Each time I play a video and lock the iPhone by pushing the power button, the video is automatically stopped. If I want to play a MTV and just listen to the music when I walking, I’d like the video play in the background. Is there a method to make this happen?

每次播放视频并按电源按钮锁定iPhone时,视频都会自动停止。 如果我想播放MTV并只是在走路时听音乐 ,我想在后台播放视频。 有没有办法做到这一点?

I can do this with AcePlayer:


First, play the video in AcePlayer.


Then, push the “power” button of iPhone to lock it. The video is AcePlayer is paused.

然后,按iPhone的“电源”按钮将其锁定。 视频是AcePlayer暂停的。

Now, to continue the playing of the video in Aceplayer:


Push the “play” button (the center button) of the “remote adapter” on the earphone and the video continues play again.


Of course, you must use the earphone with this method.

当然 ,您必须通过这种方法使用耳机。

Answered by SA. 由SA回答。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-make-the-video-play-in-background-in-iphone/


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