



package com.example.xiao.fly;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.Canvas;import android.graphics.Paint;import android.graphics.Rect;import android.view.SurfaceHolder;//以上为必要的包/** * Created by Xiao on 2017/5/24. */public class GameMeun {    private Bitmap bmpMeunBG;  //菜单背景图片    private  Bitmap bmpLogo;    //LOGO    private  Bitmap bmpButton;  //按钮    private Bitmap bmpText;     //文本    private Rect rect;   //创建一个矩形 用以方置LOGOpublic GameMeun(Bitmap bmpMeunBG,Bitmap bmpLogo,Bitmap bmpButton,Bitmap bmpText){        this.bmpMeunBG=bmpMeunBG;        this.bmpLogo=bmpLogo;        this.bmpButton=bmpButton;        this.bmpText=bmpText;        rect = new Rect(0,GameSurface.hight/3,GameSurface.width,GameSurface.hight/3+GameSurface.hight/5);}        //这是关于矩形的大小位置设计/*以下是关于该方法的API文档解释*   * @param left   The X coordinate of the left side of the rectangle     * @param top    The Y coordinate of the top of the rectangle     * @param right  The X coordinate of the right side of the rectangle     * @param bottom The Y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle     */    public Rect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {        this.left = left;        this.top = top;        this.right = right;        this.bottom = bottom;    }*/    /**     * 画背景图片     * @param canvas     * @param paint     */    public  void  draw(Canvas canvas , Paint paint){        //画背景图片        canvas.drawBitmap(bmpMeunBG,0,0,paint);        //画logo        canvas.drawBitmap(bmpLogo,null,rect,paint);        //画按钮        int x = GameSurface.hight/3*2;        int y = GameSurface.width/2-bmpButton.getWidth()/2;        canvas.drawBitmap(bmpButton,y,x,paint);  //前宽厚高        //画文本        int z = GameSurface.width/2-bmpText.getWidth()/2;        canvas.drawBitmap(bmpText,z,x,paint);    };}


package com.example.xiao.fly;import android.content.Context;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;import android.graphics.Canvas;import android.graphics.Paint;import android.view.SurfaceHolder;import android.view.SurfaceView;/** * Created by Xiao on 2017/5/24. */public class GameSurface extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback{//定义一些必要的变量    private Canvas canvas;//画布    private Paint paint;//画笔    private SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder;    public  static  int width;    public  static  int hight;    //Meun相关的   //来自主菜单的一些变量    private  GameMeun gameMenu;    private Bitmap bmpMeunBG;    private  Bitmap bmpLogo;    private  Bitmap bmpButton;    private Bitmap bmpText;    public GameSurface(Context context) {        super(context);        surfaceHolder = this.getHolder();                                                                //初始化surfaceHoldersurfaceHolder.addCallback(this);//添加回调函数paint = new Paint();   //初始化画笔paint.setAntiAlias(true); //取消锯齿  }@Overridepublic void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {width=this.getWidth();  //获取面板的宽度hight=this.getHeight();  //获取面板的高度intiBitmap();//初始化的方法new Thread(new Runnable() {           @Override         public void run() {              Mydraw();       ///进入线程通过Mydraw开始写入到视图中         }     }).start();    }    @Override    public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {    }    @Override    public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {    }    /**     * 绘图方法     */    private void Mydraw() {      canvas = surfaceHolder.lockCanvas();  //创建视图到画板上        gameMenu.draw(canvas,paint); //把所有的元素都布局到画板上        if (canvas!=null){    surfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas);        }    }    /**     * 初始化图片     */    private void intiBitmap() {        //把图片转化为Bitmap格式        bmpMeunBG = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(                this.getResources(),R.drawable.mainmenu        );        bmpLogo = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(                this.getResources(),R.drawable.logo        );       bmpButton = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(                this.getResources(),R.drawable.menustart        );       bmpText = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(                this.getResources(),R.drawable.starttext        );        //初始化对象 gameMenu = new GameMeun(bmpMeunBG,bmpLogo,bmpButton,bmpText);    }}


  1. 一起学android之底部菜单TabHost的实现(9)
  2. 2011.09.23——— android sample之Notepad(context menu)
  3. Android(安卓)Window系列(一)- window与decorview
  4. Android(安卓)菜单(OptionMenu)大全 建立你自己的菜单
  5. Android底部菜单栏 仿微博效果
  6. Android,百度,云知声tts总结
  7. linux内核启动android文件系统过程分析
  8. Android实现导航菜单左右滑动效果
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