一. 主动获取焦点

setFocusable(true); // 是设置能否获得焦点而已。.

requestFocus(); //是让控件得到焦点

requestFocusInWindow()  //的作用应该是获取窗口的焦点




Defines the relationship between the ViewGroup and its descendants when looking for a View to take focus.

Must be one of the following constant values.

Constant Value Description
beforeDescendants 0 The ViewGroup will get focus before any of its descendants.
afterDescendants 1 The ViewGroup will get focus only if none of its descendants want it.
blocksDescendants 2 The ViewGroup will block its descendants from receiving focus
具体可以看另外一篇文章: android:descendantFocusability用法简析


作用:1.可以监听activity获取/失去焦点 【hasFocus: true 获取焦点, false失去焦点】



public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); }


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