



allprojects {    repositories {        maven { url 'https://dl.bintray.com/xuuhaoo/maven/'}    }}

2. 在项目的build.gradle文件中添加依赖包

implementation 'com.tonystark.android:defense_crash:2.0.0'


   DefenseCrash.initialize();           DefenseCrash.install(this);

 4.在项目的Application中实现 implements IExceptionHandler 接口


    public class MyApp extends Application implements IExceptionHandler {        @Override        protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {            super.attachBaseContext(base);            // step1: Initialize the lib.            DefenseCrash.initialize();            // setp2: Install the fire wall defense.            DefenseCrash.install(this);        }        @Override        public void onCaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable throwable, boolean isSafeMode) {            // step3: Print the error when crashed during runtime.            throwable.printStackTrace();            // step4: Upload this throwable to your crash collection sdk.        }        @Override        public void onMayBeBlackScreen(Throwable throwable) {            // onLayout(),onMeasure() or onDraw() has breaks down,            // it causes the drawing to be abnormal and the choreographer to break down.            // We will notify you on this method,you’d better finish this activity or restart the application.        }        @Override        public void onEnterSafeMode() {            // We enter the safe mode to keep the main looper loop after crashed.You’d better do nothing here,we just notify you.        }    }





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