


实现方式通过MarqueeFactory来提供各种样式的跑马灯View, 支持自定义跑马灯ItemView。

compile ‘com.gongwen:marqueelibrary:1.0.4’

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"    xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"    xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"    android:id="@+id/activity_main"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    android:orientation="vertical"    tools:context="com.example.administrator.marqueeviewdemo.MainActivity">    <com.gongwen.marqueen.MarqueeView        android:id="@+id/marqueeView1"        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_marginTop="20dp"        android:background="#88dddddd"/>    <com.gongwen.marqueen.MarqueeView        android:id="@+id/marqueeView2"        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_marginTop="20dp"        android:background="#88dddddd"        app:marqueeAnimDuration="2000"        app:marqueeAnimIn="@anim/right_in"        app:marqueeAnimOut="@anim/left_out"        app:marqueeInterval="2500"/>    <com.gongwen.marqueen.MarqueeView        android:id="@+id/marqueeView3"        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_marginTop="20dp"        android:background="#88dddddd"/>    <com.gongwen.marqueen.MarqueeView        android:id="@+id/marqueeView4"        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_marginTop="20dp"        android:background="#88dddddd"/>    <com.gongwen.marqueen.MarqueeView        android:id="@+id/marqueeView5"        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_marginTop="20dp"        android:background="#88dddddd"/>


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    private MarqueeView marqueeView1, marqueeView2, marqueeView3, marqueeView4, marqueeView5;    private List list;    private WeakHandler mHandler = new WeakHandler();    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        list = new ArrayList<>();        list.add("人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇");        list.add("等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变");        list.add("骊山语罢清宵半,泪雨零铃终不怨");        list.add("何如薄幸锦衣郎,比翼连枝当日愿");        marqueeView1 = (MarqueeView) findViewById(R.id.marqueeView1);        marqueeView2 = (MarqueeView) findViewById(R.id.marqueeView2);        marqueeView3 = (MarqueeView) findViewById(R.id.marqueeView3);        marqueeView4 = (MarqueeView) findViewById(R.id.marqueeView4);        marqueeView5 = (MarqueeView) findViewById(R.id.marqueeView5);        //文字向上翻转        MarqueeFactory marqueeFactory1 = new NoticeMF(this);        //MarqueeView设置Factory        marqueeView1.setMarqueeFactory(marqueeFactory1);        //开始翻转        marqueeView1.startFlipping();        //设置item的监听        marqueeFactory1.setOnItemClickListener(new MarqueeFactory.OnItemClickListener() {            @Override            public void onItemClickListener(MarqueeFactory.ViewHolder holder) {                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, holder.data, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            }        });        //设置数据        marqueeFactory1.setData(list);        //文字向左翻转        final MarqueeFactory marqueeFactory2 = new NoticeMF(this);        //MarqueeView设置Factory        marqueeView2.setMarqueeFactory(marqueeFactory2);        //开始翻转        marqueeView2.startFlipping();        //设置item的监听        marqueeFactory2.setOnItemClickListener(new MarqueeFactory.OnItemClickListener() {            @Override            public void onItemClickListener(MarqueeFactory.ViewHolder holder) {                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, holder.data, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            }        });        //设置数据        marqueeFactory2.setData(list);        //文字向右翻转        MarqueeFactory marqueeFactory3 = new NoticeMF(this);        //设置监听        marqueeFactory3.setOnItemClickListener(new MarqueeFactory.OnItemClickListener() {            @Override            public void onItemClickListener(MarqueeFactory.ViewHolder holder) {                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, holder.data, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            }        });        //设置数据        marqueeFactory3.setData(list);        //MarqueeView设置Factory        marqueeView3.setMarqueeFactory(marqueeFactory3);        //设置进入退出的动画        marqueeView3.setAnimInAndOut(R.anim.left_in, R.anim.right_out);        //动画执行时间        marqueeView3.setAnimDuration(2000);        //翻页时间间隔        marqueeView3.setInterval(2500);        marqueeView3.setAnimateFirstView(true);        //直接调用startFlipping,setAnimateFirstView并没有生效        //marqueeView3.startFlipping();        mHandler.post(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                //开始翻转                marqueeView3.startFlipping();            }        });        //文字向下翻转        MarqueeFactory marqueeFactory4 = new NoticeMF(this);        //设置监听        marqueeFactory4.setOnItemClickListener(new MarqueeFactory.OnItemClickListener() {            @Override            public void onItemClickListener(MarqueeFactory.ViewHolder holder) {                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, holder.data, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            }        });        //设置数据        marqueeFactory4.setData(list);        //设置进入退出的动画        marqueeView4.setAnimInAndOut(R.anim.top_in, R.anim.bottom_out);        //MarqueeView设置Factory        marqueeView4.setMarqueeFactory(marqueeFactory4);        //开始翻转        marqueeView4.startFlipping();        //设置多行布局        List dataList = new ArrayList<>();        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {            dataList.add(new MyData("标题 " + i, "内容 " + i, "时间 " + i));        }        MarqueeFactory marqueeFactory5 = new ComplexViewMF(this);        marqueeFactory5.setData(dataList);        marqueeView5.setAnimInAndOut(R.anim.top_in, R.anim.bottom_out);        //MarqueeView设置Factory        marqueeView5.setMarqueeFactory(marqueeFactory5);        //开始翻转        marqueeView5.startFlipping();    }    @Override    protected void onStart() {        super.onStart();        marqueeView1.startFlipping();        marqueeView2.startFlipping();        marqueeView3.startFlipping();        marqueeView4.startFlipping();        marqueeView5.startFlipping();    }    @Override    protected void onStop() {        super.onStop();        marqueeView1.stopFlipping();        marqueeView2.stopFlipping();        marqueeView3.stopFlipping();        marqueeView4.stopFlipping();        marqueeView5.stopFlipping();    }}


public class NoticeMF extends MarqueeFactory<TextView, String> {    private LayoutInflater inflater;    public NoticeMF(Context mContext) {        super(mContext);        inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);    }    @Override    public TextView generateMarqueeItemView(String data) {        TextView mView = (TextView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.notice_item, null);        mView.setText(data);        return mView;    }}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><TextView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    android:ellipsize="end"    android:maxLines="1"    android:padding="15dp"    android:textSize="15sp" />


public class MyData {    private String title;    private String body;    private String time;    public MyData(String title, String body, String time) {        this.title = title;        this.body = body;        this.time = time;    }    public MyData() {    }    public String getTitle() {        return title;    }    public void setTitle(String title) {        this.title = title;    }    public String getBody() {        return body;    }    public void setBody(String body) {        this.body = body;    }    public String getTime() {        return time;    }    public void setTime(String time) {        this.time = time;    }}


public class ComplexViewMF extends MarqueeFactory<RelativeLayout, MyData> {    private LayoutInflater inflater;    public ComplexViewMF(Context mContext) {        super(mContext);        inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);    }    @Override    public RelativeLayout generateMarqueeItemView(MyData data) {        RelativeLayout mView = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.complex_view, null);        ((TextView) mView.findViewById(R.id.title)).setText(data.getTitle());        ((TextView) mView.findViewById(R.id.body)).setText(data.getBody());        ((TextView) mView.findViewById(R.id.time)).setText(data.getTime());        return mView;    }}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:padding="10dp">    <TextView        android:id="@+id/title"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:text="标题" />    <TextView        android:id="@+id/body"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_below="@id/title"        android:layout_marginTop="10dp"        android:text="副标题" />    <TextView        android:id="@+id/time"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:layout_alignParentRight="true"        android:layout_centerVertical="true"        android:text="2016-12-20 18:18" />RelativeLayout>


/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Badoo Trading Limited * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * Portions of documentation in this code are modifications based on work created and * shared by Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the * Apache License, Version 2.0 */package com.example.administrator.marqueeviewdemo;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.Looper;import android.os.Message;import android.support.annotation.NonNull;import android.support.annotation.Nullable;import android.support.annotation.VisibleForTesting;import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;/** * Memory safer implementation of android.os.Handler * 

* Original implementation of Handlers always keeps hard reference to handler in queue of execution. * If you create anonymous handler and post delayed message into it, it will keep all parent class * for that time in memory even if it could be cleaned. *

* This implementation is trickier, it will keep WeakReferences to runnables and messages, * and GC could collect them once WeakHandler instance is not referenced any more *

* * @see Handler * * Created by Dmytro Voronkevych on 17/06/2014. */@SuppressWarnings("unused")public class WeakHandler { private final Handler.Callback mCallback; // hard reference to Callback. We need to keep callback in memory private final ExecHandler mExec; private Lock mLock = new ReentrantLock(); @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @VisibleForTesting final ChainedRef mRunnables = new ChainedRef(mLock, null); /** * Default constructor associates this handler with the {@link Looper} for the * current thread. * * If this thread does not have a looper, this handler won't be able to receive messages * so an exception is thrown. */ public WeakHandler() { mCallback = null; mExec = new ExecHandler(); } /** * Constructor associates this handler with the {@link Looper} for the * current thread and takes a callback interface in which you can handle * messages. * * If this thread does not have a looper, this handler won't be able to receive messages * so an exception is thrown. * * @param callback The callback interface in which to handle messages, or null. */ public WeakHandler(@Nullable Handler.Callback callback) { mCallback = callback; // Hard referencing body mExec = new ExecHandler(new WeakReference<>(callback)); // Weak referencing inside ExecHandler } /** * Use the provided {@link Looper} instead of the default one. * * @param looper The looper, must not be null. */ public WeakHandler(@NonNull Looper looper) { mCallback = null; mExec = new ExecHandler(looper); } /** * Use the provided {@link Looper} instead of the default one and take a callback * interface in which to handle messages. * * @param looper The looper, must not be null. * @param callback The callback interface in which to handle messages, or null. */ public WeakHandler(@NonNull Looper looper, @NonNull Handler.Callback callback) { mCallback = callback; mExec = new ExecHandler(looper, new WeakReference<>(callback)); } /** * Causes the Runnable r to be added to the message queue. * The runnable will be run on the thread to which this handler is * attached. * * @param r The Runnable that will be executed. * * @return Returns true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. */ public final boolean post(@NonNull Runnable r) { return mExec.post(wrapRunnable(r)); } /** * Causes the Runnable r to be added to the message queue, to be run * at a specific time given by uptimeMillis. * The time-base is {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis}. * The runnable will be run on the thread to which this handler is attached. * * @param r The Runnable that will be executed. * @param uptimeMillis The absolute time at which the callback should run, * using the {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis} time-base. * * @return Returns true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. Note that a * result of true does not mean the Runnable will be processed -- if * the looper is quit before the delivery time of the message * occurs then the message will be dropped. */ public final boolean postAtTime(@NonNull Runnable r, long uptimeMillis) { return mExec.postAtTime(wrapRunnable(r), uptimeMillis); } /** * Causes the Runnable r to be added to the message queue, to be run * at a specific time given by uptimeMillis. * The time-base is {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis}. * The runnable will be run on the thread to which this handler is attached. * * @param r The Runnable that will be executed. * @param uptimeMillis The absolute time at which the callback should run, * using the {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis} time-base. * * @return Returns true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. Note that a * result of true does not mean the Runnable will be processed -- if * the looper is quit before the delivery time of the message * occurs then the message will be dropped. * * @see android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis */ public final boolean postAtTime(Runnable r, Object token, long uptimeMillis) { return mExec.postAtTime(wrapRunnable(r), token, uptimeMillis); } /** * Causes the Runnable r to be added to the message queue, to be run * after the specified amount of time elapses. * The runnable will be run on the thread to which this handler * is attached. * * @param r The Runnable that will be executed. * @param delayMillis The delay (in milliseconds) until the Runnable * will be executed. * * @return Returns true if the Runnable was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. Note that a * result of true does not mean the Runnable will be processed -- * if the looper is quit before the delivery time of the message * occurs then the message will be dropped. */ public final boolean postDelayed(Runnable r, long delayMillis) { return mExec.postDelayed(wrapRunnable(r), delayMillis); } /** * Posts a message to an object that implements Runnable. * Causes the Runnable r to executed on the next iteration through the * message queue. The runnable will be run on the thread to which this * handler is attached. * This method is only for use in very special circumstances -- it * can easily starve the message queue, cause ordering problems, or have * other unexpected side-effects. * * @param r The Runnable that will be executed. * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. */ public final boolean postAtFrontOfQueue(Runnable r) { return mExec.postAtFrontOfQueue(wrapRunnable(r)); } /** * Remove any pending posts of Runnable r that are in the message queue. */ public final void removeCallbacks(Runnable r) { final WeakRunnable runnable = mRunnables.remove(r); if (runnable != null) { mExec.removeCallbacks(runnable); } } /** * Remove any pending posts of Runnable r with Object * token that are in the message queue. If token is null, * all callbacks will be removed. */ public final void removeCallbacks(Runnable r, Object token) { final WeakRunnable runnable = mRunnables.remove(r); if (runnable != null) { mExec.removeCallbacks(runnable, token); } } /** * Pushes a message onto the end of the message queue after all pending messages * before the current time. It will be received in callback, * in the thread attached to this handler. * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. */ public final boolean sendMessage(Message msg) { return mExec.sendMessage(msg); } /** * Sends a Message containing only the what value. * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. */ public final boolean sendEmptyMessage(int what) { return mExec.sendEmptyMessage(what); } /** * Sends a Message containing only the what value, to be delivered * after the specified amount of time elapses. * @see #sendMessageDelayed(Message, long) * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. */ public final boolean sendEmptyMessageDelayed(int what, long delayMillis) { return mExec.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(what, delayMillis); } /** * Sends a Message containing only the what value, to be delivered * at a specific time. * @see #sendMessageAtTime(Message, long) * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. */ public final boolean sendEmptyMessageAtTime(int what, long uptimeMillis) { return mExec.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(what, uptimeMillis); } /** * Enqueue a message into the message queue after all pending messages * before (current time + delayMillis). You will receive it in * callback, in the thread attached to this handler. * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. Note that a * result of true does not mean the message will be processed -- if * the looper is quit before the delivery time of the message * occurs then the message will be dropped. */ public final boolean sendMessageDelayed(Message msg, long delayMillis) { return mExec.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delayMillis); } /** * Enqueue a message into the message queue after all pending messages * before the absolute time (in milliseconds) uptimeMillis. * The time-base is {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis}. * You will receive it in callback, in the thread attached * to this handler. * * @param uptimeMillis The absolute time at which the message should be * delivered, using the * {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis} time-base. * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. Note that a * result of true does not mean the message will be processed -- if * the looper is quit before the delivery time of the message * occurs then the message will be dropped. */ public boolean sendMessageAtTime(Message msg, long uptimeMillis) { return mExec.sendMessageAtTime(msg, uptimeMillis); } /** * Enqueue a message at the front of the message queue, to be processed on * the next iteration of the message loop. You will receive it in * callback, in the thread attached to this handler. * This method is only for use in very special circumstances -- it * can easily starve the message queue, cause ordering problems, or have * other unexpected side-effects. * * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the * message queue. Returns false on failure, usually because the * looper processing the message queue is exiting. */ public final boolean sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(Message msg) { return mExec.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(msg); } /** * Remove any pending posts of messages with code 'what' that are in the * message queue. */ public final void removeMessages(int what) { mExec.removeMessages(what); } /** * Remove any pending posts of messages with code 'what' and whose obj is * 'object' that are in the message queue. If object is null, * all messages will be removed. */ public final void removeMessages(int what, Object object) { mExec.removeMessages(what, object); } /** * Remove any pending posts of callbacks and sent messages whose * obj is token. If token is null, * all callbacks and messages will be removed. */ public final void removeCallbacksAndMessages(Object token) { mExec.removeCallbacksAndMessages(token); } /** * Check if there are any pending posts of messages with code 'what' in * the message queue. */ public final boolean hasMessages(int what) { return mExec.hasMessages(what); } /** * Check if there are any pending posts of messages with code 'what' and * whose obj is 'object' in the message queue. */ public final boolean hasMessages(int what, Object object) { return mExec.hasMessages(what, object); } public final Looper getLooper() { return mExec.getLooper(); } private WeakRunnable wrapRunnable(@NonNull Runnable r) { //noinspection ConstantConditions if (r == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Runnable can't be null"); } final ChainedRef hardRef = new ChainedRef(mLock, r); mRunnables.insertAfter(hardRef); return hardRef.wrapper; } private static class ExecHandler extends Handler { private final WeakReference mCallback; ExecHandler() { mCallback = null; } ExecHandler(WeakReference callback) { mCallback = callback; } ExecHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); mCallback = null; } ExecHandler(Looper looper, WeakReference callback) { super(looper); mCallback = callback; } @Override public void handleMessage(@NonNull Message msg) { if (mCallback == null) { return; } final Callback callback = mCallback.get(); if (callback == null) { // Already disposed return; } callback.handleMessage(msg); } } static class WeakRunnable implements Runnable { private final WeakReference mDelegate; private final WeakReference mReference; WeakRunnable(WeakReference delegate, WeakReference reference) { mDelegate = delegate; mReference = reference; } @Override public void run() { final Runnable delegate = mDelegate.get(); final ChainedRef reference = mReference.get(); if (reference != null) { reference.remove(); } if (delegate != null) { delegate.run(); } } } static class ChainedRef { @Nullable ChainedRef next; @Nullable ChainedRef prev; @NonNull final Runnable runnable; @NonNull final WeakRunnable wrapper; @NonNull Lock lock; public ChainedRef(@NonNull Lock lock, @NonNull Runnable r) { this.runnable = r; this.lock = lock; this.wrapper = new WeakRunnable(new WeakReference<>(r), new WeakReference<>(this)); } public WeakRunnable remove() { lock.lock(); try { if (prev != null) { prev.next = next; } if (next != null) { next.prev = prev; } prev = null; next = null; } finally { lock.unlock(); } return wrapper; } public void insertAfter(@NonNull ChainedRef candidate) { lock.lock(); try { if (this.next != null) { this.next.prev = candidate; } candidate.next = this.next; this.next = candidate; candidate.prev = this; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Nullable public WeakRunnable remove(Runnable obj) { lock.lock(); try { ChainedRef curr = this.next; // Skipping head while (curr != null) { if (curr.runnable == obj) { // We do comparison exactly how Handler does inside return curr.remove(); } curr = curr.next; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return null; } }}


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