Distraction Free Mode

In the distraction-free mode, the editor occupies the entire IntelliJ IDEA frame, without any editor tabs and tool-window buttons. The code is center-aligned.

  • To switch to the distraction-free mode, choose View | Enter Distraction-Free Mode on the main menu.
  • To exit the distraction-free mode, choose View | Exit Distraction-Free Mode.


但是你可能会发现你进入 Distraction free mode 效果是这样的:



Setting > Editor > Code Style > 修改 Hard wrap at里面值最1000(范围是0~1000)

如果关闭Studio 后再次打开 Hard wrap at 失效,那么在 右边 的Scheme 选项里面选在Project

ok 完美解决。

Distraction free mode 模式下开发就需要你对快捷键比较熟悉,通过快捷键来打开你需要其他tabs 和 tool window。

tips : 如果你先每次进入 Distraction free mode 的方式比较麻烦你可以定义一个快捷键。


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