Android Studio 2.0 Beta 5发布,修复几个与即时运行相关的严重BUG.

This build fixes a couple of important bugs related to instant run:

Turn off Gradle’s javac incremental compilation in all scenarios. In previous builds we had turned it off when using annotation processors, but it turns out there are still some bugs where resource constant field changes are not propagated correctly, which led to runtime crashes after restarting the app. This may sound like a big performance sacrifice, but it’s not: the javac stage is typically a small part of the build (which is dominated by dex and adb push and install) – and note version 1.5.x of the Gradle plugin wasn’t using incremental javac compilation at all.

Change the way the app is restarted after making an incompatible change (a “coldswap”). The technique we were using resulted in some state being persisted across app runs, which could lead to crashes or unexpected intent data.

Note that you need to use the latest version of Gradle and Studio together, and in this build we automatically update the Gradle version if already using a previous non-stable (e.g. 2.x) preview version.


Windows: (314 MB)
Mac: (312 MB)
Linux: (312 MB)

如果你想更深入的了解Android Studio,请参考我的新书《Android Studio实用指南》,已在百度阅读首发.


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