
android的文本渲染框架其实也是一个基于FreeType2的一个框架。所以,我们可以先看一下,FreeType2 API的一些用法,以及使用FreeType2 直接来做文本渲染的方法。(说明一下,下面的例子都是用Python写的,用的FreeType2 Python binding 为freetype-py-0.4.1,用的GUI框架为gtk)



#!/usr/bin/python'''Author: Wolf-CSWebsite: edited: May 2013'''import gtk, gtk.gdkimport freetypeclass MainWindow(gtk.Window):    def __init__(self):        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()        self.init_ui()        self.create_pixbuf()    def init_ui(self):        self.darea = gtk.DrawingArea()        self.darea.connect("expose_event", self.expose)        self.add(self.darea)        self.set_title("Draw Single Character")        self.resize(480, 320)        self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)        self.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)        self.show_all()    def create_pixbuf(self):        width = 480        height = 320        self.datapb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height)        self.clear_pixbuf(self.datapb, 0, 128, 255, 255)    def expose(self, widget, event):        self.context = widget.window.cairo_create()        self.on_draw(700, self.context)    def on_draw(self, wdith, cr):        character = 'A'        face = freetype.Face("./Arial.ttf")        text_size = 128        face.set_char_size(text_size * 64)                self.draw_char(self.datapb, 180, 100, character, face)                gtk.gdk.CairoContext.set_source_pixbuf(cr, self.datapb, 0, 0)        cr.paint()    def draw_ft_bitmap(self, pixbuf, bitmap, pen):        x_pos = pen.x >> 6        y_pos = pen.y >> 6        width = bitmap.width        rows = bitmap.rows        pixbuf_width = pixbuf.get_width()        pixbuf_height = pixbuf.get_height()#        print "y_pos = %d, pixbuf_height = %d" % (y_pos, pixbuf_height)        assert ((y_pos > 0) and (y_pos + rows < pixbuf_height))        assert ((x_pos > 0) and (x_pos + width < pixbuf_width))        glyph_pixels = bitmap.buffer        for line in range(rows):            for column in range(width):                if glyph_pixels[line * width + column] != 0:                    self.put_pixel(pixbuf, y_pos + line, x_pos + column,                                glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                                glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                               glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                               255)    def draw_char(self, pixbuf, x_pos, y_pos, char, face):        face.load_char(char)        slot = face.glyph        bitmap = slot.bitmap        pen = freetype.Vector()        pen.x = x_pos << 6        pen.y = y_pos << 6        self.draw_ft_bitmap(pixbuf, bitmap, pen)    def put_pixel(self, pixbuf, y_pos, x_pos, red, green, blue, alpha):        n_channels = pixbuf.get_n_channels()        width = pixbuf.get_width()        height = pixbuf.get_height()        assert (n_channels == 4)        assert (y_pos >= 0 and y_pos < height)        assert (x_pos >= 0 and x_pos < width)        pixels = pixbuf.get_pixels_array()#        print "pixels = " + str (pixels)        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][0] = red        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][1] = green        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][2] = blue        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][3] = alpha    def clear_pixbuf(self, pixbuf, red, green, blue, alpha):        n_channels = pixbuf.get_n_channels()        assert (n_channels == 4)        width = pixbuf.get_width()        height = pixbuf.get_height()        pixels = pixbuf.get_pixels_array()        for row in range(height):            for column in range(width):                pixels[row][column][0] = red                pixels[row][column][1] = green                pixels[row][column][2] = blue                pixels[row][column][3] = alphadef main():    window = MainWindow()    gtk.main()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

上面的那段code,draw_char()方法,用于向GTK的pixbuf中画入一个字符,可以看到,它完成的动作为,将一个字符的bitmap加载进Face对象的glyph slot中,然后再由glyph slot提取到glyph的bitmap,最后则调用draw_ft_bitmap()函数来将glyph的bitmap绘制到pixbuf中。

在上面的那段code中,除了draw_char()draw_ft_bitmap()这两个函数外,其他的函数都用于和GTK GUI框架来打交道。由上面的那段code,对于pixbuf中存储像素数据的格式,及FreeType2的bitmap中存储像素的格式,想必还是可以找到一点感觉的。具体GTK窗口系统以及GTK pixbuf更详细的用法说明,则可以再借由网络来寻找到更多的信息。




#!/usr/bin/python'''Author: Wolf-CSWebsite: edited: June 2013Draw Simple Text String.'''import gtk, gtk.gdkimport freetypeclass MainWindow(gtk.Window):    def __init__(self):        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()        self.init_ui()        self.create_pixbuf()    def init_ui(self):        self.darea = gtk.DrawingArea()        self.darea.connect("expose_event", self.expose)        self.add(self.darea)        self.set_title("Draw Simple Text String")        self.resize(700, 200)        self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)        self.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)        self.show_all()    def create_pixbuf(self):        width = 700        height = 200        self.datapb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height)        self.clear_pixbuf(self.datapb, 0, 128, 255, 255)    def expose(self, widget, event):        self.context = widget.window.cairo_create()        self.on_draw(700, self.context)    def on_draw(self, wdith, cr):        text = "A Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"        face = freetype.Face("./Arial.ttf")        text_size = 32        face.set_char_size(text_size * 64)        self.draw_string(self.datapb, 5, 100, text, face)        gtk.gdk.CairoContext.set_source_pixbuf(cr, self.datapb, 0, 0)        cr.paint()    def draw_ft_bitmap(self, pixbuf, bitmap, pen):        x_pos = pen.x >> 6        y_pos = pen.y >> 6        width = bitmap.width        rows = bitmap.rows        pixbuf_width = pixbuf.get_width()        pixbuf_height = pixbuf.get_height()#        print "y_pos = %d, pixbuf_height = %d" % (y_pos, pixbuf_height)        assert ((y_pos > 0) and (y_pos + rows < pixbuf_height))        assert ((x_pos > 0) and (x_pos + width < pixbuf_width))        glyph_pixels = bitmap.buffer        for line in range(rows):            for column in range(width):                if glyph_pixels[line * width + column] != 0:                    self.put_pixel(pixbuf, y_pos + line, x_pos + column,                                glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                                glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                               glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                               255)    def draw_string(self, pixbuf, x_pos, y_pos, textstr, face):        prev_char = 0;        pen = freetype.Vector()        pen.x = x_pos << 6        pen.y = y_pos << 6        hscale = 1.0        matrix = freetype.Matrix(int((hscale) * 0x10000L), int((0.2) * 0x10000L),                         int((0.0) * 0x10000L), int((1.1) * 0x10000L))        cur_pen = freetype.Vector()        pen_translate = freetype.Vector()        for cur_char in textstr:            face.set_transform(matrix, pen_translate)            face.load_char(cur_char)            kerning = face.get_kerning(prev_char, cur_char)            pen.x += kerning.x            slot = face.glyph            bitmap = slot.bitmap            cur_pen.x = pen.x            cur_pen.y = pen.y - slot.bitmap_top * 64            self.draw_ft_bitmap(pixbuf, bitmap, cur_pen)            pen.x += slot.advance.x            prev_char = cur_char    def put_pixel(self, pixbuf, y_pos, x_pos, red, green, blue, alpha):        n_channels = pixbuf.get_n_channels()        width = pixbuf.get_width()        height = pixbuf.get_height()        assert (n_channels == 4)        assert (y_pos >= 0 and y_pos < height)        assert (x_pos >= 0 and x_pos < width)        pixels = pixbuf.get_pixels_array()        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][0] = red        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][1] = green        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][2] = blue        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][3] = alpha    def clear_pixbuf(self, pixbuf, red, green, blue, alpha):        n_channels = pixbuf.get_n_channels()        assert (n_channels == 4)        width = pixbuf.get_width()        height = pixbuf.get_height()        pixels = pixbuf.get_pixels_array()        for row in range(height):            for column in range(width):                pixels[row][column][0] = red                pixels[row][column][1] = green                pixels[row][column][2] = blue                pixels[row][column][3] = alphadef main():    window = MainWindow()    gtk.main()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

由上面的draw_string()函数,可以看到,在使用Face对象来加载字符的glyph时,其实是同时会加载很多相关的信息,比如glyph的宽度啦(称为为advance)之类的。依据当前字符的位置,来确定下一个字符的位置,正是依据于这个advance。比如当前字符的位置为x1,当前字符的glyph的advance为advance1,那么下一个字符的位置就应该是x1 + advance1。

对各个字符的位置有影响的,还有另外一个因素,称为kerning。其含义大体为,在一些上下文中,一些字符的位置,需要在通过advance调整之后,再做微小的调整,以使得显示的效果更好。比如“V”和“A”这两个字符放在一起显示,“A”字符的位置,不会仅仅是“V”的位置加上“V”的advance,而是会将“A”的位置往前再做一点点的调整这样。使用kerning 信息来对字符位置做调整,对应于上面的code中,get_kerning()相关的那一部分。




#!/usr/bin/python'''Author: Wolf-CSWebsite: edited: June 2013Draw Simple Text String.'''import gtk, gtk.gdkimport freetypeclass Glyph:    def __init__(self, glyphID, advance, x_position, y_position):        self.glyphId = glyphID        self.advance = advance        self.x_position = x_position        self.y_position = y_positionclass TextLayoutValue:    def __init__(self, glyphs, total_advance):        self.glyphs = glyphs        self.total_advance = total_advanceclass MainWindow(gtk.Window):    def __init__(self):        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()        self.init_ui()        self.create_pixbuf()    def init_ui(self):        self.darea = gtk.DrawingArea()        self.darea.connect("expose_event", self.expose)        self.add(self.darea)        self.set_title("Draw Single Character")        self.resize(700, 360)        self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)        self.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit)        self.show_all()    def create_pixbuf(self):        width = 700        height = 360        self.datapb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height)        self.clear_pixbuf(self.datapb, 0, 128, 255, 255)    def expose(self, widget, event):        self.context = widget.window.cairo_create()        self.on_draw(700, self.context)    def on_draw(self, wdith, cr):        textstr = "A Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"        face = freetype.Face("./Arial.ttf")        text_size = 32        face.set_char_size(text_size * 64)        text_str_layout_value = self.compute_text_string_layout_value(textstr, face)#        for glyph in text_str_layout_value.glyphs:#            print "glyph.glyphId = " + str(glyph.glyphId) \#                + "glyph.advance = " + str(glyph.advance) \#                + "glyph.x_position = " + str(glyph.x_position) \#                + "glyph.y_position = " + str(glyph.y_position) #        print "text_str_layout_value.total_advance = " + str(text_str_layout_value.total_advance)        metrics = face.size        self.ascender  = metrics.ascender/64.0        self.descender = metrics.descender/64.0        self.height    = metrics.height/64.0        self.linegap   = self.height - self.ascender + self.descender                x_position = (700 - text_str_layout_value.total_advance / 64) / 2        ypos = int(self.ascender)        color_map_index = 0        while ypos + int(self.height) < 360:            self.draw_pos_glyph_text(self.datapb, x_position, int(ypos), text_str_layout_value.glyphs, face)            color_map_index += 1            ypos += int(self.ascender - self.descender)        gtk.gdk.CairoContext.set_source_pixbuf(cr, self.datapb, 0, 0)        cr.paint()    def draw_pos_glyph_text(self, pixbuf, x_pos, y_pos, glyphs, face):        x_position = x_pos * 64        y_position = y_pos * 64        cur_pen = freetype.Vector()        for glyph in glyphs:            glyph_index = glyph.glyphId            cur_pen.x = glyph.x_position + x_position            cur_pen.y = glyph.y_position + y_position            face.load_glyph(glyph_index)            slot = face.glyph            bitmap = slot.bitmap            self.draw_ft_bitmap(pixbuf, bitmap, cur_pen)        def compute_text_string_layout_value(self, textstr, face):        prev_char = 0        pen = freetype.Vector()        pen.x = 0 << 6        pen.y = 0 << 6        hscale = 1.0        matrix = freetype.Matrix(int((hscale) * 0x10000L), int((0.2) * 0x10000L),                         int((0.0) * 0x10000L), int((1.1) * 0x10000L))        glyphs = []        cur_pen = freetype.Vector()        pen_translate = freetype.Vector()        for cur_char in textstr:            face.set_transform(matrix, pen_translate)            glyph_index = face.get_char_index(cur_char)            face.load_glyph(glyph_index)            kerning = face.get_kerning(prev_char, cur_char)            pen.x += kerning.x            slot = face.glyph            cur_pen.x = pen.x            cur_pen.y = pen.y - slot.bitmap_top * 64            glyph = Glyph(glyph_index, slot.advance.x, cur_pen.x, cur_pen.y)            glyphs.append(glyph)            pen.x += slot.advance.x            prev_char = cur_char                text_str_layout_value = TextLayoutValue(glyphs, pen.x)        return text_str_layout_value    def draw_ft_bitmap(self, pixbuf, bitmap, pen):        x_pos = pen.x >> 6        y_pos = pen.y >> 6        width = bitmap.width        rows = bitmap.rows        pixbuf_width = pixbuf.get_width()        pixbuf_height = pixbuf.get_height()#        print "y_pos = %d, pixbuf_height = %d" % (y_pos, pixbuf_height)        assert ((y_pos > 0) and (y_pos + rows < pixbuf_height))        assert ((x_pos > 0) and (x_pos + width < pixbuf_width))        glyph_pixels = bitmap.buffer        for line in range(rows):            for column in range(width):                if glyph_pixels[line * width + column] != 0:                    self.put_pixel(pixbuf, y_pos + line, x_pos + column,                                glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                                glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                               glyph_pixels[line * width + column],                               255)    def put_pixel(self, pixbuf, y_pos, x_pos, red, green, blue, alpha):        n_channels = pixbuf.get_n_channels()        width = pixbuf.get_width()        height = pixbuf.get_height()        assert (n_channels == 4)        assert (y_pos >= 0 and y_pos < height)        assert (x_pos >= 0 and x_pos < width)        pixels = pixbuf.get_pixels_array()        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][0] = red        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][1] = green        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][2] = blue        pixels[y_pos][x_pos][3] = alpha    def clear_pixbuf(self, pixbuf, red, green, blue, alpha):        n_channels = pixbuf.get_n_channels()        assert (n_channels == 4)        width = pixbuf.get_width()        height = pixbuf.get_height()        pixels = pixbuf.get_pixels_array()        for row in range(height):            for column in range(width):                pixels[row][column][0] = red                pixels[row][column][1] = green                pixels[row][column][2] = blue                pixels[row][column][3] = alphadef main():    window = MainWindow()    gtk.main()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

可以看到上面那段code中绘制文本的方法,它是先调用compute_text_string_layout_value()来将字串的各个glyph的相关信息,比如advance,glyph index,x_position,y_position等收集进一个数组里面,然后再算出整个字串的宽度,随后依据字串的宽度确定字串的位置,最后才将一个个的glyph绘制出来。


上面的那个绘制文字的流程,与android中绘制文字的流程,其实已经有很多的相似之处了,只不过上面的那段code中所演示的各个部分,比如text layout value的计算,或者glyph的绘制,glyph的管理等,不是那么简简单单的通过一个函数,就接到了FreeType里去了,而是会使用整个模块或者多个模块来共同完成。接下来,看一下,android中对应于上面的那个compute_text_string_layout_value()函数的模块的一部分,即android的文本布局引擎的实现。



class TextLayoutValue : public RefBase {public:    TextLayoutValue(size_t contextCount);    void setElapsedTime(uint32_t time);    uint32_t getElapsedTime();    inline const jfloat* getAdvances() const { return mAdvances.array(); }    inline size_t getAdvancesCount() const { return mAdvances.size(); }    inline jfloat getTotalAdvance() const { return mTotalAdvance; }    inline const jchar* getGlyphs() const { return mGlyphs.array(); }    inline size_t getGlyphsCount() const { return mGlyphs.size(); }    inline const jfloat* getPos() const { return mPos.array(); }    inline size_t getPosCount() const { return mPos.size(); }    /**     * Advances vector     */    Vector<jfloat> mAdvances;    /**     * Total number of advances     */    jfloat mTotalAdvance;    /**     * Glyphs vector     */    Vector<jchar> mGlyphs;    /**     * Pos vector (2 * i is x pos, 2 * i + 1 is y pos, same as drawPosText)     */    Vector<jfloat> mPos;    /**     * Get the size of the Cache entry     */    size_t getSize() const;private:    /**     * Time for computing the values (in milliseconds)     */    uint32_t mElapsedTime;}; // TextLayoutCacheValue

可以看到,这个结构的定义,与我们前面的那个例子中定义的TextLayoutValue是何等的相似啊。好吧,我们前面的那个例子中的定义正是仿照android中的这段code来写的。仅有的一点区别是,这个结构中,存储各个glyph的information是通过多个数组来完成的。看一下这个结构里面的几个成员,想必都不用多做解释了吧,mAdvances用来保存各个glyph的advance;mGlyphs用于保存各个glyph 的ID,注意,不是glyph 的index哦;mPos则用于保存各个glyph的位置信息,当然这些位置信息都基于首个glyph的位置在(0,0)这个假设。


看了前面的那个 TextLayoutValue ,脑袋里不自觉的就会冒出一个大大的问号,这个 TextLayoutValue在android里,到底 是如何算出来的呢?想要找到答案,还请看




    void computeValues(TextLayoutValue* value, const SkPaint* paint, const UChar* chars,            size_t start, size_t count, size_t contextCount, int dirFlags);



  1. 将传入的Bidi flag做一个转换
  2. 调用ubidi_open()函数创建一个UBiDi对象
  3. 调用ubidi_setPara(bidi, chars, contextCount, bidiReq, NULL, &status)函数来对字串做Bidi分析。
  4. 调用ubidi_getParaLevel(bidi)获取到整个子串paragraph的方向,以及调用ubidi_countRuns(bidi, &status)来获取整个字串中所包含的Bidi run的个数。
  5. 通过一个循环来,来计算每一个Bidi run的text layout value。在循环中,它会调用ubidi_getVisualRun(bidi, i, &startRun, &lengthRun)函数来获取到一个Bidi run的方向,起始位置,长度等信息,然后再调用computeRunValues(paint, chars + startRun, lengthRun, isRTL, outAdvances, outTotalAdvance, outGlyphs, outPos)来具体的完成计算一个Bidi run text layout value的工作。

总结一下,在这个函数中,主要处理与Bidirectional 有关的东西,即,对字串做Bidi,将字串分割成小的Bidi run,然后调用computeRunValues()函数来计算Bidi run text layout value。



然后是computeRunValues()函数的实现。如前所述,这个函数用于计算一个Bidi run text的text layout value。由它的code,我们可以看到,它主要做了这么几件事情:

  1. 针对于字符串中出现的UBLOCK_COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS类型的字符做normalization。具体什么样的字符算是UBLOCK_COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS字符,可以参考Unicode官方提供的一份文档,在可以下载。大体上这都是一些重音符号之类的上下标。而normalization的过程,则大致是会根据上下文,将一些上下标的字符与它旁边的一些字符整体替换为另外的一个字符这样。
  2. 针对于RTL的Bidi Run做mirror。大体上就是某些成对的符号,比如小括号,大括号这些,在RTL子串中要反过来,即原来左小括号的Unicode,要被替换为右小括号的Unicode这样
  3. 用一个循环,将一个Bidi Run的字串,切分成多个小的script run,然后计算每一个小的script run的text layout value并输出。

接下来,再来看一下计算一个小的script run的text layout value并输出的过程:

  1. 通过hb_utf16_script_run_prev()或者hb_utf16_script_run_next()获取到一个script run在Bidi run中的位置,长度,及script值。
  2. 调用shapeFontRun()来对一个script run做shape。在shapeFontRun()中,实际上最终会使用harfbuzz来做shape。
  3. 输出advances。advance的语义可以参考"Android Text Layout 框架"中的那个图。由于有些复杂语系,并不是每一个字符对应一个glyph,所以此处需要再做一些处理。
  4. 输出glyph ID。
  5. 计算并输出各个glyph的position的信息。harfbuzz实际上只会返回各个glyph的advance和offsets这样的一些信息,所以此处需要再做计算来确定各个glyph的位置。






HB_Bool HB_ShapeItem(HB_ShaperItem *shaperItem);



    // Set the string properties    mShaperItem.string = useNormalizedString ? mNormalizedString.getTerminatedBuffer() : chars;    mShaperItem.stringLength = count;

    while ((isRTL) ?            hb_utf16_script_run_prev(&numCodePoints, &mShaperItem.item, mShaperItem.string,                    mShaperItem.stringLength, &indexFontRun):            hb_utf16_script_run_next(&numCodePoints, &mShaperItem.item, mShaperItem.string,                    mShaperItem.stringLength, &indexFontRun)) {

hb_utf16_script_run_next() hb_utf16_script_run_prev()函数,会初始化 mShaperItem.item为一个script的相关信息,什么起始位置,长度,script值之类的。同时,还有带script的direction信息给harfbuzz,通过mShaperItem->item.bidiLevel。

3、harfbuzz shape时需要一个HB_Face对象,通过shaperItem->face传入。harfbuzz会通过HB_Face对象来获取到字库文件中一些table的内容,比如“GSUB”,“GPOS”之类的。在android中这个参数有由getCachedHBFace()函数创建:

HB_Face TextLayoutShaper::getCachedHBFace(SkTypeface* typeface) {    SkFontID fontId = typeface->uniqueID();    ssize_t index = mCachedHBFaces.indexOfKey(fontId);    if (index >= 0) {        return mCachedHBFaces.valueAt(index);    }    HB_Face face = HB_NewFace(typeface, harfbuzzSkiaGetTable);    if (face) {#if DEBUG_GLYPHS        ALOGD("Created HB_NewFace %p from paint typeface = %p", face, typeface);#endif        mCachedHBFaces.add(fontId, face);    }    return face;}


4、Harfbuzz shape时,需要一个HB_FontRec对象,通过shaperItem->font传入。harfbuzz所需要的许多信息都将来源于这个对象。客户端需要提供一组callback,及相应的user_data,让这个对象带给harfbuzz,harfbuzz通过这组callback来将unicode的字串转换成glyph id,获取到一个glyph 的metrics等。harfbuzz不管理glyph,在android里,通过skia来进行glyph的管理,所以会需要这组callback,以方便的将获取glyph id这样的一些功能接到skia里去。

TextLayoutShaper::TextLayoutShaper() : mShaperItemGlyphArraySize(0) {    init();    mFontRec.klass = &harfbuzzSkiaClass;    mFontRec.userData = 0;    // Note that the scaling values (x_ and y_ppem, x_ and y_scale) will be set    // below, when the paint transform and em unit of the actual shaping font    // are known.    memset(&mShaperItem, 0, sizeof(mShaperItem));    mShaperItem.font = &mFontRec;    mShaperItem.font->userData = &mShapingPaint;}void TextLayoutShaper::init() {    mDefaultTypeface = SkFontHost::CreateTypeface(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, SkTypeface::kNormal);}


    // Define shaping paint properties    mShapingPaint.setTextSize(paint->getTextSize());    float skewX = paint->getTextSkewX();    mShapingPaint.setTextSkewX(skewX);    mShapingPaint.setTextScaleX(paint->getTextScaleX());    mShapingPaint.setFlags(paint->getFlags());    mShapingPaint.setHinting(paint->getHinting());    mShapingPaint.setFontVariant(paint->getFontVariant());    mShapingPaint.setLanguage(paint->getLanguage());



    int textSize = paint->getTextSize();    float scaleX = paint->getTextScaleX();    mFontRec.x_ppem = floor(scaleX * textSize + 0.5);    mFontRec.y_ppem = textSize;    uint32_t unitsPerEm = SkFontHost::GetUnitsPerEm(typeface->uniqueID());    // x_ and y_scale are the conversion factors from font design space    // (unitsPerEm) to 1/64th of device pixels in 16.16 format.    const int kDevicePixelFraction = 64;    const int kMultiplyFor16Dot16 = 1 << 16;    float emScale = kDevicePixelFraction * kMultiplyFor16Dot16 / (float)unitsPerEm;    mFontRec.x_scale = emScale * scaleX * textSize;    mFontRec.y_scale = emScale * textSize;


bool TextLayoutShaper::doShaping(size_t size) {    if (size > mShaperItemGlyphArraySize) {        deleteShaperItemGlyphArrays();        createShaperItemGlyphArrays(size);    }    mShaperItem.num_glyphs = mShaperItemGlyphArraySize;    memset(mShaperItem.offsets, 0, mShaperItem.num_glyphs * sizeof(HB_FixedPoint));    return HB_ShapeItem(&mShaperItem);}void TextLayoutShaper::createShaperItemGlyphArrays(size_t size) {#if DEBUG_GLYPHS    ALOGD("Creating Glyph Arrays with size = %d", size);#endif    mShaperItemGlyphArraySize = size;    // These arrays are all indexed by glyph.    mShaperItem.glyphs = new HB_Glyph[size];    mShaperItem.attributes = new HB_GlyphAttributes[size];    mShaperItem.advances = new HB_Fixed[size];    mShaperItem.offsets = new HB_FixedPoint[size];    // Although the log_clusters array is indexed by character, Harfbuzz expects that    // it is big enough to hold one element per glyph.  So we allocate log_clusters along    // with the other glyph arrays above.    mShaperItem.log_clusters = new unsigned short[size];}

给harfbuzz分配的这个缓冲区不需要保证能够完全的容纳下所产生的所有的glyph information。在缓冲区大小不足的情况下,HB_ShapeItem()会返回false,然后就需要客户端重新分配更大的缓冲区再做shape。




我们前面提到,harfbuzz通过callback来获取到glyph ID,callback会借由SkPaint来做到这一点。对于复杂语系,则会要求那个SkPaint的SkTypeface就是特定的复杂语系所对应的那个字库文件所创建的SkTypeface。只有这样,通过SkPaint获取的glyph ID才会是字库内的glyph index,而实际上OpenType处理主要也是基于glyph index的。

harfbuzz返回的glyph id也将是glyph index,在android里,它是会先获取到包含有特定复杂语系glyph的字库文件它的首个glyph的glyph ID,即baseGlyphCount,最终再将glyph index加上这个值以算出真正的glyph ID。

size_t TextLayoutShaper::shapeFontRun(const SkPaint* paint, bool isRTL) {    // Reset kerning    mShaperItem.kerning_applied = false;    // Update Harfbuzz Shaper    mShaperItem.item.bidiLevel = isRTL;    SkTypeface* typeface = paint->getTypeface();    // Get the glyphs base count for offsetting the glyphIDs returned by Harfbuzz    // This is needed as the Typeface used for shaping can be not the default one    // when we are shaping any script that needs to use a fallback Font.    // If we are a "common" script we dont need to shift    size_t baseGlyphCount = 0;    SkUnichar firstUnichar = 0;    if (isComplexScript(mShaperItem.item.script)) {        const uint16_t* text16 = (const uint16_t*) (mShaperItem.string + mShaperItem.item.pos);        const uint16_t* text16End = text16 + mShaperItem.item.length;        firstUnichar = SkUTF16_NextUnichar(&text16);        while (firstUnichar == ' ' && text16 < text16End) {            firstUnichar = SkUTF16_NextUnichar(&text16);        }        baseGlyphCount = paint->getBaseGlyphCount(firstUnichar);    }    if (baseGlyphCount != 0) {        typeface = typefaceForScript(paint, typeface, mShaperItem.item.script);        if (!typeface) {            typeface = mDefaultTypeface;            SkSafeRef(typeface);#if DEBUG_GLYPHS            ALOGD("Using Default Typeface");#endif        }    } else {        if (!typeface) {            typeface = mDefaultTypeface;#if DEBUG_GLYPHS            ALOGD("Using Default Typeface");#endif        }        SkSafeRef(typeface);    }    mShapingPaint.setTypeface(typeface);    mShaperItem.face = getCachedHBFace(typeface);

harfbuzz API的用法大体上就如上面所述的那样。



android文本布局引擎,所做的另外的事情即是,会将字串shape的结果缓存起来。这个部分对性能的影响非常大。缓存命中和不命中,获取text layout value所需消耗的时间相差少则10几倍,多则几十倍。

android文本布局引擎,即TextLayoutEngine class,在缓存打开的情况下,它只会通过TextLayoutCache来得到TextLayoutValue。而在TextLayoutCache中,若缓存没有命中,则它才会通过TextLayoutShaper来compute,否则就直接返回缓存的结果。

sp<TextLayoutValue> TextLayoutEngine::getValue(const SkPaint* paint, const jchar* text,        jint start, jint count, jint contextCount, jint dirFlags) {    sp<TextLayoutValue> value;#if USE_TEXT_LAYOUT_CACHE    value = mTextLayoutCache->getValue(paint, text, start, count,            contextCount, dirFlags);    if (value == NULL) {        ALOGE("Cannot get TextLayoutCache value for text = '%s'",                String8(text + start, count).string());    }#else    value = new TextLayoutValue(count);    mShaper->computeValues(value.get(), paint,            reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(text), start, count, contextCount, dirFlags);#endif    return value;}


android framework画字的流程


    static void drawText__StringIIFFIPaint(JNIEnv* env, jobject,                                          SkCanvas* canvas, jstring text,                                          int start, int end,                                          jfloat x, jfloat y, int flags, SkPaint* paint) {        const jchar* textArray = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL);        drawTextWithGlyphs(canvas, textArray, start, end, x, y, flags, paint);        env->ReleaseStringChars(text, textArray);    }    static void drawTextWithGlyphs(SkCanvas* canvas, const jchar* textArray,            int start, int end,            jfloat x, jfloat y, int flags, SkPaint* paint) {        jint count = end - start;        drawTextWithGlyphs(canvas, textArray + start, 0, count, count, x, y, flags, paint);    }    static void drawTextWithGlyphs(SkCanvas* canvas, const jchar* textArray,            int start, int count, int contextCount,            jfloat x, jfloat y, int flags, SkPaint* paint) {        sp<TextLayoutValue> value = TextLayoutEngine::getInstance().getValue(paint,                textArray, start, count, contextCount, flags);        if (value == NULL) {            return;        }        SkPaint::Align align = paint->getTextAlign();        if (align == SkPaint::kCenter_Align) {            x -= 0.5 * value->getTotalAdvance();        } else if (align == SkPaint::kRight_Align) {            x -= value->getTotalAdvance();        }        paint->setTextAlign(SkPaint::kLeft_Align);        doDrawGlyphsPos(canvas, value->getGlyphs(), value->getPos(), 0, value->getGlyphsCount(), x, y, flags, paint);        doDrawTextDecorations(canvas, x, y, value->getTotalAdvance(), paint);        paint->setTextAlign(align);    }// Same values used by Skia#define kStdStrikeThru_Offset   (-6.0f / 21.0f)#define kStdUnderline_Offset    (1.0f / 9.0f)#define kStdUnderline_Thickness (1.0f / 18.0f)static void doDrawTextDecorations(SkCanvas* canvas, jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloat length, SkPaint* paint) {    uint32_t flags;    SkDrawFilter* drawFilter = canvas->getDrawFilter();    if (drawFilter) {        SkPaint paintCopy(*paint);        drawFilter->filter(&paintCopy, SkDrawFilter::kText_Type);        flags = paintCopy.getFlags();    } else {        flags = paint->getFlags();    }    if (flags & (SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag | SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag)) {        SkScalar left = SkFloatToScalar(x);        SkScalar right = SkFloatToScalar(x + length);        float textSize = paint->getTextSize();        float strokeWidth = fmax(textSize * kStdUnderline_Thickness, 1.0f);        if (flags & SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag) {            SkScalar top = SkFloatToScalar(y + textSize * kStdUnderline_Offset                    - 0.5f * strokeWidth);            SkScalar bottom = SkFloatToScalar(y + textSize * kStdUnderline_Offset                    + 0.5f * strokeWidth);            canvas->drawRectCoords(left, top, right, bottom, *paint);        }        if (flags & SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag) {            SkScalar top = SkFloatToScalar(y + textSize * kStdStrikeThru_Offset                    - 0.5f * strokeWidth);            SkScalar bottom = SkFloatToScalar(y + textSize * kStdStrikeThru_Offset                    + 0.5f * strokeWidth);            canvas->drawRectCoords(left, top, right, bottom, *paint);        }    }}    static void doDrawGlyphs(SkCanvas* canvas, const jchar* glyphArray, int index, int count,            jfloat x, jfloat y, int flags, SkPaint* paint) {        // Beware: this needs Glyph encoding (already done on the Paint constructor)        canvas->drawText(glyphArray + index * 2, count * 2, x, y, *paint);    }    static void doDrawGlyphsPos(SkCanvas* canvas, const jchar* glyphArray, const jfloat* posArray,            int index, int count, jfloat x, jfloat y, int flags, SkPaint* paint) {        SkPoint* posPtr = new SkPoint[count];        for (int indx = 0; indx < count; indx++) {            posPtr[indx].fX = SkFloatToScalar(x + posArray[indx * 2]);            posPtr[indx].fY = SkFloatToScalar(y + posArray[indx * 2 + 1]);        }        canvas->drawPosText(glyphArray, count << 1, posPtr, *paint);        delete[] posPtr;    }


  1. 通过TextLayoutEngine来获取到TextLayoutValue。
  2. 依据对齐方式,调整子串的x position,居中时调整为x -= 0.5 * value->getTotalAdvance(),而右对齐时调整为x -= value->getTotalAdvance()
  3. 设置对齐方式为左对齐。
  4. 计算各个字符的position,然后通过canvas->drawPosText(glyphArray, count << 1, posPtr, *paint)来把glyph都画出来。
  5. 如果有需要则绘制下划线。
  6. 如果有需要,则绘制删除线。
  7. 恢复对齐方式。




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