
package com.uc108.mobile.gamecenter.util;/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */        import android.text.TextUtils;        import android.util.Log;        import java.util.ArrayList;        import java.util.Locale;        import libcore.icu.Transliterator;/** * An object to convert Chinese character to its corresponding pinyin string. * For characters with multiple possible pinyin string, only one is selected * according to ICU Transliterator class. Polyphone is not supported in this * implementation. */public class HanziToPinyin {    private static final String TAG = "HanziToPinyin";    private static HanziToPinyin sInstance;    private Transliterator mPinyinTransliterator;    private Transliterator mAsciiTransliterator;    public static class Token {        /**         * Separator between target string for each source char         */        public static final String SEPARATOR = " ";        public static final int LATIN = 1;        public static final int PINYIN = 2;        public static final int UNKNOWN = 3;        public Token() {        }        public Token(int type, String source, String target) {            this.type = type;            this.source = source;            this.target = target;        }        /**         * Type of this token, ASCII, PINYIN or UNKNOWN.         */        public int type;        /**         * Original string before translation.         */        public String source;        /**         * Translated string of source. For Han, target is corresponding Pinyin. Otherwise target is         * original string in source.         */        public String target;    }    private HanziToPinyin() {        try {            mPinyinTransliterator = new Transliterator(                    "Han-Latin/Names; Latin-Ascii; Any-Upper");            mAsciiTransliterator = new Transliterator("Latin-Ascii");        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {            Log.w(TAG, "Han-Latin/Names transliterator data is missing,"                    + " HanziToPinyin is disabled");        }    }    public boolean hasChineseTransliterator() {        return mPinyinTransliterator != null;    }    public static HanziToPinyin getInstance() {        synchronized (HanziToPinyin.class) {            if (sInstance == null) {                sInstance = new HanziToPinyin();            }            return sInstance;        }    }    private void tokenize(char character, Token token) {        token.source = Character.toString(character);        // ASCII        if (character < 128) {            token.type = Token.LATIN;            token.target = token.source;            return;        }        // Extended Latin. Transcode these to ASCII equivalents        if (character < 0x250 || (0x1e00 <= character && character < 0x1eff)) {            token.type = Token.LATIN;            token.target = mAsciiTransliterator == null ? token.source :                    mAsciiTransliterator.transliterate(token.source);            return;        }        token.type = Token.PINYIN;        token.target = mPinyinTransliterator.transliterate(token.source);        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(token.target) ||                TextUtils.equals(token.source, token.target)) {            token.type = Token.UNKNOWN;            token.target = token.source;        }    }    public String transliterate(final String input) {        if (!hasChineseTransliterator() || TextUtils.isEmpty(input)) {            return null;        }        return mPinyinTransliterator.transliterate(input);    }    /**     * Convert the input to a array of tokens. The sequence of ASCII or Unknown characters without     * space will be put into a Token, One Hanzi character which has pinyin will be treated as a     * Token. If there is no Chinese transliterator, the empty token array is returned.     */    public ArrayList getTokens(final String input) {        ArrayList tokens = new ArrayList();        if (!hasChineseTransliterator() || TextUtils.isEmpty(input)) {            // return empty tokens.            return tokens;        }        final int inputLength = input.length();        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        int tokenType = Token.LATIN;        Token token = new Token();        // Go through the input, create a new token when        // a. Token type changed        // b. Get the Pinyin of current charater.        // c. current character is space.        for (int i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) {            final char character = input.charAt(i);            if (Character.isSpaceChar(character)) {                if (sb.length() > 0) {                    addToken(sb, tokens, tokenType);                }            } else {                tokenize(character, token);                if (token.type == Token.PINYIN) {                    if (sb.length() > 0) {                        addToken(sb, tokens, tokenType);                    }                    tokens.add(token);                    token = new Token();                } else {                    if (tokenType != token.type && sb.length() > 0) {                        addToken(sb, tokens, tokenType);                    }                    sb.append(token.target);                }                tokenType = token.type;            }        }        if (sb.length() > 0) {            addToken(sb, tokens, tokenType);        }        return tokens;    }    private void addToken(            final StringBuilder sb, final ArrayList tokens, final int tokenType) {        String str = sb.toString();        tokens.add(new Token(tokenType, str, str));        sb.setLength(0);    }}

Transliterator.java 必须放在此包名下,Android版本过低的手机会找不到native方法。

package libcore.icu;public final class Transliterator {    private long peer;    /**     * Creates a new Transliterator for the given id.     */    public Transliterator(String id) {        peer = create(id);    }    @Override protected synchronized void finalize() throws Throwable {        try {            destroy(peer);            peer = 0;        } finally {            super.finalize();        }    }    /**     * Returns the ids of all known transliterators.     */    public static native String[] getAvailableIDs();    /**     * Transliterates the specified string.     */    public String transliterate(String s) {        return transliterate(peer, s);    }    private static native long create(String id);    private static native void destroy(long peer);    private static native String transliterate(long peer, String s);}


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