
if (Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {File path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();StatFs statFs = new StatFs(path.getPath());long blockSize = statFs.getBlockSize();long totalBlocks = statFs.getBlockCount();long availableBlocks = statFs.getAvailableBlocks();String[] total = fileSize(totalBlocks * blockSize);String[] available = fileSize(availableBlocks * blockSize);int ss = (int) (((totalBlocks-availableBlocks) / (totalBlocks * 1.0)) * myProgressBar.getMax());myProgressBar.setProgress(ss);String text = available[0] + available[1] + "可用 \t总" + total[0] + total[1];myTextView.setText(text);} else if (Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_REMOVED)) {String text = "SD CARD 已删除";myTextView.setText(text);}



String MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL if the media was removed before it was unmounted.
String MEDIA_CHECKING getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_CHECKING if the media is present and being disk-checked
String MEDIA_MOUNTED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_MOUNTED if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read/write access.
String MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read only access.
String MEDIA_NOFS getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_NOFS if the media is present but is blank or is using an unsupported filesystem
String MEDIA_REMOVED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_REMOVED if the media is not present.
String MEDIA_SHARED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_SHARED if the media is present not mounted, and shared via USB mass storage.
String MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE if the media is present but cannot be mounted.
String MEDIA_UNMOUNTED getExternalStorageState() returns MEDIA_UNMOUNTED if the media is present but not mounted.


File path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();//获得sdcard路径StatFs statFs = new StatFs(path.getPath());long blockSize = statFs.getBlockSize();//获取块大小long totalBlocks = statFs.getBlockCount();//获取总块数long availableBlocks = statFs.getAvailableBlocks();//获取可用块数long totalSize = totalBlocks*blockSize;//总大小long availableSize = availableBlocks*blockSize;//可用大小


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