

1 将图片转化成RAW格式,可以使用ubuntu自代的GIMP软件。


用发如下:rgb2565 -rle <initlogo.raw> initlogo.rle

3将initlogo.rle 打包到根文件系统中


1. find an image you like
2. edit it with your favourite editing suite and scale it to 320x480(240*320)
3. after scaling it, convert the colorspace to 256 colors (8-bit)
4. Save it as a PNG without alpha channel/transparency.
5. Use the convert tool from the ImageMagick toolkit (use cygwin, or a linux box): convert -depth 8 splash.png rgb:splash.raw
6. Check that the splash.raw file is exactly 460800 bytes!(useless)
7. Compile the android tool called rgb2565 (gcc -O2 -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -o rgb2565 to565.c)
8. Run the conversion command: rgb2565 - rle < splash.raw > splash.raw565
9. Check that splash.raw565 is 307200 bytes. if it isn't, DO NOT FLASH IT ON YOUR PHONE. double-check your steps, something went wrong.


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