
Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager

看名字就知道这玩意是干什么的了,附上下载地址。安装完成后,在创建AVD时CPU选择INTEL X86,剩下的就是享受极速快感!太爽快了,使用Android4.4模拟器,启动只需要几秒钟,工程项目run在模拟器上也只需要几秒钟!神器也!
The Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (Intel® HAXM) is a hardware-assisted virtualization engine (hypervisor) that uses Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) to speed up Android app emulation on a host machine. In combination with Android x86 emulator images provided by Intel and the official Android SDK Manager, HAXM allows for faster Android emulation on Intel VT enabled systems


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