
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8sudo

apt-get update

sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot

Once installed, run "adb" and "fastboot" in a terminal to see the available options and how to use these Android tools.

Update 1: we've now backported the Ubuntu Raring builds to Ubuntu 12.10 as well as Ubuntu 12.04 and 11.10. This includes a new android-tools-ext4-utils package (“sudo apt-get install android-tools-fsutils”) and udev rules to allow fastboot flashing Nexus7.
Update 2: The "android-tools-adb" package now includes / installs 51-android.rules Udev rules. This isn't available in the official Ubuntu package but only in the package available in our PPA, and is available for Ubuntu Raring, Quantal, Precise and Oneiric.



  1. Android背景平铺
  2. Android:链接到你的产品(Linking to Your Products)
  3. Android(安卓)使用内容解析者往短信数据库里插入一条数据
  4. 【问题处理】arcgis运行在android studio上jar包冲突解决
  5. Android发短信程序
  6. Android-线性布局的经典案例1-计算器
  7. Android(安卓)采用Pull解析XML内容 【学习记录】
  8. android直接从图片中对二维码编码解码
  9. tabhost相关报错


  1. 同时使用AndroidX库和bufferknife库报 pa
  2. [Android]PopupWindow 点击外部区域无法
  3. Android异步操作AsyncTask
  4. Android(安卓)Studio——ListView的高级
  5. Android(安卓)控件右上角角标的实现方案
  6. Android(安卓)防止service被kill
  7. 吐血分享!Android源码50例汇总,欢迎各位下
  8. 安卓签名证书创建
  9. 33、android java.lang.RuntimeException
  10. 动态内存的赋值和修改(Android之JNI)