

Android Audio System 之一:AudioTrack如何与AudioFlinger交换音频数据

Android Audio System 之二:AudioFlinger

Android Audio System 之三: AudioPolicyService 和 AudioPolicyManager


Android音频系统有两大服务:一是AudioFlinger,二是AudioPolicyService。AudioFlinger负责向下访问AudioHardwareInterface,实现音频PCM数据的混音/输入/输出,实现音量调节;AudioPolicyService负责音频输入输出设备的连接状态,音频策略调度即音频设备(如本地CODEC、Bluetooth A2DP、Headset)的切换策略(注意它只是负责策略,真正的切换操作是在AudioFlinger中的openOutput,毕竟AudioFlinger负责操作底层音频硬件)。AudioPolicyService在以后的章节详细分析,这里主要探讨A2DP-Audio是如何注册到AudioFlinger中,并简要提及音频PCM数据流向。


AudioFlinger::AudioFlinger()    : BnAudioFlinger(),        mAudioHardware(0), mMasterVolume(1.0f), mMasterMute(false), mNextUniqueId(1){    mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;    mAudioHardware = AudioHardwareInterface::create();    ......

AudioHardwareInterface* AudioHardwareInterface::create(){    /*     * FIXME: This code needs to instantiate the correct audio device     * interface. For now - we use compile-time switches.     */    AudioHardwareInterface* hw = 0;    char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];#ifdef GENERIC_AUDIO    hw = new AudioHardwareGeneric();#else    // if running in emulation - use the emulator driver    if (property_get("ro.kernel.qemu", value, 0)) {        LOGD("Running in emulation - using generic audio driver");        hw = new AudioHardwareGeneric();    }    else {        LOGV("Creating Vendor Specific AudioHardware");        hw = createAudioHardware();    }#endif    if (hw->initCheck() != NO_ERROR) {        LOGW("Using stubbed audio hardware. No sound will be produced.");        delete hw;        hw = new AudioHardwareStub();    }    #ifdef WITH_A2DP    hw = new A2dpAudioInterface(hw);#endif#ifdef ENABLE_AUDIO_DUMP    // This code adds a record of buffers in a file to write calls made by AudioFlinger.    // It replaces the current AudioHardwareInterface object by an intermediate one which    // will record buffers in a file (after sending them to hardware) for testing purpose.    // This feature is enabled by defining symbol ENABLE_AUDIO_DUMP.    // The output file is set with setParameters("test_cmd_file_name="). Pause are not recorded in the file.    LOGV("opening PCM dump interface");    hw = new AudioDumpInterface(hw);    // replace interface#endif    return hw;}
这个函数我在 ANDROID2.3音频系统HAL有简要的分析,现在我们接着往下看看A2DP的注册:

hw = new A2dpAudioInterface(hw);


AudioStreamOut* A2dpAudioInterface::openOutputStream(        uint32_t devices, int *format, uint32_t *channels, uint32_t *sampleRate, status_t *status){    if (!AudioSystem::isA2dpDevice((AudioSystem::audio_devices)devices)) {        LOGV("A2dpAudioInterface::openOutputStream() open HW device: %x", devices);        return mHardwareInterface->openOutputStream(devices, format, channels, sampleRate, status);    }    status_t err = 0;    // only one output stream allowed    if (mOutput) {        if (status)            *status = -1;        return NULL;    }    // create new output stream    A2dpAudioStreamOut* out = new A2dpAudioStreamOut();    if ((err = out->set(devices, format, channels, sampleRate)) == NO_ERROR) {        mOutput = out;        mOutput->setBluetoothEnabled(mBluetoothEnabled);        mOutput->setSuspended(mSuspended);    } else {        delete out;    }    if (status)        *status = err;    return mOutput;}
当上层传下来的devices不属于A2DP设备时,则return mHardwareInterface->openOutputStream(devices, format, channels, sampleRate, status);其中mHardwareInterface保存的是ALSA的hw。否则A2dpAudioStreamOut* out = new A2dpAudioStreamOut();为A2DP打开一个音频输出流。



int a2dp_init(int rate, int channels, a2dpData* dataPtr);void a2dp_set_sink(a2dpData data, const char* address);int a2dp_write(a2dpData data, const void* buffer, int count);int a2dp_stop(a2dpData data);void a2dp_cleanup(a2dpData data);





ssize_t A2dpAudioInterface::A2dpAudioStreamOut::write(const void* buffer, size_t bytes){    Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);    size_t remaining = bytes;    status_t status = -1;    if (!mBluetoothEnabled || mClosing || mSuspended) {        LOGV("A2dpAudioStreamOut::write(), but bluetooth disabled \               mBluetoothEnabled %d, mClosing %d, mSuspended %d",                mBluetoothEnabled, mClosing, mSuspended);        goto Error;    }    status = init();    if (status < 0)        goto Error;    while (remaining > 0) {        status = a2dp_write(mData, buffer, remaining);        if (status <= 0) {            LOGE("a2dp_write failed err: %d\n", status);            goto Error;        }        remaining -= status;        buffer = ((char *)buffer) + status;    }    mStandby = false;    return bytes;Error:    // Simulate audio output timing in case of error    usleep(((bytes * 1000 )/ frameSize() / sampleRate()) * 1000);    return status;}
核心语句:status = a2dp_write(mData, buffer, remaining); 只需要传入音频数据的首地址和大小就行了。



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