

搜了大量资料后,才偶然发现是PendingIntent 的问题:

PendingIntent 需要通过以下方法取得:PendingIntent.getActivity (Context context, int requestCode, Intent intent, int flags),看sdk,对这个方法这样描述:

public staticPendingIntentgetActivity(Contextcontext, int requestCode,Intentintent, int flags)

Since: API Level 1

Retrieve a PendingIntent that will start a new activity, like callingContext.startActivity(Intent). Note that the activity will be started outside of the context of an existing activity, so you must use theIntent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASKlaunch flag in the Intent.

context The Context in which this PendingIntent should start the activity.
requestCode Private request code for the sender (currently not used).
intent Intent of the activity to be launched.
flags May beFLAG_ONE_SHOT,FLAG_NO_CREATE,FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT,FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, or any of the flags as supported byIntent.fillIn()to control which unspecified parts of the intent that can be supplied when the actual send happens.
  • Returns an existing or new PendingIntent matching the given parameters. May return null only ifFLAG_NO_CREATEhas been supplied.

我们看到requestCode打了括号说明是currently not used,既然还没使用,我就像网上很多例子一样随便给一个0就算了。可实际上这个参数是有用的:当同时有多个通知的时候,可通过这个参数来互相区别,否则的话,就像我开始遇到的情况,后加进去的Intent会把前面的盖掉。弄清楚了这点,事情就好办了,我把PendingIntent.getActivity的requestCode参数设成了与noti


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