Android的有一个新的开发工具 MonoDroid 告别linux eclipse

用Visual Studio 2010也能开发了

Getting Started
See our Installation page (OSX users, read our Mac Installation Guide). for detailed step-by-step instructions on installing MonoDroid. To download MonoDroid you will need the password that was sent to you by email. Our Frequently Asked Questions page will be populated with community questions as they come up and our troubleshooting page is a good place to find help if you run into problems.

Once you get MonoDroid installed, you can follow our step-by-step tutorials that will get you started with Mono on Android and Visual Studio 2010.

To get an in-depth overview of MonoDroid's design, visit our Documentation section. You can also look up the documentation at

We have posted a few sample projects on GitHub's monodroid-samples module that you can use to familiarize yourself with MonoDroid.

Continued Releases
During our preview phase, we will be issuing new builds frequently to address the bugs that the testers find. Check often the download page for new updates (we do not have an updater in place yet).

It is best to use the mailing list to post questions about MonoDroid and check our Support page as well.

Join us on the chatroom #monodroid on the IRC server, you can either use an IRC client or use our Web UI to connect to the chat.

This preview is intended to get feedback from our users to help us improve the product before the official launch. Please help us improve the product by filing bug reports.

Missing Features in this Preview
These are some of the features that are missing from this preview, if you find other problems that are not listed here, please file a bug report.

Cycles in .NET/Java objects are not detected and will leak
The code will be available on the next release
The .NET-ification of Java APIs is not finished
You will see plenty of instances of Java patterns that can be simplified with .NET techniques, these will show up in future previews.
Many other Android templates in Visual Studio
More are coming in upcoming releases.
Only supports Windows and Mac
Linux editions will ship later
We have started work on improving performance
Limited deployment options
Currently we do not support a linker
Currently you require a shared runtime
More options will be added later
Profile is currently Mono 2.9 with the MonoTouch profile of .NET
This will be changing to be based on Mono 2.10, with the same profile as MonoTouch
Too many Java.lang types exposed
We will be reducing those from the Android.* namespaces
Limited samples
Updater for our Visual Studio plugin.


  1. Android(安卓)ADT 离线下载技巧(告别在线安装的麻烦)
  2. ActionBar(1) 告别ActionBarSherlock,使用
  3. 告别 USB,用 wifi 进行 Android(安卓)真机调试
  4. android告别篇-对于源码我的一些看法
  5. 告别Dagger2模板代码:DaggerAndroid原理解析
  6. 告别Dagger2模板代码:DaggerAndroid使用详解
  7. Android(安卓)ADT 离线下载技巧(告别在线安装的麻烦)
  8. 告别躺赢,我靠索引+函数
  9. 告别祈祷式编程|单元测试在项目里的正确落地姿势


  1. 利用Android属性动画实现Banner的原理与
  2. Android2.0游戏开发实战宝典下载
  3. Flutter Android端启动白屏问题的解决
  4. Android(安卓)自定义View(二)仿滴滴大头针
  5. Android-UI屏幕适配全攻略
  6. H5唤起android app,启动关联应用
  7. Android(安卓)RecyclerView 的 网格布局
  8. 微信支付宝支付调用SDK
  9. 也谈Android下一个apk安装多个程序入口图
  10. Activity的构成