Building Android (Cupcake) for the Eee PC 701

请想深入学习研究Android的朋友加Opendroid QQ群81410571,我们目前已成功移植android到s3c2440及virtualbox等。正在筹划进一步深入学习计划!

This page was created by compiling lots of the information found here: If you are interested in helping to further Android usage on an x86 platform, please join that group and contribute any information you may have.

This assumes you are running some flavor of Ubuntu. If you aren't, I'm sorry, I can't really help with your specific distro.

Moving on. Open a terminal session on your Ubuntu machine.

Change directories to your home directory if you aren't already there:

$ cd ~

Prepare your environment:

$ sudo apt-get install flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev valgrind

Install repo:

$ curl >~/bin/repo $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Make your working directory. For the purposes of this documentation, we will assume the working directory is android-eee:

$ mkdir android-eee

Change directories to your working directory:

$ cd android-eee

Initialize the cupcake repo:

$ repo init -u git://

Create the local_manifest.xml file which tells repo about the eee_701 branch in cupcake:

$ cd .repo
$ touch local_manifest.xml

Open local_manifest.xml in your favorite text editor. Paste the following text into local_manifest.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="platform/vendor/asus/eee_701" path="vendor/asus/eee_701"/>

Save and close local_manifest.xml

Change directories back to your working directory:

$ cd ~/android-eee

Sync the repo (this might take a while):

$ repo sync

Build the image file (this might take a really LONG while):

$ TARGET_ARCH=x86 TARGET_PRODUCT=eee_701 DISABLE_DEXPREOPT=true make -j4 installer_img

Put the installer_img file on a USB stick.

$ dd if=out/target/product/eee_701/installer.img of=/dev/<usbstick of your choice> ; sync

Boot your EeePC from the USB stick you just created and watch it go. This will wipe your EeePC so if you have stuff you'd like to keep, either back up before you install or don't install at all.

Note: Currently the .img file creation fails due to a bug. A fix for the bug is waiting for approval.

Please email if you see errors in the doc or if you would like to help get this working for other Eee PC models.


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