
一些具有Java背景的研发者喜欢使用软引用(SoftRefrerence)和弱引用(WeakReference)来缓存Java对象和数据,但是如果在Android中仍然使用软引用(SoftRefrerence)和弱引用(WeakReference),会极易导致Android程序闪退崩溃,谷歌Android官方从Android 3.0以后,强烈建议开发者不要在Android中使用软引用(SoftRefrerence)和弱引用(WeakReference),Android的谷歌官方解释(原文):
Note: In the past, a popular memory cache implementation was a SoftReference or WeakReference bitmap cache, however this is not recommended. Starting from Android 2.3 (API Level 9) the garbage collector is more aggressive with collecting soft/weak references which makes them fairly ineffective. In addition, prior to Android 3.0 (API Level 11), the backing data of a bitmap was stored in native memory which is not released in a predictable manner, potentially causing an application to briefly exceed its memory limits and crash.
Note: In the past, a popular memory cache implementation was a SoftReference or WeakReference bitmap cache, however this is not recommended. Starting from Android 2.3 (API Level 9) the garbage collector is more aggressive with collecting soft/weak references which makes them fairly ineffective. In addition, prior to Android 3.0 (API Level 11), the backing data of a bitmap was stored in native memory which is not released in a predictable manner, potentially causing an application to briefly exceed its memory limits and crash.注意!在过去,一个非常流行的内存缓存实现是通过SoftReference或WeakReference对bitmap进行缓存,然而现在不推荐使用这种方案实施内存缓存了。从Android系统版本2.3 ( API Level 9 )以后,garbage collector(译者注:Java垃圾回收器)会更加积极的回收持有软/弱引用对象,这导致软引用和弱引用变的相当无能为力。除此之外,在Android系统版本3.0 ( API Level 11 )之前,在本地内存中缓存一个bitmap数据并不会以预期的方式释放,这可能导致一个应用在很短期间就超越它的内存上限(译者注:进而会引发OOM,Out Of Memory)而导致应用崩溃。



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