SDK Tools Only

If you prefer to use a different IDE or run the tools from the command line or with build scripts, you can instead download the stand-alone Android SDK Tools. These packages provide the basic SDK tools for app development, without an IDE. Also see the SDK tools release notes.

Platform Package Size SHA-1 Checksum
Windows installer_r24.2-windows.exe(Recommended) 107849819 bytes e764ea93aa72766737f9be3b9fb3e42d879ab599 155944165 bytes 2611ed9a6080f4838f1d4e55172801714a8a169b
Mac OS X 88949635 bytes 256c9bf642f56242d963c090d147de7402733451
Linux android-sdk_r24.2-linux.tgz 168119905 bytes 1a29f9827ef395a96db6292

链接: 密码: rymv


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