

1.首先下载commons-net  jar包,可以百度下载。


package ryancheng.example.progressbar;  import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply; import android.os.Environment;  public class FTPManager {  FTPClient ftpClient = null;   public FTPManager() {   ftpClient = new FTPClient();  }   // 连接到ftp服务器  public synchronized boolean connect() throws Exception {   boolean bool = false;   if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {//判断是否已登陆    ftpClient.disconnect();   }   ftpClient.setDataTimeout(20000);//设置连接超时时间   ftpClient.setControlEncoding("utf-8");   ftpClient.connect("ip地址", 端口);   if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.getReplyCode())) {    if (ftpClient.login("用户名", "密码")) {     bool = true;     System.out.println("ftp连接成功");    }   }   return bool;  }   // 创建文件夹  public boolean createDirectory(String path) throws Exception {   boolean bool = false;   String directory = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);   int start = 0;   int end = 0;   if (directory.startsWith("/")) {    start = 1;   }   end = directory.indexOf("/", start);   while (true) {    String subDirectory = directory.substring(start, end);    if (!ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(subDirectory)) {     ftpClient.makeDirectory(subDirectory);     ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(subDirectory);     bool = true;    }    start = end + 1;    end = directory.indexOf("/", start);    if (end == -1) {     break;    }   }   return bool;  }   // 实现上传文件的功能  public synchronized boolean uploadFile(String localPath, String serverPath)    throws Exception {   // 上传文件之前,先判断本地文件是否存在   File localFile = new File(localPath);   if (!localFile.exists()) {    System.out.println("本地文件不存在");    return false;   }   System.out.println("本地文件存在,名称为:" + localFile.getName());   createDirectory(serverPath); // 如果文件夹不存在,创建文件夹   System.out.println("服务器文件存放路径:" + serverPath + localFile.getName());   String fileName = localFile.getName();   // 如果本地文件存在,服务器文件也在,上传文件,这个方法中也包括了断点上传   long localSize = localFile.length(); // 本地文件的长度   FTPFile[] files = ftpClient.listFiles(fileName);   long serverSize = 0;   if (files.length == 0) {    System.out.println("服务器文件不存在");    serverSize = 0;   } else {    serverSize = files[0].getSize(); // 服务器文件的长度   }   if (localSize <= serverSize) {    if (ftpClient.deleteFile(fileName)) {     System.out.println("服务器文件存在,删除文件,开始重新上传");     serverSize = 0;    }   }   RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(localFile, "r");   // 进度   long step = localSize / 100;   long process = 0;   long currentSize = 0;   // 好了,正式开始上传文件   ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode();   ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);   ftpClient.setRestartOffset(serverSize);   raf.seek(serverSize);   OutputStream output = ftpClient.appendFileStream(fileName);   byte[] b = new byte[1024];   int length = 0;   while ((length = raf.read(b)) != -1) {    output.write(b, 0, length);    currentSize = currentSize + length;    if (currentSize / step != process) {     process = currentSize / step;     if (process % 10 == 0) {      System.out.println("上传进度:" + process);     }    }   }   output.flush();   output.close();   raf.close();   if (ftpClient.completePendingCommand()) {    System.out.println("文件上传成功");    return true;   } else {    System.out.println("文件上传失败");    return false;   }  }   // 实现下载文件功能,可实现断点下载  public synchronized boolean downloadFile(String localPath, String serverPath)    throws Exception {   // 先判断服务器文件是否存在   FTPFile[] files = ftpClient.listFiles(serverPath);   if (files.length == 0) {    System.out.println("服务器文件不存在");    return false;   }   System.out.println("远程文件存在,名字为:" + files[0].getName());   localPath = localPath + files[0].getName();   // 接着判断下载的文件是否能断点下载   long serverSize = files[0].getSize(); // 获取远程文件的长度   File localFile = new File(localPath);   long localSize = 0;   if (localFile.exists()) {    localSize = localFile.length(); // 如果本地文件存在,获取本地文件的长度    if (localSize >= serverSize) {     System.out.println("文件已经下载完了");     File file = new File(localPath);     file.delete();     System.out.println("本地文件存在,删除成功,开始重新下载");     return false;    }   }   // 进度   long step = serverSize / 100;   long process = 0;   long currentSize = 0;   // 开始准备下载文件   ftpClient.enterLocalActiveMode();   ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);   OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(localFile, true);   ftpClient.setRestartOffset(localSize);   InputStream input = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(serverPath);   byte[] b = new byte[1024];   int length = 0;   while ((length = input.read(b)) != -1) {    out.write(b, 0, length);    currentSize = currentSize + length;    if (currentSize / step != process) {     process = currentSize / step;     if (process % 10 == 0) {      System.out.println("下载进度:" + process);     }    }   }   out.flush();   out.close();   input.close();   // 此方法是来确保流处理完毕,如果没有此方法,可能会造成现程序死掉   if (ftpClient.completePendingCommand()) {    System.out.println("文件下载成功");    return true;   } else {    System.out.println("文件下载失败");    return false;   }  }   // 如果ftp上传打开,就关闭掉  public void closeFTP() throws Exception {   if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {    ftpClient.disconnect();   }  } } 



// 上传例子 private void ftpUpload() {  new Thread() {  public void run() {   try {   System.out.println("正在连接ftp服务器....");   FTPManager ftpManager = new FTPManager();   if (ftpManager.connect()) {   if (ftpManager.uploadFile(ftpManager.rootPath + "UpdateXZMarketPlatform.apk", "mnt/sdcard/")) {   ftpManager.closeFTP();   }   }   } catch (Exception e) {   // TODO: handle exception   // System.out.println(e.getMessage());   }  }  }.start();  } 


// 下载例子 private void ftpDownload() {  new Thread() {  public void run() {   try {   System.out.println("正在连接ftp服务器....");   FTPManager ftpManager = new FTPManager();   if (ftpManager.connect()) {   if (ftpManager.downloadFile(ftpManager.rootPath, "20120723_XFQ07_XZMarketPlatform.db")) {   ftpManager.closeFTP();   }   }   } catch (Exception e) {   // TODO: handle exception   // System.out.println(e.getMessage());   }  }  }.start();  } 


package com.kandao.yunbell.videocall;  import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.SocketException;  import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply;  import com.kandao.yunbell.common.SysApplication;  import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log;  public class MyUploadThread extends Thread {  private String fileName;// 文件名字  private String filePath;// 文件本地路径  private String fileStoragePath;// 文件服务器存储路径  private String serverAddress;// 服务器地址  private String ftpUserName;// ftp账号  private String ftpPassword;// ftp密码  private Context mContext;  public MyUploadThread() {   super();   // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub  }   public MyUploadThread(Context mContext,String fileName, String filePath,     String fileStoragePath,String serverAddress,String ftpUserName,String ftpPassword) {   super();   this.fileName = fileName;   this.filePath = filePath;   this.fileStoragePath = fileStoragePath;   this.serverAddress = serverAddress;   this.ftpUserName = ftpUserName;   this.ftpPassword = ftpPassword;   this.mContext=mContext;  }   @Override  public void run() {   super.run();   try {    FileInputStream fis=null;    FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();    String[] idPort = serverAddress.split(":");    ftpClient.connect(idPort[0], Integer.parseInt(idPort[1]));    int returnCode = ftpClient.getReplyCode();    Log.i("caohai", "returnCode,upload:"+returnCode);    boolean loginResult = ftpClient.login(ftpUserName, ftpPassword);    Log.i("caohai", "loginResult:"+loginResult);    if (loginResult && FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(returnCode)) {// 如果登录成功          // 设置上传目录          if (((SysApplication) mContext).getIsVideo()) {      ((SysApplication) mContext).setIsVideo(false);      boolean ff=ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(fileStoragePath + "/video/");      Log.i("caohai", "ff:"+ff);     }else{     boolean ee=ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(fileStoragePath + "/photo/");     Log.i("caohai", "ee:"+ee);     }     ftpClient.setBufferSize(1024);     // ftpClient.setControlEncoding("iso-8859-1");     // ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode();     ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);      fis = new FileInputStream(filePath + "/"       + fileName);      Log.i("caohai", "fileStoragePath00000:"+fileStoragePath);     String[] path = fileStoragePath.split("visitorRecord");          boolean fs = ftpClient.storeFile(new String((path[1]       + "/photo/" + fileName).getBytes(), "iso-8859-1"), fis);     Log.i("caohai", "shifoushangchuanchenggong:"+fs);     fis.close();     ftpClient.logout();     //ftpClient.disconnect();    } else {// 如果登录失败     ftpClient.disconnect();    }   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {    // TODO Auto-generated catch block    e.printStackTrace();   } catch (SocketException e) {    // TODO Auto-generated catch block    e.printStackTrace();   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {    // TODO Auto-generated catch block    e.printStackTrace();   } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {    // TODO Auto-generated catch block    e.printStackTrace();   } catch (IOException e) {    // TODO Auto-generated catch block    e.printStackTrace();   }   } } 



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