
public static final String CONNECTIVITY_ACTIONAdded in API level 1A change in network connectivity has occurred. A default connection has either been established or lost. The NetworkInfo for the affected network is sent as an extra; it should be consulted to see what kind of connectivity event occurred.If this is a connection that was the result of failing over from a disconnected network, then the FAILOVER_CONNECTION boolean extra is set to true.For a loss of connectivity, if the connectivity manager is attempting to connect (or has already connected) to another network, the NetworkInfo for the new network is also passed as an extra. This lets any receivers of the broadcast know that they should not necessarily tell the user that no data traffic will be possible. Instead, the receiver should expect another broadcast soon, indicating either that the failover attempt succeeded (and so there is still overall data connectivity), or that the failover attempt failed, meaning that all connectivity has been lost.For a disconnect event, the boolean extra EXTRA_NO_CONNECTIVITY is set to true if there are no connected networks at all.Constant Value: ""





public class MainActivity extends Activity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();        filter.addAction(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);        registerReceiver(netReceiver, filter);    }......



public class ContextWrapper extends Context {    Context mBase;    ...    public ContextWrapper(Context base) {        mBase = base;    }    @Override    public Intent registerReceiver(        BroadcastReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter) {        return mBase.registerReceiver(receiver, filter);    }    ...}

ContextWrapper. registerReceiver比较简单,调用的是mBase的registerReceiver方法。mBase是一个ContextImpl的实例。


class ContextImpl extends Context {    @Override    public Intent registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter) {        return registerReceiver(receiver, filter, null, null);    }    @Override    public Intent registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter,            String broadcastPermission, Handler scheduler) {        return registerReceiverInternal(receiver, getUserId(),                filter, broadcastPermission, scheduler, getOuterContext());    }   ....}


private Intent registerReceiverInternal(BroadcastReceiver receiver, int userId,            IntentFilter filter, String broadcastPermission,            Handler scheduler, Context context) {        IIntentReceiver rd = null;        if (receiver != null) {            if (mPackageInfo != null && context != null) {                if (scheduler == null) {                    scheduler = mMainThread.getHandler();                }                rd = mPackageInfo.getReceiverDispatcher(                    receiver, context, scheduler,                    mMainThread.getInstrumentation(), true);            } else {                if (scheduler == null) {                    scheduler = mMainThread.getHandler();                }                rd = new LoadedApk.ReceiverDispatcher(                        receiver, context, scheduler, null, true).getIIntentReceiver();            }        }        try {            return ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().registerReceiver(                    mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), mBasePackageName,                    rd, filter, broadcastPermission, userId);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            return null;        }    }


因此,重点看看 ActivityManagerProxy.registerReceiver这个方法:

class ActivityManagerProxy implements IActivityManager{    public ActivityManagerProxy(IBinder remote){        mRemote = remote;    }    public Intent registerReceiver(IApplicationThread caller, String packageName,            IIntentReceiver receiver,            IntentFilter filter, String perm, int userId) throws RemoteException{        Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();        Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();        data.writeInterfaceToken(IActivityManager.descriptor);        data.writeStrongBinder(caller != null ? caller.asBinder() : null);        data.writeString(packageName);        data.writeStrongBinder(receiver != null ? receiver.asBinder() : null);        filter.writeToParcel(data, 0);        data.writeString(perm);        data.writeInt(userId);        mRemote.transact(REGISTER_RECEIVER_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);        reply.readException();        Intent intent = null;        int haveIntent = reply.readInt();        if (haveIntent != 0) {            intent = Intent.CREATOR.createFromParcel(reply);        }        reply.recycle();        data.recycle();        return intent;    }     ...}



public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNative        implements Watchdog.Monitor, BatteryStatsImpl.BatteryCallback {    public Intent registerReceiver(IApplicationThread caller, String callerPackage,            IIntentReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter, String permission, int userId) {        enforceNotIsolatedCaller("registerReceiver");        ArrayList stickyIntents = null;        ProcessRecord callerApp = null;        int callingUid;        int callingPid;        synchronized(this) {            if (caller != null) {                callerApp = getRecordForAppLocked(caller);                if (callerApp == null) {                    throw new SecurityException(                            "Unable to find app for caller " + caller                            + " (pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid()                            + ") when registering receiver " + receiver);                }                if ( != Process.SYSTEM_UID &&                        !callerApp.pkgList.containsKey(callerPackage) &&                        !"android".equals(callerPackage)) {                    throw new SecurityException("Given caller package " + callerPackage                            + " is not running in process " + callerApp);                }                callingUid =;                callingPid =;            } else {                callerPackage = null;                callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();                callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();            }            userId = handleIncomingUser(callingPid, callingUid, userId,                    true, ALLOW_FULL_ONLY, "registerReceiver", callerPackage);            Iterator actions = filter.actionsIterator();            if (actions == null) {                ArrayList noAction = new ArrayList(1);                noAction.add(null);                actions = noAction.iterator();            }            // Collect stickies of users            int[] userIds = { UserHandle.USER_ALL, UserHandle.getUserId(callingUid) };            while (actions.hasNext()) {                String action =;                for (int id : userIds) {                    ArrayMap> stickies = mStickyBroadcasts.get(id);                    if (stickies != null) {                        ArrayList intents = stickies.get(action);                        if (intents != null) {                            if (stickyIntents == null) {                                stickyIntents = new ArrayList();                            }                            stickyIntents.addAll(intents);                        }                    }                }            }        }        ArrayList allSticky = null;        if (stickyIntents != null) {            final ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();            // Look for any matching sticky broadcasts...            for (int i = 0, N = stickyIntents.size(); i < N; i++) {                Intent intent = stickyIntents.get(i);                // If intent has scheme "content", it will need to acccess                // provider that needs to lock mProviderMap in ActivityThread                // and also it may need to wait application response, so we                // cannot lock ActivityManagerService here.                if (filter.match(resolver, intent, true, TAG) >= 0) {                    if (allSticky == null) {                        allSticky = new ArrayList();                    }                    allSticky.add(intent);                }            }        }        // The first sticky in the list is returned directly back to the client.        Intent sticky = allSticky != null ? allSticky.get(0) : null;        if (DEBUG_BROADCAST) Slog.v(TAG_BROADCAST, "Register receiver " + filter + ": " + sticky);        if (receiver == null) {            return sticky;        }        synchronized (this) {            if (callerApp != null && (callerApp.thread == null                    || callerApp.thread.asBinder() != caller.asBinder())) {                // Original caller already died                return null;            }            ReceiverList rl = mRegisteredReceivers.get(receiver.asBinder());            if (rl == null) {                rl = new ReceiverList(this, callerApp, callingPid, callingUid,                        userId, receiver);                if ( != null) {          ;                } else {                    try {                        receiver.asBinder().linkToDeath(rl, 0);                    } catch (RemoteException e) {                        return sticky;                    }                    rl.linkedToDeath = true;                }                mRegisteredReceivers.put(receiver.asBinder(), rl);            } else if (rl.uid != callingUid) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException(                        "Receiver requested to register for uid " + callingUid                        + " was previously registered for uid " + rl.uid);            } else if ( != callingPid) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException(                        "Receiver requested to register for pid " + callingPid                        + " was previously registered for pid " +;            } else if (rl.userId != userId) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException(                        "Receiver requested to register for user " + userId                        + " was previously registered for user " + rl.userId);            }            BroadcastFilter bf = new BroadcastFilter(filter, rl, callerPackage,                    permission, callingUid, userId);            rl.add(bf);            if (!bf.debugCheck()) {                Slog.w(TAG, "==> For Dynamic broadcast");            }            mReceiverResolver.addFilter(bf);            // Enqueue broadcasts for all existing stickies that match            // this filter.            if (allSticky != null) {                ArrayList receivers = new ArrayList();                receivers.add(bf);                final int stickyCount = allSticky.size();                for (int i = 0; i < stickyCount; i++) {                    Intent intent = allSticky.get(i);                    BroadcastQueue queue = broadcastQueueForIntent(intent);                    BroadcastRecord r = new BroadcastRecord(queue, intent, null,                            null, -1, -1, null, null, AppOpsManager.OP_NONE, null, receivers,                            null, 0, null, null, false, true, true, -1);                    queue.enqueueParallelBroadcastLocked(r);                    queue.scheduleBroadcastsLocked();                }            }            return sticky;        }    }...}


            ReceiverList rl = mRegisteredReceivers.get(receiver.asBinder());            if (rl == null) {                rl = new ReceiverList(this, callerApp, callingPid, callingUid,                        userId, receiver);                if ( != null) {          ;                } else {                    try {                        receiver.asBinder().linkToDeath(rl, 0);                    } catch (RemoteException e) {                        return sticky;                    }                    rl.linkedToDeath = true;                }                mRegisteredReceivers.put(receiver.asBinder(), rl);



            BroadcastFilter bf = new BroadcastFilter(filter, rl, callerPackage,                    permission, callingUid, userId);            rl.add(bf);            if (!bf.debugCheck()) {                Slog.w(TAG, "==> For Dynamic broadcast");            }            mReceiverResolver.addFilter(bf);


最后,回到最初的问题,为什么会在注册的时候收到网络变化的广播。答案也在ActivityManagerService. registerReceiver方法中。我们知道广播的类型分为普通广播、有序广播和粘性广播,问题就出在粘性广播上!


        ArrayList allSticky = null;        if (stickyIntents != null) {            final ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();            // Look for any matching sticky broadcasts...            for (int i = 0, N = stickyIntents.size(); i < N; i++) {                Intent intent = stickyIntents.get(i);                // If intent has scheme "content", it will need to acccess                // provider that needs to lock mProviderMap in ActivityThread                // and also it may need to wait application response, so we                // cannot lock ActivityManagerService here.                if (filter.match(resolver, intent, true, TAG) >= 0) {                    if (allSticky == null) {                        allSticky = new ArrayList();                    }                    allSticky.add(intent);                }            }        }        // The first sticky in the list is returned directly back to the client.        Intent sticky = allSticky != null ? allSticky.get(0) : null;        if (DEBUG_BROADCAST) Slog.v(TAG_BROADCAST, "Register receiver " + filter + ": " + sticky);        if (receiver == null) {            return sticky;        }

这段代码会去找所有filter对应的Sticky Intent。Sticky Intent对应的就是粘性广播,这个广播会在第一次发送之后被系统保存到内存里(手机关机会清零),等以后每次调用registerReceiver来注册相同filter的广播接收器时,就会得到这个广播。在本例中由于只注册了一次,因此allSticky.size()为1。


            // Enqueue broadcasts for all existing stickies that match            // this filter.            if (allSticky != null) {                ArrayList receivers = new ArrayList();                receivers.add(bf);                final int stickyCount = allSticky.size();                for (int i = 0; i < stickyCount; i++) {                    Intent intent = allSticky.get(i);                    BroadcastQueue queue = broadcastQueueForIntent(intent);                    BroadcastRecord r = new BroadcastRecord(queue, intent, null,                            null, -1, -1, null, null, AppOpsManager.OP_NONE, null, receivers,                            null, 0, null, null, false, true, true, -1);                    queue.enqueueParallelBroadcastLocked(r);                    queue.scheduleBroadcastsLocked();                }            }

在registerReceiver的最后,如果allSticky.size()不为0,就会把allSticky里面的所有Sticky Intent放到广播队列里——BroadcastQueue。BroadcastQueue是一个异步消息队列,一旦里面有广播消息,就会发送广播!至此,也就明白了为什么会在注册ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION的时候会发送广播了。原因就在于ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION是一个粘性广播,并且在之前某个时候被发送过,导致内存里保存有,那么以后一旦注册就会发送一个网络变化的广播。

最后,粘性广播在 android 5.0/api 21中deprecated,不再推荐使用,相应的还有粘性有序广播,同样已经deprecated。通过BroadcastReceiver.isInitialStickyBroadcast()方法可以知道是否是一个已经被缓存过的粘性广播。


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  6. 文章推荐:Android(安卓)BroadcastReceiver应用详解
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  8. Android代码之路:BroadcastReceiver初体验
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