1、Unresolved inclusion:<XXX>
2、syntax error
3、Function 'XXX' could not be resolved
4、Type 'XXX' could not be resolved
5、Symbol 'XXX' could not be resolved
6、Method 'XXX' could not be resolved

7、Invalid arguments 'Candidates are: ...'

1 错误形式一:没有导入头文件(这是最大的错误,会引起一系列下面的报错)。通常会有如下表现形式:

1、Unresolved inclusion: <jni.h>、Unresolved inclusion: <stdio.h>、Unresolved inclusion: <malloc.h>、Unresolved inclusion: <Android/log.h>、...
2、Function '__android_log_print' could not be resolved、Type 'JNIEnv' could not be resolved、Type 'jstring' could not be resolved、Type 'jclass' could not be resolved、Function 'malloc' could not be resolved、Function 'memcpy' could not be resolved、Method 'FindClass' could not be resolved、Type 'jsize' could not be resolved、Symbol 'NULL' could not be resolved、...

解决方法:右击项目 --> Properties --> 左侧C/C++ General --> Paths and Symbols --> 右侧Includes --> GNU C++(.cpp) --> Add——>${NDKROOT}\platforms\android-18\arch-arm\usr\include(tips:这里的NDK platforms\android-18一定要和你的工程的properties里的target一致)。

2 错误形式二:

1、Unresolved inclusion: <iostream>、Unresolved inclusion: <fstream>、Symbol 'std' could not be resolved、..
2、Type 'fstream' could not be resolved、Symbol 'in' could not be resolved、Method 'seekg' could not be resolved、Method 'read' could not be resolved、...

解决方法:添加路径(步骤见上述解决方法):${NDKROOT}\sources\cxx-stl\gnu-libstdc++\4.8\include 、${NDKROOT}\sources\cxx-stl\gnu-libstdc++\4.8\libs\armeabi\include。

3 错误形式三:Invalid arguments 'Candidates are:void * malloc(?)'、Invalid arguments 'Candidates are:void * memcpy(void *, const void *, ?)'


解决了错误,大家have fun


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