
public static final String CREATE_BOOK = "create                                  table Book("            + "id Integer primary key autoincrement,"            + "author text,"            + "pages integer,"            + "name text)";    public static final String CREATE_CATEGORY = "create table Category("            + "id integer primary key autoincrement,"            + "category_name text,"            + "category_code integer)";    private Context mContext;    public MyDatabaseHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {        super(context, name, factory, version);        mContext = context;    }    @Override    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {        db.execSQL(CREATE_BOOK);        db.execSQL(CREATE_CATEGORY);        Toast.makeText(mContext, "Create Success", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();    }    @Override    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {        db.execSQL("drop table if exits Book");        db.execSQL("drop table if exits Category");        onCreate(db);    }
dbHelper = new MyDatabaseHelper(this, "Book", null, 2);//初始化
SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();                ContentValues values = new ContentValues();//通过一个value                values.put("name", "Ming");                values.put("author", "MIng");                values.put("pages", 13);                values.put("prices", 15.1);                db.insert("Book", null, values);//插入                    values.clear();//清空                     db.insert("Book", null, values);                db.update("Book", values, "name=?", new String[]{"djkfh"});//更新数据                db.delete("Book", "name=?", new String[]{"kld"});//删除数据
 Cursor cursor = db.query("Book", null, null, null, null, null, null);                if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {                    do {                        String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name"));                        int pages = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("pages"));}while(cursor.moveToNext());


db.execSQL("insert into Book (name,author,pages,price)values(?,?,?,?)", new String[]{"The", "df", "4", "3"});db.execSQL("update Book set price = ? where name = ?", new String[]{"f", "jdfh"});db.execSQL("delete from Book where pages>", new String[]{"dh"});db.rawQuery("select *from Book", null);


开源的数据库androd框架,采用了对象关系映射,将数据库功能进行了封装,可以轻松完成增删改查的操作,使用文档地址是 https://github.com/LitePalFramework/LitePal

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><litepal><dbname value = "BookStore">dbname><version value = "1">version><list>list>litepal>


public class Album extends DataSupport {    @Column(unique = true, defaultValue = "unknown")    private String name;    private float price;    private byte[] cover;    private List songs = new ArrayList();    // generated getters and setters.    ...}public class Song extends DataSupport {    @Column(nullable = false)    private String name;    private int duration;    @Column(ignore = true)    private String uselessField;    private Album album;    // generated getters and setters.    ...}Then add these models into the mapping list in litepal.xml:    "org.litepal.litepalsample.model.Album" />    "org.litepal.litepalsample.model.Song" />


//查询Book表中11-20条满足页数大于400这个条件的name,author,price这3列数据,并按照页数升序排列List books = DataSupport.select("name","author","price")                              .where("pages>?","400")                              .order("pages")                              .limit(10)                              .offset(10)                              .find(Book.class); //原生查询 Cursor cursor = DataSupport.findBySQL("select from Book where pages > ?and prices < ?","400","20");



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