Error opening heap dump ''. Check the error log for further details.
Error opening heap dump ''. Check the error log for further details.
Unknown HPROF Version (JAVA PROFILE 1.0.3) (
Unknown HPROF Version (JAVA PROFILE 1.0.3)

The hprof file you get from Android has android specific format. You should convert hprof file take from Android OS into standard hprof format. For this you can use hprof-conv tool that is located at AndrodiSDK/tools/hprof-conv.

For example:

hprof-conv android.hprof mat.hprof

And then open mat.hprof in Memory Analyzer.

原因是: android的虚拟机导出的内存文件hprof文件格式与标准的 java hprof文件格式标准不一样,根本原因两者的虚拟机不一致导致的。


hprof-conv 源文件 目标文件


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