• android 屏幕适配之自动生成多重values
import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.PrintWriter;public class GenerateValueFiles { private int baseW;private int baseH;private String dirStr = "./res"; private final static String WTemplate = "{1}px\n";private final static String HTemplate = "{1}px\n"; /** * {0}-HEIGHT */private final static String VALUE_TEMPLATE = "values-{0}x{1}"; private static final String SUPPORT_DIMESION = "320,480;480,800;600,800;480,854;540,854;540,960;640,960;600,1024;768,1024;735,1152;720,1208;720,1184;720,1196;720,1280;768,1024;768,1280;800,1280;750,1334;1080,1700;1080,1776;1080,1800;1080,1812;1080,1920;1440,2560;1600,2560;1440,2880;3200,4500;"; private String supportStr = SUPPORT_DIMESION; public GenerateValueFiles(int baseX, int baseY, String supportStr) {this.baseW = baseX;this.baseH = baseY; if (!this.supportStr.contains(baseX + "," + baseY)) {this.supportStr += baseX + "," + baseY + ";";} this.supportStr += validateInput(supportStr); System.out.println(supportStr); File dir = new File(dirStr);if (!dir.exists()) {dir.mkdir(); }System.out.println(dir.getAbsoluteFile()); } /** * @param supportStr *            w,h_...w,h; * @return */private String validateInput(String supportStr) {StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();String[] vals = supportStr.split("_");int w = -1;int h = -1;String[] wh;for (String val : vals) {try {if (val == null || val.trim().length() == 0)continue; wh = val.split(",");w = Integer.parseInt(wh[0]);h = Integer.parseInt(wh[1]);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("skip invalidate params : w,h = " + val);continue;}sb.append(w + "," + h + ";");} return sb.toString();} public void generate() {String[] vals = supportStr.split(";");for (String val : vals) {String[] wh = val.split(",");generateXmlFile(Integer.parseInt(wh[0]), Integer.parseInt(wh[1]));} } private void generateXmlFile(int w, int h) { StringBuffer sbForWidth = new StringBuffer();sbForWidth.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n");sbForWidth.append("");float cellw = w * 1.0f / baseW; System.out.println("width : " + w + "," + baseW + "," + cellw);for (int i = 1; i < baseW; i++) {sbForWidth.append(WTemplate.replace("{0}", i + "").replace("{1}",change(cellw * i) + ""));}sbForWidth.append(WTemplate.replace("{0}", baseW + "").replace("{1}",w + ""));sbForWidth.append(""); StringBuffer sbForHeight = new StringBuffer();sbForHeight.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n");sbForHeight.append("");float cellh = h *1.0f/ baseH;System.out.println("height : "+ h + "," + baseH + "," + cellh);for (int i = 1; i < baseH; i++) {sbForHeight.append(HTemplate.replace("{0}", i + "").replace("{1}",change(cellh * i) + ""));}sbForHeight.append(HTemplate.replace("{0}", baseH + "").replace("{1}",h + ""));sbForHeight.append(""); File fileDir = new File(dirStr + File.separator+ VALUE_TEMPLATE.replace("{0}", h + "")//.replace("{1}", w + ""));fileDir.mkdir(); File layxFile = new File(fileDir.getAbsolutePath(), "lay_x.xml");File layyFile = new File(fileDir.getAbsolutePath(), "lay_y.xml");try {PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(layxFile));pw.print(sbForWidth.toString());pw.close();pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(layyFile));pw.print(sbForHeight.toString());pw.close();} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();}} public static float change(float a) {int temp = (int) (a * 100);return temp / 100f;} public static void main(String[] args) {int baseW = 1080;int baseH = 1920;String addition = "";try {if (args.length >= 3) {baseW = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);baseH = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);addition = args[2];} else if (args.length >= 2) {baseW = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);baseH = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);} else if (args.length >= 1) {addition = args[0];}} catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("right input params : java -jar xxx.jar width height w,h_w,h_..._w,h;");e.printStackTrace();System.exit(-1);} new GenerateValueFiles(baseW, baseH, addition).generate();} }
  • 运行里面的main方法即可实现

生成文件位置 【项目所在位置】/res/


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