1. wpa_supplicant

During the process of EAP-SIM Authentication, wpa_supplicant will send APDU-Command:"SELECT" to ApduService.

  1. The "SELECT" Command means to select one file from the file system of SIM Card

  2. The right APDU-Response is 0x61, or 0x6c, or 0x9f, which means the APDU-Command executed successfully;

  3. The wrong APDU-Response is 0x6a82, which means "Selected file not found", according to the protocol: ETSI GSM 11.11

    scard_get_imsi()         |-->scard_select_file()               |-->_scard_select_file()                    |-->scard_transmit()                         |-->SCardTransmit()                              |-->(1)socket_local_client()-->open socket and connect                              |      |-->socket()                              |      |-->socket_local_client_connect()                              |           |-->connect()                              |-->(2)send()                              |-->(3)select()                              |-->(4)recv()

2. ApduService

The ApduService is responsible for setting up a Unix socket when Wifi starts and listening for incoming connections.
Data read from the socket will be parsed and transmitted as a APDU Command to Telephony.
The response will be sent back over the socket. The socket's name is sent to the wpa supplicant.

    runService()     |-->(1)waitForConnection()     |        |-->ServerSocket.accept()     |-->(2)communicationWithClient()              |-->ConnectionSocket.getInputStream()              |-->ConnectionSocket.getOutputStream()              |-->phone.iccTransmitApduBasicChannel()

3. PhoneInterfaceManager 


(1) important events:EVENT_TRANSMIT_APDU_LOGIC_CHANNEL_DONE   EVENT_TRANSMIT_APDU_BASIC_CHANNEL_DONE   (2) important commands:   CMD_TRANSMIT_APDU_LOGIC_CHANNEL   CMD_TRANSMIT_APDU_BASIC_CHANNEL   (3) important methods:   iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel()   iccTransmitApduBasicChannel()   (4) related System Property:   [gsm.sim.operator.numeric] 


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