1 :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 public class Test extends Activity { private LinearLayout mBackgroundLayout; private TextViewTest mTextViewTest; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super .onCreate(savedInstanceState); mBackgroundLayout = new MyLayout( this ); mBackgroundLayout.setLayoutParams( new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT)); mTextViewTest = new TextViewTest( this ); mBackgroundLayout.addView(mTextViewTest); setContentView(mBackgroundLayout); } public class MyLayout extends LinearLayout{ public MyLayout(Context context) { super (context); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super .onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b); Log.i( "Tag" , "--------------" ); View mView=getChildAt(0); mView.measure(0, 0); } } public class TextViewTest extends TextView { public TextViewTest(Context context) { super (context); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub setText( "test test " ); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super .onDraw(canvas); // measure(0, 0); Log.i( "Tag" , "width: " + getWidth() + ",height: " + getHeight()); Log.i( "Tag" , "MeasuredWidth: " + getMeasuredWidth() + ",MeasuredHeight: " + getMeasuredHeight()); } } }

The width of this view as measured in the most recent call to measure(). This should be used during measurement and layout calculations only.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 public class Test extends Activity { private TextViewTest mTextViewTest; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super .onCreate(savedInstanceState); mTextViewTest = new TextViewTest( this ); setContentView(mTextViewTest); } public class TextViewTest extends TextView { public TextViewTest(Context context) { super (context); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub setText( "test test " ); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super .onDraw(canvas); measure(0, 0); Log.i( "Tag" , "width: " + getWidth() + ",height: " + getHeight()); Log.i( "Tag" , "MeasuredWidth: " + getMeasuredWidth() + ",MeasuredHeight: " + getMeasuredHeight()); } } }

getWidth(): View在设定好佈局后整个View的宽度。
getMeasuredWidth(): 对View上的内容进行测量后得到的View内容佔据的宽度,前提是你必须在父佈局的onLayout()方法或者此View的onDraw()方法裡调 用measure(0,0);(measure 参数的值你可以自己定义),否则你得到的结果和getWidth()得到的结果一样。

view.getMeasuredHeight()可能隐藏在上头.可能在下头.如果view没有超出屏幕的时候 view.getMeasuredHeight() 有可能小于 view.getHeight()
getWidth(): View在設定好佈局後整個View的寬度。
getMeasuredWidth(): 對View上的內容進行測量後得到的View內容佔據的寬度


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