1.Android Dependencies,Referenced Libraries,Android Private Libraries

Android Private Libraries- Android libraries allows one to store source code and resources which are used by several other Android projects. The Android Development Tools(ADT) compile the content of library into the Android project by creating a JAR file. Using libraries, help you to structure your application code. Also more and more important Open Source libraries are available for Android. Understanding library projects is therefore important for every Android programmer.

Referenced Libraries- Referenced Libraries include all the necessary external JAR libraries that the project requires to function.

Android Dependencies- Android Dependencies is a virtual folder where Eclipse shows what JAR files the project depends on. It's not a physical folder; you won't find it on your hard disk. Deleting this folder would destroy your project.




  1. Android(安卓)3.0 SDK 最新官方下载
  2. 安卓资源及学习文档
  3. android官方资料
  4. Android(安卓)SDK Android(安卓)Studio Android(安卓)NDK 官方下
  5. Android(安卓)SDK Android(安卓)NDK 官方下载地址
  6. Android(安卓)SDK Android(安卓)NDK 官方下载地址
  7. Android(安卓)SDK/Android(安卓)NDK/Android(安卓)Studio官方下
  8. Android(安卓)SDK/Android(安卓)NDK/Android(安卓)Studio官方下
  9. Android(安卓)SDK Android(安卓)NDK 官方下载地址(zt)


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