


  1. 源码学习:
/**     * 构造一个新的对象     *     * 

Note: 对于不支持的版本,将会没有效果

* * @param 上下文 */ public EdgeEffectCompat(Context context) { mEdgeEffect = IMPL.newEdgeEffect(context); } /** * Set the size of this edge effect in pixels. * 设置边框的大小像素 * * @param width Effect width in pixels * @param height Effect height in pixels */ public void setSize(int width, int height) { IMPL.setSize(mEdgeEffect, width, height); } /** * Reports if this EdgeEffectCompat's animation is finished. If this method returns false * after a call to {@link #draw(Canvas)} the host widget should schedule another * drawing pass to continue the animation. * * 边缘的显示动画是否结束 * * @return true if animation is finished, false if drawing should continue on the next frame. * */ public boolean isFinished() { return IMPL.isFinished(mEdgeEffect); } /** * Immediately finish the current animation. * After this call {@link #isFinished()} will return true. * 立刻结束显示动画 */ public void finish() { IMPL.finish(mEdgeEffect); } /** * 在处理滑动的时候调用 * A view should call this when content is pulled away from an edge by the user. * This will update the state of the current visual effect and its associated animation. * The host view should always {@link android.view.View#invalidate()} if this method * returns true and draw the results accordingly. * * @param deltaDistance Change in distance since the last call. Values may be 0 (no change) to * 1.f (full length of the view) or negative values to express change * back toward the edge reached to initiate the effect. * 范围:[-1,1],是要移动的距里在View的边长的占比 * @param displacement The displacement from the starting side of the effect of the point * initiating the pull. In the case of touch this is the finger position. * Values may be from 0-1. * 范围[0,1],手指所在的位置在非移动边的位置占比 * @return true if the host view should call invalidate, false if it should not. * 如果返回为true就表示会重新刷新View。 */ public boolean onPull(float deltaDistance, float displacement) { return IMPL.onPull(mEdgeEffect, deltaDistance, displacement); } /** * Call when the object is released after being pulled. * This will begin the "decay" phase of the effect. After calling this method * the host view should {@link android.view.View#invalidate()} if this method * returns true and thereby draw the results accordingly. * 是否被释放 * @return true if the host view should invalidate, false if it should not. */ public boolean onRelease() { return IMPL.onRelease(mEdgeEffect); } /** * Call when the effect absorbs an impact at the given velocity. * Used when a fling reaches the scroll boundary. * * 吸收一个速度,当到View的边界的时候会显示相应的动画 *

When using a {@link android.widget.Scroller} or {@link android.widget.OverScroller}, * the method getCurrVelocity will provide a reasonable approximation * to use here.

* * @param velocity Velocity at impact in pixels per second. * @return true if the host view should invalidate, false if it should not. */ public boolean onAbsorb(int velocity) { return IMPL.onAbsorb(mEdgeEffect, velocity); } /** * 关键方法,在View的onDraw方法中调用会显示相应的动画,在调用这个方法之前要计算相应的 * 平移,旋转的量。 * Draw into the provided canvas. Assumes that the canvas has been rotated * accordingly and the size has been set. The effect will be drawn the full * width of X=0 to X=width, beginning from Y=0 and extending to some factor 小于 * 1.f of height. * * @param canvas Canvas to draw into * @return true if drawing should continue beyond this frame to continue the * animation */ public boolean draw(Canvas canvas) { return IMPL.draw(mEdgeEffect, canvas); }
  1. EdgeEffectCompat实现原理:




  1. 在View的绘制过程中,通过EdgeEffectCompat.setSize(width,height)EdgeEffectCompat.draw(canvas)两个方法来绘制效果图。相关的详细解释看注释:
    @Override    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {        super.onDraw(canvas);        if (mTopEdgeEffect != null) {            final int width = getWidth() - getPaddingRight() - getPaddingLeft();//内容的宽度            final int scrollY = getScrollY();//当前滑动的量            if (!mTopEdgeEffect.isFinished()) {//动画是否已经结束                int restoreCount =;                canvas.translate(getPaddingLeft(), Math.min(0, scrollY));//画布向右平移,如果View有向下超过0的偏移量就要再向上偏移,超过上边界的平移量                mTopEdgeEffect.setSize(width , getHeight());//设置效果的展示范围(内容的宽度,和View的高度)                if (mTopEdgeEffect.draw(canvas)) {//绘制边缘效果图,如果绘制需要进行动画效果返回true                    ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this);//进行动画                }                canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount);            }            if (!mBottomEdgeEffect.isFinished()) {                int restoreCount =;                //下面两行代码的作用就是把画布平移旋转到底部展示,并让效果向上显示                canvas.translate(getPaddingLeft() - width, Math.max(getScrollRange(), scrollY) + getHeight());                canvas.rotate(180, width, 0);                                mBottomEdgeEffect.setSize(width, getHeight());                if (mBottomEdgeEffect.draw(canvas)) {                    ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this);                }                canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount);            }        }    }
  1. View.onTouchEvent()方法中调用EdgeEffectCompat.onPull方法详细见源码:
    @Override    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {        final int actionMark = MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(ev);        switch (actionMark) {                        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:                final int pointIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActionPointerId);                if (pointIndex == -1) {                    break;                }                final int y = (int) ev.getY(pointIndex);                int deltaY = mLastPointY - y;                if (!mIsBeingDragged && Math.abs(deltaY) > mTouchSlop) {                    ViewParent parent = getParent();                    if (parent != null) {                        parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);                    }                    if (deltaY > 0) {//减去积累的量                        deltaY -= mTouchSlop;                    } else {                        deltaY += mTouchSlop;                    }                    mIsBeingDragged = true;                }                if (mIsBeingDragged) {                    final int oldY = getScrollY();                    final int range = getScrollRange();                    final int overMode = getOverScrollMode();                    boolean canOverScroll = overMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS                            || (overMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && range > 0);                   //主要的代码                    if (canOverScroll) {                        // 边缘效果                        ensureGlows();                        final int pullToY = oldY + deltaY;                        if (pullToY < 0) {//在顶部                            mTopEdgeEffect.onPull((float) deltaY / getHeight(), ev.getX(pointIndex) / getWidth());                            if (!mBottomEdgeEffect.isFinished()) {                                mBottomEdgeEffect.onRelease();                            }                        } else if (pullToY > range) {//在底部                            mBottomEdgeEffect.onPull((float) deltaY / getHeight(), 1.0f - ev.getX(pointIndex) / getWidth());                            if (!mTopEdgeEffect.isFinished()) {                                mTopEdgeEffect.onRelease();                            }                        }                        if (mTopEdgeEffect != null && (!mTopEdgeEffect.isFinished() || !mBottomEdgeEffect.isFinished())) {                            ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this);                        }                    }                    mLastPointY = y;                }                break;            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:                if (mTopEdgeEffect != null) {                    mTopEdgeEffect.onRelease();                    mBottomEdgeEffect.onRelease();                }                break;            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                if (mTopEdgeEffect != null) {                    mTopEdgeEffect.onRelease();                    mBottomEdgeEffect.onRelease();                }                break;                  }                return true;    }        private void ensureGlows() {        if (getOverScrollMode() != OVER_SCROLL_NEVER) {            Context context = getContext();            if (context != null && mTopEdgeEffect == null) {                mTopEdgeEffect = new EdgeEffectCompat(context);                mBottomEdgeEffect = new EdgeEffectCompat(context);            }        } else {            mTopEdgeEffect = null;            mBottomEdgeEffect = null;        }    }
  1. 在快速滑动View的时候,View会有一定的速度到达边界,这时候就要根据到达边界的速度进行显示。
    @Override    public void computeScroll() {        if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {            int oldX = getScrollX();            int oldY = getScrollY();            int newX = mScroller.getCurrX();            int newY = mScroller.getCurrY();//            Log.i(TAG, "computeScroll: oldY : " + oldY +" newY : "+newY);            if (oldX != newX || oldY != newY) {                final int range = getScrollRange();                final int overMode = getOverScrollMode();                boolean canOverScroll = overMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS                        || (overMode == View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS && range > 0);                overScrollByCompat(newX - oldX, newY - oldY, oldX, oldY, 0, range, 0, 0);                if (canOverScroll) {//这部分是吓死边缘效果的                    ensureGlows();                    if (newY < 0 && oldY > 0) {//到达顶部,吸收速度                        mTopEdgeEffect.onAbsorb((int) mScroller.getCurrVelocity());                    } else if (newY > range && oldY < range) {//到达底部,吸收速度                        mBottomEdgeEffect.onAbsorb((int) mScroller.getCurrVelocity());                    }                }            }        }    }



  1. Android(安卓)Activity 界面跳转动画(系统、自定义)
  2. android SeekBar
  3. ImageButton设置 android:background添加点击效果
  4. android手势操作滑动效果触摸屏事件处理
  5. android手势操作滑动效果触摸屏事件处理
  6. Android(安卓)嵌套滑动机制(NestedScrolling)
  7. Android实现导航菜单左右滑动效果
  8. Android实现左右滑动指引效果
  9. Android开发学习之Animation之Android帧动画解析


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  10. C#/mono开发Android应用程序入门(二)-第一