判断Android tv U盘挂载不同于判断手机是否连接usb,我们没办法直接使用usbDevice类进行操作。

        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USB_DISK_MOUNTED);        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USB_DISK_UNMOUNTED);        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USB_DISK_UNMOUNTED);        intentFilter.addDataScheme("file");        this.registerReceiver(usbReceiver, intentFilter);



private BroadcastReceiver usbReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {        @Override        public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent arg1) {            List infos = UsbDeviceManager.getAvaliableStorage(UsbDeviceManager.listAllStorage(arg0));            if (infos != null) {                if (arg1.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_USB_DISK_MOUNTED)) {                    infos = UsbDeviceManager.getAvaliableStorage(UsbDeviceManager.listAllStorage(arg0));                    for(StorageItemEntity sie:infos){                        Log.i("LWL",sie.toString());                    }                } else if (arg1.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_USB_DISK_UNMOUNTED)) {                    Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_USB_DISK_UNMOUNTED::::" + arg1.getAction());                    List aliveUsb = UsbDeviceManager.getAvaliableStorage(UsbDeviceManager.listAllStorage(arg0));                     for(StorageItemEntity sie:aliveUsb){                        Log.i("LWL",sie.toString());                    }                }            }        }    };


/** * @author 李文烙 * */public class StorageItemEntity {    //存储器的地址    private String uri;    //存储器的类型    private int type = 0;    //U盘的名字    private String manufactorName = null;    //存储器的状态    private String state;    //是否可以移除    private boolean isRemoveable;    public StorageItemEntity(){    }    public StorageItemEntity(String path){        this.uri=path;    }    public String getUri() {        return uri;    }    public void setUri(String uri) {        this.uri = uri;    }    public int getType() {        return type;    }    public void setType(int type) {        this.type = type;    }    public String getManufactorName() {        return manufactorName;    }    public void setManufactorName(String manufactorName) {        this.manufactorName = manufactorName;    }    public String getState() {        return state;    }    public void setState(String state) {        this.state = state;    }    public boolean isRemoveable() {        return isRemoveable;    }    public void setRemoveable(boolean removeable) {        isRemoveable = removeable;    }    @Override    public String toString() {        return "StorageItemEntity=[ uri="+this.uri+",type="+type+",manufactorName="+manufactorName+",state="+state+",isRemoveable="+isRemoveable;    }}


/** * author: 李文烙 * date: 2017/11/17 * annotation */public class UsbDeviceManager {    private static final String TAG = "UsbDeviceManager";    private static UsbDeviceManager usbManager;    public static UsbDeviceManager getUsbDeviceManager()    {        if (usbManager != null) {            return usbManager;        }        usbManager = new UsbDeviceManager();        return usbManager;    }    public static List listAllStorage(Context context) {        ArrayList storages = new ArrayList();        StorageManager storageManager = (StorageManager) context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE);        try {            Class<?>[] paramClasses = {};            Method getVolumeList = StorageManager.class.getMethod("getVolumeList", paramClasses);            Object[] params = {};            Object[] invokes = (Object[]) getVolumeList.invoke(storageManager, params);            if (invokes != null) {                StorageItemEntity info = null;                Log.i(TAG,"getVolumeList"+getVolumeList.getName());                for (int i = 0; i < invokes.length; i++) {                    Object obj = invokes[i];                    Method getPath = obj.getClass().getMethod("getPath", new Class[0]);                    String path = (String) getPath.invoke(obj, new Object[0]);                    info = new StorageItemEntity(path);                    Method getVolumeState = StorageManager.class.getMethod("getVolumeState", String.class);                    String state = (String) getVolumeState.invoke(storageManager, info.getUri());                    info.setState(state);                    Method isRemovable = obj.getClass().getMethod("isRemovable", new Class[0]);                    info.setRemoveable(((Boolean) isRemovable.invoke(obj, new Object[0])).booleanValue());                    Log.i(TAG,info.toString());                    storages.add(info);                }            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        storages.trimToSize();        return storages;    }    public static List getAvaliableStorage(List infos) {        List storages = new ArrayList();        for (StorageItemEntity info : infos) {            File file = new File(info.getUri());            Log.i(TAG+"LWL",info.toString());            Log.i(TAG+"LWL","file"+file.exists()+file.isDirectory()+file.canWrite());            if ((file.exists()) && (file.isDirectory())) {                if (info.getState() != null) {                    if (info.getState().equals("mounted") && info.isRemoveable()) {                        storages.add(info);                    }                }            }        }            return storages;        }}

现在在Android sdk中已经将原本可以直接调用的getVolumeState方法给隐藏了,所以我们只能通过反射的方法去调用@hide的方法,源码如下:(有兴趣的同学可以直接查看Android sdk的源码):

    /**     * Returns list of all mountable volumes.     * @hide     */    public StorageVolume[] getVolumeList() {        if (mMountService == null) return new StorageVolume[0];        try {            Parcelable[] list = mMountService.getVolumeList();            if (list == null) return new StorageVolume[0];            int length = list.length;            StorageVolume[] result = new StorageVolume[length];            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {                result[i] = (StorageVolume)list[i];            }            return result;        } catch (RemoteException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get volume list", e);            return null;        }    }    //在这里返回的是一个StorageVolume[]对象


/** * Description of a storage volume and its capabilities, including the * filesystem path where it may be mounted. * * @hide */public class StorageVolume implements Parcelable {    // TODO: switch to more durable token    private int mStorageId;    private final File mPath;    private final int mDescriptionId;    private final boolean mPrimary;    private final boolean mRemovable;    private final boolean mEmulated;    private final int mMtpReserveSpace;    private final boolean mAllowMassStorage;    /** Maximum file size for the storage, or zero for no limit */    private final long mMaxFileSize;    /** When set, indicates exclusive ownership of this volume */    private final UserHandle mOwner;    private String mUuid;    private String mUserLabel;    private String mState;    // StorageVolume extra for ACTION_MEDIA_REMOVED, ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED, ACTION_MEDIA_CHECKING,    // ACTION_MEDIA_NOFS, ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, ACTION_MEDIA_SHARED, ACTION_MEDIA_UNSHARED,    // ACTION_MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL, ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE and ACTION_MEDIA_EJECT broadcasts.    public static final String EXTRA_STORAGE_VOLUME = "storage_volume";    public StorageVolume(File path, int descriptionId, boolean primary, boolean removable,            boolean emulated, int mtpReserveSpace, boolean allowMassStorage, long maxFileSize,            UserHandle owner) {        mPath = path;        mDescriptionId = descriptionId;        mPrimary = primary;        mRemovable = removable;        mEmulated = emulated;        mMtpReserveSpace = mtpReserveSpace;        mAllowMassStorage = allowMassStorage;        mMaxFileSize = maxFileSize;        mOwner = owner;    }    private StorageVolume(Parcel in) {        mStorageId = in.readInt();        mPath = new File(in.readString());        mDescriptionId = in.readInt();        mPrimary = in.readInt() != 0;        mRemovable = in.readInt() != 0;        mEmulated = in.readInt() != 0;        mMtpReserveSpace = in.readInt();        mAllowMassStorage = in.readInt() != 0;        mMaxFileSize = in.readLong();        mOwner = in.readParcelable(null);        mUuid = in.readString();        mUserLabel = in.readString();        mState = in.readString();    }    public static StorageVolume fromTemplate(StorageVolume template, File path, UserHandle owner) {        return new StorageVolume(path, template.mDescriptionId, template.mPrimary,                template.mRemovable, template.mEmulated, template.mMtpReserveSpace,                template.mAllowMassStorage, template.mMaxFileSize, owner);    }    /**     * Returns the mount path for the volume.     *     * @return the mount path     */    public String getPath() {        return mPath.toString();    }    public File getPathFile() {        return mPath;    }    /**     * Returns a user visible description of the volume.     *     * @return the volume description     */    public String getDescription(Context context) {        return context.getResources().getString(mDescriptionId);    }    public int getDescriptionId() {        return mDescriptionId;    }    public boolean isPrimary() {        return mPrimary;    }    /**     * Returns true if the volume is removable.     *     * @return is removable     */    public boolean isRemovable() {        return mRemovable;    }    /**     * Returns true if the volume is emulated.     *     * @return is removable     */    public boolean isEmulated() {        return mEmulated;    }    /**     * Returns the MTP storage ID for the volume.     * this is also used for the storage_id column in the media provider.     *     * @return MTP storage ID     */    public int getStorageId() {        return mStorageId;    }    /**     * Do not call this unless you are MountService     */    public void setStorageId(int index) {        // storage ID is 0x00010001 for primary storage,        // then 0x00020001, 0x00030001, etc. for secondary storages        mStorageId = ((index + 1) << 16) + 1;    }    /**     * Number of megabytes of space to leave unallocated by MTP.     * MTP will subtract this value from the free space it reports back     * to the host via GetStorageInfo, and will not allow new files to     * be added via MTP if there is less than this amount left free in the storage.     * If MTP has dedicated storage this value should be zero, but if MTP is     * sharing storage with the rest of the system, set this to a positive value     * to ensure that MTP activity does not result in the storage being     * too close to full.     *     * @return MTP reserve space     */    public int getMtpReserveSpace() {        return mMtpReserveSpace;    }    /**     * Returns true if this volume can be shared via USB mass storage.     *     * @return whether mass storage is allowed     */    public boolean allowMassStorage() {        return mAllowMassStorage;    }    /**     * Returns maximum file size for the volume, or zero if it is unbounded.     *     * @return maximum file size     */    public long getMaxFileSize() {        return mMaxFileSize;    }    public UserHandle getOwner() {        return mOwner;    }    public void setUuid(String uuid) {        mUuid = uuid;    }    public String getUuid() {        return mUuid;    }    /**     * Parse and return volume UUID as FAT volume ID, or return -1 if unable to     * parse or UUID is unknown.     */    public int getFatVolumeId() {        if (mUuid == null || mUuid.length() != 9) {            return -1;        }        try {            return Integer.parseInt(mUuid.replace("-", ""), 16);        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {            return -1;        }    }    public void setUserLabel(String userLabel) {        mUserLabel = userLabel;    }    public String getUserLabel() {        return mUserLabel;    }    public void setState(String state) {        mState = state;    }    public String getState() {        return mState;    }    @Override    public boolean equals(Object obj) {        if (obj instanceof StorageVolume && mPath != null) {            StorageVolume volume = (StorageVolume)obj;            return (mPath.equals(volume.mPath));        }        return false;    }    @Override    public int hashCode() {        return mPath.hashCode();    }    @Override    public String toString() {        final CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();        dump(new IndentingPrintWriter(writer, "    ", 80));        return writer.toString();    }    public void dump(IndentingPrintWriter pw) {        pw.println("StorageVolume:");        pw.increaseIndent();        pw.printPair("mStorageId", mStorageId);        pw.printPair("mPath", mPath);        pw.printPair("mDescriptionId", mDescriptionId);        pw.printPair("mPrimary", mPrimary);        pw.printPair("mRemovable", mRemovable);        pw.printPair("mEmulated", mEmulated);        pw.printPair("mMtpReserveSpace", mMtpReserveSpace);        pw.printPair("mAllowMassStorage", mAllowMassStorage);        pw.printPair("mMaxFileSize", mMaxFileSize);        pw.printPair("mOwner", mOwner);        pw.printPair("mUuid", mUuid);        pw.printPair("mUserLabel", mUserLabel);        pw.printPair("mState", mState);        pw.decreaseIndent();    }    public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() {        @Override        public StorageVolume createFromParcel(Parcel in) {            return new StorageVolume(in);        }        @Override        public StorageVolume[] newArray(int size) {            return new StorageVolume[size];        }    };    @Override    public int describeContents() {        return 0;    }    @Override    public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) {        parcel.writeInt(mStorageId);        parcel.writeString(mPath.toString());        parcel.writeInt(mDescriptionId);        parcel.writeInt(mPrimary ? 1 : 0);        parcel.writeInt(mRemovable ? 1 : 0);        parcel.writeInt(mEmulated ? 1 : 0);        parcel.writeInt(mMtpReserveSpace);        parcel.writeInt(mAllowMassStorage ? 1 : 0);        parcel.writeLong(mMaxFileSize);        parcel.writeParcelable(mOwner, flags);        parcel.writeString(mUuid);        parcel.writeString(mUserLabel);        parcel.writeString(mState);    }}


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