1、java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.

最近在修改Android自带的Browser,已接近尾声。运行调试的时候遇到以上异常,于是在TabControl.java的方法attachTabToContentView添加 content.removeAllViews();解决了以上异常。可以看看这个http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5dfce6ca0100mrs7.html

VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vmx)
Exception 0xc0000006 (disk error while paging) has occurred.
A log file is available in "E:\amlogic-yan\vmware.log". A core file is available in "E:\amlogic-yan\vmware-vmx-2776.dmp". Please request support and include the contents of the log file and core file.
To collect data to submit to VMware support, choose "Collect Support Data" from the Help menu.
You can also run the "vm-support" script in the Workstation folder directly.
We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.


3、Android Launcher 图标焦点问题。


// setFocusable(true);//这句代码会让Launcher上的第一个快捷方式图标设置为选中状态


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