接上篇Android 来电归属地 Jni 使用C++对二进制文件查询(一)

1. 二进制文件第二版


// -------------------------------------------------------//  Name:         ChangeTxtToBinary//  Description:  Read every line in txt file, convert it to special customized format//                binary file.//                binary file content: count of total records, records, cities  //  Arguments:    txt file name, binary file name//  Return Value: true means success// -------------------------------------------------------bool ChangeTxtToBinary(const char* inFileName,const char* outFileName){FILE* inFile = 0;inFile = fopen(inFileName,"rb");if(inFile == 0)return false;FILE* outFile = 0;outFile = fopen(outFileName,"wb");if(outFile == 0)return false;int phoneInfoCompressCount = 0;//firstly, write the count of total phoneInfoCompress.fwrite(&phoneInfoCompressCount,sizeof(int),1,outFile);//secondly, write all the recordsWriteRecords(inFile, phoneInfoCompressCount, outFile);//thirdly, rewrite the phoneInfoCompressCount.fseek(outFile,0,SEEK_SET);fwrite(&phoneInfoCompressCount,sizeof(int),1,outFile);//last, write all the citiesWriteCities(outFile);fclose(inFile);fclose(outFile);return true;}

2. 一些C语言中的文件操作函数解释


FILE* inFile = 0;inFile = fopen("test.txt","rb"); //使用fopen打开一个文件,rb表示以二进制方式读if(inFile == 0)return false;FILE* outFile = 0;outFile = fopen("test.dat","wb");//使用fopen打开一个文件,wb表示以二进制方式写入if(outFile == 0)return false;int num = 0;fwrite(&num,sizeof(int),1,outFile);//使用fwrite往文件中写入数据,这是一个写入int的例子int count = 0;fread(&count,sizeof(int),1,outFile);//使用fread读取文件中的值,这是一个读int的例子int number;char* firstCityName = new char[256];fscanf(inFile,"%d,%s",&number,firstCityName);//使用fscanf读取文件中的一行,分别存到两个变量中fseek(outFile,0,SEEK_SET);//使用fseek来改变读写位置,SEEK_SET表示文件开始处。SEEK_END表示文件尾部                          //比如,我想跳到文件头部写了一个int,想直接跳到文件尾部写其他  //内容,就可以这样使用  //fseek(outFile,0,SEEK_SET);  //fwrite...  //fseek(outFile,0,SEEK_END);  //fwrite...fclose(inFile); //使用fclose来关闭读取文件fclose(outFile);//使用fclose来关闭写入文件



/** * search n in a[], return the index, if not find, return -1. */  template <class T>  int BSearch(T a[],const int& length,const int& n){      int left = 0, right = length - 1;      while(left <= right){          int middle = (left + right) / 2;          if(n < a[middle]){              right = middle - 1;          }else if(n > a[middle]){              left = middle + 1;          }else{              return middle;          }      }      return -1;  }  


NumberInfoCompress infoMiddle;

int middle = (left + right) / 2;

fseek(file,sizeof(int) + middle * sizeof(NumberInfoCompress),SEEK_SET);


// -------------------------------------------------------//  Name:         GetCityNameByNumber//  Description:  input the phone number, find the city in the binary file //  Arguments:    bFileName:the binary file name,number: the phone number//  Return Value: city name,not find return ""// -------------------------------------------------------char* GetCityNameByNumber(const char* bFileName,const int& number){        FILE* file = 0;file = fopen(bFileName,"rb");if(file == 0)return (char*)"";int phoneInfoCompressCount = 0;//get total phoneInfoCompress countfread(&phoneInfoCompressCount,sizeof(int),1,file);int left = 0, right = phoneInfoCompressCount - 1;NumberInfoCompress infoMiddle;//begin binary searchwhile(left <= right){int middle = (left + right) / 2;//put the write point in the  middle phoneInfoCompress fseek(file,sizeof(int) + middle * sizeof(NumberInfoCompress),SEEK_SET);fread(&infoMiddle,sizeof(NumberInfoCompress),1,file);if(number < infoMiddle.getBegin()){right = middle - 1;}else if(number > (infoMiddle.getBegin() + infoMiddle.getSkip())){left = middle + 1;}else{// find the resultreturn DoFindResultThing(file, phoneInfoCompressCount, infoMiddle);}}        fclose(file);return (char*)"";}char* DoFindResultThing( FILE* file,const int& phoneInfoCompressCount,const NumberInfoCompress &infoMiddle ) {//put the read point at the beginning of the citiesfseek(file,sizeof(int) + phoneInfoCompressCount*sizeof(NumberInfoCompress),SEEK_SET);int length = 0;unsigned short searchIndex = 0;//read every citywhile(!feof(file)){fread(&length,sizeof(int),1,file);char* location = new char[length];fread(location,length,1,file);if(searchIndex == infoMiddle.getCityIndex()){//find the city stringfclose(file);return location;}else{//keep reading the file               ++searchIndex;}}return (char*)"";}








Android 号码, 来电归属地 Jni 使用C++对二进制文件查询(一) 理论篇

Android 号码, 来电归属地 Jni 使用C++对二进制文件查询(二) C++实现篇

Android 号码, 来电归属地 Jni 使用C++对二进制文件查询(三) APK 实现篇




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