
<provider    android:name="test.provider.SQLiteProvider"    android:authorities="test.provider" />

然而并不能传递内容,当时在网上找并没有找到明确答案,有的在provider配置了许多内容,偶然加上了一句android:exported="true" ,碰巧成功了,但是并不知道缘由。


android:exportedWhether the content provider is available for other applications to use:true: The provider is available to other applications. Any application can use the provider's content URI to access it, subject to the permissions specified for the provider.false: The provider is not available to other applications. Set android:exported="false" to limit access to the provider to your applications. Only applications that have the same user ID (UID) as the provider will have access to it.The default value is "true" for applications that set either android:minSdkVersion or android:targetSdkVersion to "16" or lower. For applications that set either of these attributes to "17" or higher, the default is "false".You can set android:exported="false" and still limit access to your provider by setting permissions with the permission attribute.

据鄙人E渣的翻译,大意是最小SDK版本或者目标SDK版本小于等于16的,则默认值为“true”,else ,默认值为"false"。


<provider    android:name="test.provider.SQLiteProvider"    android:authorities="test.provider"    android:exported="true" />


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