public final void setTop (int top) Sets the top position of this view relative to its parent. This method is meant to be called by the layout system and should not generally be called otherwise, because the property may be changed at any time by the layout.

api 文档上说不应该直接执行这个方法,所以setTop即使在api 11以上也是不合理的。这时应该使用setTranslationX、setTranslationY,也即setX、setY。

那么为了兼容api 11以下而采用的办法是用改变margin的方式来达到改变位置的目的,涉及到三个方法getLayoutParams、setMarigns、setLayoutParams

LayoutParams olp=(LayoutParams) box.getLayoutParams(); olp.setMargins(olp2.leftMargin, 0, olp2.rightMargin, olp2.bottomMargin); box.setLayoutParams(olp);



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