
1)setpositiveButton 确定
Set a listener to be invoked when the positive button of the dialog is pressed.

2)setNeutralButton 中间
Set a listener to be invoked when the neutral button of the dialog is pressed.

3)setNegativeButton 取消

Set a listener to be invoked when the negative button of the dialog is pressed.

Set a list of items to be displayed in the dialog as the content, you will be notified of the selected item via the supplied listener.

Set a list of items to be displayed in the dialog as the content, you will be notified of the selected item via the supplied listener.


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  4. Android实现Zaker的加载对话框
  5. Android自定义对话框(Dialog)位置,大小
  6. Android弹出对话框简单代码
  7. android getApplicationContext()与activity.this的区别
  8. android 图文列表的实现方法
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