
Activity is one of the primary components of an Android application. In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at the android activity lifecycle, and the various functions invoked in the different stages of an Activity’s runtime.

活动是Android应用程序的主要组件之一。 在本教程中,我们将研究android Activity的生命周期,以及在Activity运行时的不同阶段调用的各种函数。

Android活动生命周期流程图 (Android Activity Lifecycle Flow Diagram)

An Activity is a single focused thing that the user can see. Let’s see how the lifecycle of an Activity looks like, which functions are triggered when and why, through a flow diagram.

活动是用户可以看到的唯一关注的事物。 让我们看看活动的生命周期如何,通过流程图何时何地触发了哪些功能。

Android活动生命周期阶段 (Android Activity Lifecycle Stages)

The android activity goes through following lifecycle stages.


  • Create

  • Start

  • Pause

  • Resume

  • Stop

  • Restart

  • Destroy


There are specific callback functions for each of these lifecycle stages.


Android活动生命周期功能 (Android Activity Lifecycle Functions)

Let’s look at the lifestyle functions of an activity.


1. onCreate() (1. onCreate())

This is the first stage of an activity lifecycle. This function is called when the activity is initialized.

这是活动生命周期的第一阶段。 活动初始化时将调用此函数。

In our Kotlin Activity class, the following function defines onCreate():

在我们的Kotlin Activity类中,以下函数定义了onCreate()

fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

We’ll look at what the bundle value contains in a later section.


2. onStart() (2. onStart())

In this lifecycle stage, the activity is ready to process. This function is called when the activity comes into the foreground but it isn’t interactive yet.

在此生命周期阶段,活动已准备就绪。 当活动进入前台但尚未交互时,将调用此函数。

3. onResume() (3. onResume())

This is where the activity is executing. This function is called when the user is interacting with the activity.

这是活动执行的地方。 当用户与活动进行交互时,将调用此函数。

4. onPause() (4. onPause())

This function is called when the user interaction with the activity isn’t possible.


Common scenarios: An incoming call comes up. Another application pops up. With the introduction of Android N and the multi-window feature, multiple apps are visible on the screen at one time. Apps that are not in focus would have the onPause() method triggered.

常见情况 :出现来电。 弹出另一个应用程序。 引入Android N和多窗口功能后,一次可在屏幕上看到多个应用程序。 没有重点关注的应用将触发onPause()方法。

5. onStop() (5. onStop())

This function gets triggered when the activity is no longer visible and it has stopped working.


6. onDestroy() (6. onDestroy())

This function gets triggered when the activity is destroyed.


Common scenarios: A new activity starts and the current activity is killed. For example, pressing back button to exit the application.

常见情况 :新活动开始,当前活动被终止。 例如,按返回按钮退出应用程序。

7. onRestart() (7. onRestart())

This function gets triggered whenever the activity starts after being stopped. It differs from onStart() in the fact that it won’t be called when the activity launches for the first time. In the later stages, it’ll always be called before onStart().

停止活动后,只要活动开始,就会触发此功能。 它与onStart()不同之处在于,在活动首次启动时不会调用它。 在后面的阶段中,将始终在onStart()之前onStart()它。

保存和还原活动状态 (Saving and Restoring Activity States)

Android provides us with a pair of functions : onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState().

Android为我们提供了一对函数: onSaveInstanceState()onRestoreInstanceState()

Following are the major scenarios when your activity’s state is saved.


  1. When onStop() is triggered.

  2. On configuration changes such as screen rotations, changes in screen sizes. Android N has multi-window features, so user often changes the window size of the applications.

    在配置更改(例如屏幕旋转)时,屏幕尺寸也会更改。 Android N具有多窗口功能,因此用户经常更改应用程序的窗口大小。

Configuration changes generally trigger the application to recreate the current activity by destroying the current view to draw it again. We need to save the current state of the activity in the onSaveInstanceState() function as shown below.

配置更改通常会通过破坏当前视图以再次绘制来触发应用程序重新创建当前活动。 我们需要将活动的当前状态保存在onSaveInstanceState()函数中,如下所示。

override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle?) {        super.onSaveInstanceState(outState)    }

The Bundle object stores the field values from the activity in the form of key/value pairs.


The Bundle object is of the type nullable to prevent NullPointerException, thanks to Kotlin.


override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState)}

The onRestoreInstanceState() function is only called when a saved state exists.


Note: Android automatically takes care of saving and restoring Views that have a unique ID.

注意 :Android会自动负责保存和还原具有唯一ID的视图。

Hence in the below layout, only the value of TextView would be saved and restored.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>        

To disable saving the view’s state, set the attribute android:saveEnabled to false


For Custom Views we need to explicitly set setSavedEnabled(true) on the widget.


Following code snippet demonstrates saving and restoring state in an activity.


import android.os.Bundleimport*class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {    var title = "This title variable would reset when the configuration is changed. Let's preserve it"    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)        textView.setText(title)    }    override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle?) {        outState?.putString("title",title)        super.onSaveInstanceState(outState)    }    override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        textView.setText(savedInstanceState?.getString("title"))        super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState)    }}

The onRestoreInstanceState() function is called only when recreating activity after it was killed by the Android OS.

onRestoreInstanceState()函数仅在被Android OS杀死活动后重新创建活动时才调用。

Note: Alternatively, the saved instance values can be retrieved in the onCreate function too. But we’ll have to keep a null checker since the bundle object would be null when the activity is created for the first time.

注意 :或者,也可以在onCreate函数中检索保存的实例值。 但是我们必须保留一个null检查器,因为在首次创建活动时,bundle对象将为null。

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)        if (savedInstanceState != null) {            textView.setText(savedInstanceState.getString("title"))        } else            textView.setText(title)    }

处理活动配置更改 (Handling Activity Configuration Changes Ourselves)

We can set the android:configChanges attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file to prevent recreating the activity on a configuration change.


The following method gets triggered whenever any of the above configuration change happens.


override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration?) {        super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig)}

References: Google Docs

参考资料: Google文件




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