Short for Service Set Identifier, a 32-character unique identifier attached to the header of packets sent over a WLAN that acts as a password when a mobile device tries to connect to the BSS. The SSID differentiates one WLAN from another, so all access points and all devices attempting to connect to a specific WLAN must use the same SSID. A device will not be permitted to join the BSS unless it can provide the unique SSID. Because an SSID can be sniffed in plain text from a packet it does not supply any security to the network.


The Extended Service Set ID (ESSID) is the name of the network you want to access. It is used to identify different wireless networks.


The BSSID is a 48bit identity used to identify a particular BSS (Basic Service Set) within an area. In Infrastructure BSS networks, the BSSID is the MAC (Medium Access Control) address of the AP (Access Point) and in Independent BSS or ad hoc networks, the BSSID is generated randomly.

ESSID is just an extended SSID allowing for more features.


SSID(Service Set Identifier)AP唯一的ID码,用来区分不同的网络,最多可以有32个字符,无线终端和AP的SSID必须相同方可通信。无线网卡设置了不同的SSID就可以进入不同网络,SSID通常由AP广播出来,通过XP自带的扫描功能可以相看当前区域内的SSID。出于安全考虑可以不广播SSID,此时用户就要手工设置SSID才能进入相应的网络。简单说,SSID就是一个局域网的名称,只有设置为名称相同SSID的值的电脑才能互相通信。

ESSID是infrastructure的应用,一个扩展的服务装置ESS (Extended service set)由二个或多个BSS组成,形成单一的子网。使用者可于ESS上roaming及存取BSSs中的任何资料,其中Access Points必须设定相同的ESSID及channel才能允许roaming。

BSS是一种特殊的Ad-hoc LAN的应用,一个无线网络至少由一个连接到有线网络的AP和若干无线工作站组成,这种配置称为一个基本服务装置BSS (Basic Service Set)。一群计算机设定相同的BSS名称,即可自成一个group,而此BSS名称,即所谓BSSID。

通常,手机WLAN中,bssid其实就是无线路由的MAC地址. ESSID 也可认为是SSID, WIFI 网络名


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