PKI 体系依赖证书执行极为关键的身份验证,以此确认服务端的可信任性。证书验证在 SSL/TLS 握手过程中完成,验证过程通常包含三个步骤:

  1. 验证证书的合法性:这一步主要是验证证书是由合法有效的 CA 签发的。在客户端预先保存一个可靠的 CA 的根证书库,比如 FiexFox、Chrome、Android、Microsoft 等都有维护自己的根证书库,并据此验证服务端证书链的合法性。PKI 体系借助于可靠的中心化身份验证系统,即 CA,为服务端的身份合法性背书。根证书库的安全是 PKI 系统正常工作非常关键的部分。

  2. 验证证书域名的匹配性:服务端的证书都是为特定域名签发的,证书就像是网站的身份证一样。通过验证域名匹配性,可以有效的防止身份的仿冒,比如经营着 A 网站的经营者,拦截用户请求,并冒充 B 网站的身份,盗取信息。如果客户端不对域名的匹配性做检查,则将造成极大的攻击面,拿到任何一个域名的合法证书的人都将可以仿冒目标服务器。

  3. 证书钉扎验证:这是 PKI 体系中比较新的一种增强安全性的机制。目前的证书签发机构 CA 非常多,总数大概有几百个上千个,每个 CA 都可以为任何域名签发合法有效的证书,因而众多的 CA 就造成了非常大的攻击面。比如某个 CA 被攻破,或者犯了其它什么错误,为攻击者签发了 等域名的证书,则攻击者将可以仿冒这些网站。证书钉扎机制正是为了解决这一问题而产生——证书钉扎机制中,在客户端将特定域名的证书与特定的签发者绑定,即客户端只承认特定签发者签发的某个域名的证书,而不承认其它 CA 为该域名签发的证书。通过这种方式,来解除大量 CA 这个攻击面的威胁。

在 Android 系统的 Java 应用程序中,证书验证通常由不同层面的多个组件完成。第一步的证书合法性验证,主要由 Java 标准库的 方法中完成,后面两个步骤由更上层的组件完成,比如 HTTPS 库 OkHttp 等。

本文主要讨论 Android 中根证书库的管理和证书的合法性验证。(本文分析说明主要依据 android-7.1.1/android-7.1.2 系统的行为,可以通过 Google 的 OpenGrok 服务器 阅读 Android 系统的源码。)

Android 的根证书管理

在 AOSP 源码库中,CA 根证书主要存放在 system/ca-certificates 目录下,而在 Android 系统中,则存放在 /system/etc/security/ 目录下,以 Android 7.1.1 系统的 Pixel 设备为例:

sailfish:/ # ls -l  /system/etc/security/total 40drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2017-07-18 16:37 cacertsdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2017-07-18 16:36 cacerts_google-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4995 2017-07-18 16:03 mac_permissions.xml-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1073 2017-07-18 16:59

其中 cacerts_google 目录下的根证书,主要用于 system/update_engineexternal/libbrillosystem/core/crash_reporter 等模块,cacerts 目录下的根证书则用于所有的应用。cacerts 目录下的根证书,即 Android 系统的根证书库,像下面这样:

sailfish:/ # ls -l /system/etc/security/cacertstotal 2408-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4767 2017-07-18 16:37 00673b5b.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7195 2017-07-18 16:37 02756ea4.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4919 2017-07-18 16:37 02b73561.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7142 2017-07-18 16:37 03f2b8cf.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2877 2017-07-18 16:37 04f60c28.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4836 2017-07-18 16:37 052e396b.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5322 2017-07-18 16:37 08aef7bb.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4922 2017-07-18 16:37 0d5a4e1c.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2308 2017-07-18 16:37 0d69c7e1.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4614 2017-07-18 16:37 10531352.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4716 2017-07-18 16:37 111e6273.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5375 2017-07-18 16:37 119afc2e.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4927 2017-07-18 16:37 124bbd54.0. . . . . .

它们都是 PEM 格式的 X.509 证书。Android 系统通过 SystemCertificateSourceDirectoryCertificateSourceCertificateSource 等类管理系统根证书库。CertificateSource定义(位于frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/了可以对根证书库执行的操作,主要是对根证书的获取和查找:

package;import;import java.util.Set;/** @hide */public interface CertificateSource {    Set getCertificates();    X509Certificate findBySubjectAndPublicKey(X509Certificate cert);    X509Certificate findByIssuerAndSignature(X509Certificate cert);    Set findAllByIssuerAndSignature(X509Certificate cert);    void handleTrustStorageUpdate();}

DirectoryCertificateSource 类则基于文件系统上分开存放的根证书文件的形式保存的根证书库,提供证书的创建、获取和查找操作,这个类的定义(位于frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/如下:

package;import android.os.Environment;import android.os.UserHandle;import android.util.ArraySet;import android.util.Log;import android.util.Pair;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Set;import;import;import;import;/** * {@link CertificateSource} based on a directory where certificates are stored as individual files * named after a hash of their SubjectName for more efficient lookups. * @hide */abstract class DirectoryCertificateSource implements CertificateSource {    private static final String LOG_TAG = "DirectoryCertificateSrc";    private final File mDir;    private final Object mLock = new Object();    private final CertificateFactory mCertFactory;    private Set mCertificates;    protected DirectoryCertificateSource(File caDir) {        mDir = caDir;        try {            mCertFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");        } catch (CertificateException e) {            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to obtain X.509 CertificateFactory", e);        }    }    protected abstract boolean isCertMarkedAsRemoved(String caFile);    @Override    public Set getCertificates() {        // TODO: loading all of these is wasteful, we should instead use a keystore style API.        synchronized (mLock) {            if (mCertificates != null) {                return mCertificates;            }            Set certs = new ArraySet();            if (mDir.isDirectory()) {                for (String caFile : mDir.list()) {                    if (isCertMarkedAsRemoved(caFile)) {                        continue;                    }                    X509Certificate cert = readCertificate(caFile);                    if (cert != null) {                        certs.add(cert);                    }                }            }            mCertificates = certs;            return mCertificates;        }    }    @Override    public X509Certificate findBySubjectAndPublicKey(final X509Certificate cert) {        return findCert(cert.getSubjectX500Principal(), new CertSelector() {            @Override            public boolean match(X509Certificate ca) {                return ca.getPublicKey().equals(cert.getPublicKey());            }        });    }    @Override    public X509Certificate findByIssuerAndSignature(final X509Certificate cert) {        return findCert(cert.getIssuerX500Principal(), new CertSelector() {            @Override            public boolean match(X509Certificate ca) {                try {                    cert.verify(ca.getPublicKey());                    return true;                } catch (Exception e) {                    return false;                }            }        });    }    @Override    public Set findAllByIssuerAndSignature(final X509Certificate cert) {        return findCerts(cert.getIssuerX500Principal(), new CertSelector() {            @Override            public boolean match(X509Certificate ca) {                try {                    cert.verify(ca.getPublicKey());                    return true;                } catch (Exception e) {                    return false;                }            }        });    }    @Override    public void handleTrustStorageUpdate() {        synchronized (mLock) {            mCertificates = null;        }    }    private static interface CertSelector {        boolean match(X509Certificate cert);    }    private Set findCerts(X500Principal subj, CertSelector selector) {        String hash = getHash(subj);        Set certs = null;        for (int index = 0; index >= 0; index++) {            String fileName = hash + "." + index;            if (!new File(mDir, fileName).exists()) {                break;            }            if (isCertMarkedAsRemoved(fileName)) {                continue;            }            X509Certificate cert = readCertificate(fileName);            if (cert == null) {                continue;            }            if (!subj.equals(cert.getSubjectX500Principal())) {                continue;            }            if (selector.match(cert)) {                if (certs == null) {                    certs = new ArraySet();                }                certs.add(cert);            }        }        return certs != null ? certs : Collections.emptySet();    }    private X509Certificate findCert(X500Principal subj, CertSelector selector) {        String hash = getHash(subj);        for (int index = 0; index >= 0; index++) {            String fileName = hash + "." + index;            if (!new File(mDir, fileName).exists()) {                break;            }            if (isCertMarkedAsRemoved(fileName)) {                continue;            }            X509Certificate cert = readCertificate(fileName);            if (cert == null) {                continue;            }            if (!subj.equals(cert.getSubjectX500Principal())) {                continue;            }            if (selector.match(cert)) {                return cert;            }        }        return null;    }    private String getHash(X500Principal name) {        int hash = NativeCrypto.X509_NAME_hash_old(name);        return Hex.intToHexString(hash, 8);    }    private X509Certificate readCertificate(String file) {        InputStream is = null;        try {            is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(mDir, file)));            return (X509Certificate) mCertFactory.generateCertificate(is);        } catch (CertificateException | IOException e) {            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read certificate from " + file, e);            return null;        } finally {            IoUtils.closeQuietly(is);        }    }}

获取根证书库的 getCertificates() 操作在第一次被调用时,遍历文件系统,并加载系统所有的根证书文件,并缓存起来,以备后面访问。根证书的查找操作,主要依据证书文件的文件名进行,证书文件被要求以 [SubjectName 的哈希值].[Index] 的形式命名。

SystemCertificateSource 类主要定义(位于frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/了系统根证书库的路径,以及无效一个根证书的机制:

package;import android.os.Environment;import android.os.UserHandle;import;/** * {@link CertificateSource} based on the system trusted CA store. * @hide */public final class SystemCertificateSource extends DirectoryCertificateSource {    private static class NoPreloadHolder {        private static final SystemCertificateSource INSTANCE = new SystemCertificateSource();    }    private final File mUserRemovedCaDir;    private SystemCertificateSource() {        super(new File(System.getenv("ANDROID_ROOT") + "/etc/security/cacerts"));        File configDir = Environment.getUserConfigDirectory(UserHandle.myUserId());        mUserRemovedCaDir = new File(configDir, "cacerts-removed");    }    public static SystemCertificateSource getInstance() {        return NoPreloadHolder.INSTANCE;    }    @Override    protected boolean isCertMarkedAsRemoved(String caFile) {        return new File(mUserRemovedCaDir, caFile).exists();    }}

Android 系统的根证书位于 /system/etc/security/cacerts/ 目录下。用户可以通过将特定根证书复制到用户配置目录的 cacerts-removed 目录下来无效一个根证书。

Android framework 还提供了另外一个用于加载并访问用户根证书库的组件 UserCertificateSource,这个类的定义(位于 frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/如下:

package;import android.os.Environment;import android.os.UserHandle;import;/** * {@link CertificateSource} based on the user-installed trusted CA store. * @hide */public final class UserCertificateSource extends DirectoryCertificateSource {    private static class NoPreloadHolder {        private static final UserCertificateSource INSTANCE = new UserCertificateSource();    }    private UserCertificateSource() {        super(new File(                Environment.getUserConfigDirectory(UserHandle.myUserId()), "cacerts-added"));    }    public static UserCertificateSource getInstance() {        return NoPreloadHolder.INSTANCE;    }    @Override    protected boolean isCertMarkedAsRemoved(String caFile) {        return false;    }}

这个组件与 SystemCertificateSource 类似,只是它定义了用户根证书库的路径。



有了根证书库之后,根证书库又是如何被用于 SSL/TLS 握手的证书验证过程的呢?

证书的合法性由 Java 标准库的 方法中完成。对于 Android 系统而言,SSLSocket 基于 OpenSSL 库实现,这一实现由 external/conscrypt 模块提供,SSLSocket 的实现为 OpenSSLSocketImpl 类(位于external/conscrypt/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/。

OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake() 中的 SSL/TLS 握手是一个极为精巧的过程,我们略过详细的握手过程,主要关注证书验证的部分。

OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake() 通过 NativeCrypto 类(位于external/conscrypt/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/中的静态本地层方法 SSL_do_handshake() 方法执行握手操作:

    /**     * Returns the sslSessionNativePointer of the negotiated session. If this is     * a server negotiation, supplying the {@code alpnProtocols} will enable     * ALPN negotiation.     */    public static native long SSL_do_handshake(long sslNativePointer,                                               FileDescriptor fd,                                               SSLHandshakeCallbacks shc,                                               int timeoutMillis,                                               boolean client_mode,                                               byte[] npnProtocols,                                               byte[] alpnProtocols)        throws SSLException, SocketTimeoutException, CertificateException;

NativeCrypto 类内部定义了一组将会在本地层由与 SSL 握手相关的 OpenSSL C/C++ 代码调用的回调 SSLHandshakeCallbacks,在上面的 SSL_do_handshake() 方法中,这组回调作为参数传入本地层。

SSLHandshakeCallbacks 定义如下:

    /**     * A collection of callbacks from the native OpenSSL code that are     * related to the SSL handshake initiated by SSL_do_handshake.     */    public interface SSLHandshakeCallbacks {        /**         * Verify that we trust the certificate chain is trusted.         *         * @param sslSessionNativePtr pointer to a reference of the SSL_SESSION         * @param certificateChainRefs chain of X.509 certificate references         * @param authMethod auth algorithm name         *         * @throws CertificateException if the certificate is untrusted         */        public void verifyCertificateChain(long sslSessionNativePtr, long[] certificateChainRefs,                String authMethod) throws CertificateException;        /**         * Called on an SSL client when the server requests (or         * requires a certificate). The client can respond by using         * SSL_use_certificate and SSL_use_PrivateKey to set a         * certificate if has an appropriate one available, similar to         * how the server provides its certificate.         *         * @param keyTypes key types supported by the server,         * convertible to strings with #keyType         * @param asn1DerEncodedX500Principals CAs known to the server         */        public void clientCertificateRequested(byte[] keyTypes,                                               byte[][] asn1DerEncodedX500Principals)            throws CertificateEncodingException, SSLException;        /**         * Gets the key to be used in client mode for this connection in Pre-Shared Key (PSK) key         * exchange.         *         * @param identityHint PSK identity hint provided by the server or {@code null} if no hint         *        provided.         * @param identity buffer to be populated with PSK identity (NULL-terminated modified UTF-8)         *        by this method. This identity will be provided to the server.         * @param key buffer to be populated with key material by this method.         *         * @return number of bytes this method stored in the {@code key} buffer or {@code 0} if an         *         error occurred in which case the handshake will be aborted.         */        public int clientPSKKeyRequested(String identityHint, byte[] identity, byte[] key);        /**         * Gets the key to be used in server mode for this connection in Pre-Shared Key (PSK) key         * exchange.         *         * @param identityHint PSK identity hint provided by this server to the client or         *        {@code null} if no hint was provided.         * @param identity PSK identity provided by the client.         * @param key buffer to be populated with key material by this method.         *         * @return number of bytes this method stored in the {@code key} buffer or {@code 0} if an         *         error occurred in which case the handshake will be aborted.         */        public int serverPSKKeyRequested(String identityHint, String identity, byte[] key);        /**         * Called when SSL state changes. This could be handshake completion.         */        public void onSSLStateChange(long sslSessionNativePtr, int type, int val);    }

其中 verifyCertificateChain() 回调用于服务端证书的验证。Android 系统通过这一回调,将根证书库的管理模块和底层 OpenSSL 的 SSL/TLS 握手及身份验证连接起来。

SSLHandshakeCallbacks 回调由 OpenSSLSocketImpl 实现,verifyCertificateChain() 的实现如下:

    @SuppressWarnings("unused") // used by NativeCrypto.SSLHandshakeCallbacks    @Override    public void verifyCertificateChain(long sslSessionNativePtr, long[] certRefs, String authMethod)            throws CertificateException {        try {            X509TrustManager x509tm = sslParameters.getX509TrustManager();            if (x509tm == null) {                throw new CertificateException("No X.509 TrustManager");            }            if (certRefs == null || certRefs.length == 0) {                throw new SSLException("Peer sent no certificate");            }            OpenSSLX509Certificate[] peerCertChain = new OpenSSLX509Certificate[certRefs.length];            for (int i = 0; i < certRefs.length; i++) {                peerCertChain[i] = new OpenSSLX509Certificate(certRefs[i]);            }            // Used for verifyCertificateChain callback            handshakeSession = new OpenSSLSessionImpl(sslSessionNativePtr, null, peerCertChain,                    getHostnameOrIP(), getPort(), null);            boolean client = sslParameters.getUseClientMode();            if (client) {                Platform.checkServerTrusted(x509tm, peerCertChain, authMethod, this);                if (sslParameters.isCTVerificationEnabled(getHostname())) {                    byte[] tlsData = NativeCrypto.SSL_get_signed_cert_timestamp_list(                                        sslNativePointer);                    byte[] ocspData = NativeCrypto.SSL_get_ocsp_response(sslNativePointer);                    CTVerifier ctVerifier = sslParameters.getCTVerifier();                    CTVerificationResult result =                        ctVerifier.verifySignedCertificateTimestamps(peerCertChain, tlsData, ocspData);                    if (result.getValidSCTs().size() == 0) {                        throw new CertificateException("No valid SCT found");                    }                }            } else {                String authType = peerCertChain[0].getPublicKey().getAlgorithm();                Platform.checkClientTrusted(x509tm, peerCertChain, authType, this);            }        } catch (CertificateException e) {            throw e;        } catch (Exception e) {            throw new CertificateException(e);        } finally {            // Clear this before notifying handshake completed listeners            handshakeSession = null;        }    }

OpenSSLSocketImplverifyCertificateChain()sslParameters 获得 X509TrustManager,然后在 Platform.checkServerTrusted(),位于 external/conscrypt/src/compat/java/org/conscrypt/中执行服务端证书合法有效性的检查:

    public static void checkServerTrusted(X509TrustManager tm, X509Certificate[] chain,            String authType, OpenSSLSocketImpl socket) throws CertificateException {        if (!checkTrusted("checkServerTrusted", tm, chain, authType, Socket.class, socket)                && !checkTrusted("checkServerTrusted", tm, chain, authType, String.class,                                 socket.getHandshakeSession().getPeerHost())) {            tm.checkServerTrusted(chain, authType);        }    }

Platform.checkServerTrusted() 通过执行 X509TrustManagercheckServerTrusted() 方法执行证书有合法性检查。

X509TrustManager 来自于 OpenSSLSocketImplsslParameters,那 sslParameters 又来自于哪里呢?OpenSSLSocketImplsslParameters 由对象的创建者传入:

public class OpenSSLSocketImpl        extends        implements NativeCrypto.SSLHandshakeCallbacks, SSLParametersImpl.AliasChooser,        SSLParametersImpl.PSKCallbacks {. . . . . .    private final SSLParametersImpl sslParameters;. . . . . .    protected OpenSSLSocketImpl(SSLParametersImpl sslParameters) throws IOException {        this.socket = this;        this.peerHostname = null;        this.peerPort = -1;        this.autoClose = false;        this.sslParameters = sslParameters;    }    protected OpenSSLSocketImpl(String hostname, int port, SSLParametersImpl sslParameters)            throws IOException {        super(hostname, port);        this.socket = this;        this.peerHostname = hostname;        this.peerPort = port;        this.autoClose = false;        this.sslParameters = sslParameters;    }    protected OpenSSLSocketImpl(InetAddress address, int port, SSLParametersImpl sslParameters)            throws IOException {        super(address, port);        this.socket = this;        this.peerHostname = null;        this.peerPort = -1;        this.autoClose = false;        this.sslParameters = sslParameters;    }    protected OpenSSLSocketImpl(String hostname, int port,                                InetAddress clientAddress, int clientPort,                                SSLParametersImpl sslParameters) throws IOException {        super(hostname, port, clientAddress, clientPort);        this.socket = this;        this.peerHostname = hostname;        this.peerPort = port;        this.autoClose = false;        this.sslParameters = sslParameters;    }    protected OpenSSLSocketImpl(InetAddress address, int port,                                InetAddress clientAddress, int clientPort,                                SSLParametersImpl sslParameters) throws IOException {        super(address, port, clientAddress, clientPort);        this.socket = this;        this.peerHostname = null;        this.peerPort = -1;        this.autoClose = false;        this.sslParameters = sslParameters;    }    /**     * Create an SSL socket that wraps another socket. Invoked by     * OpenSSLSocketImplWrapper constructor.     */    protected OpenSSLSocketImpl(Socket socket, String hostname, int port,            boolean autoClose, SSLParametersImpl sslParameters) throws IOException {        this.socket = socket;        this.peerHostname = hostname;        this.peerPort = port;        this.autoClose = autoClose;        this.sslParameters = sslParameters;        // this.timeout is not set intentionally.        // OpenSSLSocketImplWrapper.getSoTimeout will delegate timeout        // to wrapped socket    }

也就是说,OpenSSLSocketImplsslParameters 来自于,即 OpenSSLSocketFactoryImplOpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl 定义(位于 external/conscrypt/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/如下:

package org.conscrypt;import;import;import;import;import;public class OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl extends {    private final SSLParametersImpl sslParameters;    private final IOException instantiationException;    public OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl() {        SSLParametersImpl sslParametersLocal = null;        IOException instantiationExceptionLocal = null;        try {            sslParametersLocal = SSLParametersImpl.getDefault();        } catch (KeyManagementException e) {            instantiationExceptionLocal = new IOException("Delayed instantiation exception:");            instantiationExceptionLocal.initCause(e);        }        this.sslParameters = sslParametersLocal;        this.instantiationException = instantiationExceptionLocal;    }    public OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl(SSLParametersImpl sslParameters) {        this.sslParameters = sslParameters;        this.instantiationException = null;    }    @Override    public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites() {        return sslParameters.getEnabledCipherSuites();    }    @Override    public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() {        return NativeCrypto.getSupportedCipherSuites();    }    @Override    public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {        if (instantiationException != null) {            throw instantiationException;        }        return new OpenSSLSocketImpl((SSLParametersImpl) sslParameters.clone());    }    @Override    public Socket createSocket(String hostname, int port) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {        return new OpenSSLSocketImpl(hostname, port, (SSLParametersImpl) sslParameters.clone());    }    @Override    public Socket createSocket(String hostname, int port, InetAddress localHost, int localPort)            throws IOException, UnknownHostException {        return new OpenSSLSocketImpl(hostname,                                     port,                                     localHost,                                     localPort,                                     (SSLParametersImpl) sslParameters.clone());    }    @Override    public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port) throws IOException {        return new OpenSSLSocketImpl(address, port, (SSLParametersImpl) sslParameters.clone());    }    @Override    public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address,                               int port,                               InetAddress localAddress,                               int localPort)            throws IOException {        return new OpenSSLSocketImpl(address,                                     port,                                     localAddress,                                     localPort,                                     (SSLParametersImpl) sslParameters.clone());    }    @Override    public Socket createSocket(Socket s, String hostname, int port, boolean autoClose)            throws IOException {        return new OpenSSLSocketImplWrapper(s,                                            hostname,                                            port,                                            autoClose,                                            (SSLParametersImpl) sslParameters.clone());    }}

OpenSSLSocketImpl 最主要的职责,即是将 SSL/TLS 参数 SSLParametersImpl 与 SSLSocket 粘起来。主要来看默认情况下 SSLParametersImplX509TrustManager 是什么(位于external/conscrypt/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/ ):

    /**     * Initializes the parameters. Naturally this constructor is used     * in SSLContextImpl.engineInit method which directly passes its     * parameters. In other words this constructor holds all     * the functionality provided by SSLContext.init method.     * See {@link[],TrustManager[],     * SecureRandom)} for more information     */    protected SSLParametersImpl(KeyManager[] kms, TrustManager[] tms,            SecureRandom sr, ClientSessionContext clientSessionContext,            ServerSessionContext serverSessionContext, String[] protocols)            throws KeyManagementException {        this.serverSessionContext = serverSessionContext;        this.clientSessionContext = clientSessionContext;        // initialize key managers        if (kms == null) {            x509KeyManager = getDefaultX509KeyManager();            // There's no default PSK key manager            pskKeyManager = null;        } else {            x509KeyManager = findFirstX509KeyManager(kms);            pskKeyManager = findFirstPSKKeyManager(kms);        }        // initialize x509TrustManager        if (tms == null) {            x509TrustManager = getDefaultX509TrustManager();        } else {            x509TrustManager = findFirstX509TrustManager(tms);        }        // initialize secure random        // We simply use the SecureRandom passed in by the caller. If it's        // null, we don't replace it by a new instance. The native code below        // then directly accesses /dev/urandom. Not the most elegant solution,        // but faster than going through the SecureRandom object.        secureRandom = sr;        // initialize the list of cipher suites and protocols enabled by default        enabledProtocols = NativeCrypto.checkEnabledProtocols(                protocols == null ? NativeCrypto.DEFAULT_PROTOCOLS : protocols).clone();        boolean x509CipherSuitesNeeded = (x509KeyManager != null) || (x509TrustManager != null);        boolean pskCipherSuitesNeeded = pskKeyManager != null;        enabledCipherSuites = getDefaultCipherSuites(                x509CipherSuitesNeeded, pskCipherSuitesNeeded);    }    protected static SSLParametersImpl getDefault() throws KeyManagementException {        SSLParametersImpl result = defaultParameters;        if (result == null) {            // single-check idiom            defaultParameters = result = new SSLParametersImpl(null,                                                               null,                                                               null,                                                               new ClientSessionContext(),                                                               new ServerSessionContext(),                                                               null);        }        return (SSLParametersImpl) result.clone();    } . . . . . .     /**     * @return X.509 trust manager or {@code null} for none.     */    protected X509TrustManager getX509TrustManager() {        return x509TrustManager;    } . . . . . .     /**     * Gets the default X.509 trust manager.     * 

* TODO: Move this to a published API under dalvik.system. */ public static X509TrustManager getDefaultX509TrustManager() throws KeyManagementException { X509TrustManager result = defaultX509TrustManager; if (result == null) { // single-check idiom defaultX509TrustManager = result = createDefaultX509TrustManager(); } return result; } private static X509TrustManager createDefaultX509TrustManager() throws KeyManagementException { try { String algorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(algorithm); tmf.init((KeyStore) null); TrustManager[] tms = tmf.getTrustManagers(); X509TrustManager trustManager = findFirstX509TrustManager(tms); if (trustManager == null) { throw new KeyManagementException( "No X509TrustManager in among default TrustManagers: " + Arrays.toString(tms)); } return trustManager; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new KeyManagementException(e); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new KeyManagementException(e); } }

createDefaultX509TrustManager() 的代码复制到我们的应用程序中,就像下面这样:

        private X509TrustManager systemDefaultTrustManager() {            try {                TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(                        TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());                trustManagerFactory.init((KeyStore) null);                TrustManager[] trustManagers = trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers();                if (trustManagers.length != 1 || !(trustManagers[0] instanceof X509TrustManager)) {                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected default trust managers:"                            + Arrays.toString(trustManagers));                }                return (X509TrustManager) trustManagers[0];            } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {                throw new AssertionError(); // The system has no TLS. Just give up.            }        }

在应用程序执行时打断点,借助于 Android Studio 确认系统默认的 X509TrustManager 是什么,不难确认,它是 定义(位于 frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/如下:

    @Override    public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType, Socket socket)            throws CertificateException {        if (socket instanceof SSLSocket) {            SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) socket;            SSLSession session = sslSocket.getHandshakeSession();            if (session == null) {                throw new CertificateException("Not in handshake; no session available");            }            String host = session.getPeerHost();            NetworkSecurityConfig config = mConfig.getConfigForHostname(host);            config.getTrustManager().checkServerTrusted(certs, authType, socket);        } else {            // Not an SSLSocket, use the hostname unaware checkServerTrusted.            checkServerTrusted(certs, authType);        }    }    @Override    public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType, SSLEngine engine)            throws CertificateException {        SSLSession session = engine.getHandshakeSession();        if (session == null) {            throw new CertificateException("Not in handshake; no session available");        }        String host = session.getPeerHost();        NetworkSecurityConfig config = mConfig.getConfigForHostname(host);        config.getTrustManager().checkServerTrusted(certs, authType, engine);    }    @Override    public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType)            throws CertificateException {        if (mConfig.hasPerDomainConfigs()) {            throw new CertificateException(                    "Domain specific configurations require that hostname aware"                    + " checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, String) is used");        }        NetworkSecurityConfig config = mConfig.getConfigForHostname("");        config.getTrustManager().checkServerTrusted(certs, authType);    }    /**     * Hostname aware version of {@link #checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String)}.     * This interface is used by conscrypt and do not     * modify without modifying those callers.     */    public List checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType,            String hostname) throws CertificateException {        if (hostname == null && mConfig.hasPerDomainConfigs()) {            throw new CertificateException(                    "Domain specific configurations require that the hostname be provided");        }        NetworkSecurityConfig config = mConfig.getConfigForHostname(hostname);        return config.getTrustManager().checkServerTrusted(certs, authType, hostname);    }

NetworkSecurityConfiggetTrustManager() 定义(位于 frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/如下:

    public NetworkSecurityTrustManager getTrustManager() {        synchronized(mTrustManagerLock) {            if (mTrustManager == null) {                mTrustManager = new NetworkSecurityTrustManager(this);            }            return mTrustManager;        }    }

NetworkSecurityConfig 将管根证书库的组件 SystemCertificateSourceUserCertificateSource 和执行证书合法性验证的 NetworkSecurityTrustManager 粘起来:

    public static final Builder getDefaultBuilder(int targetSdkVersion) {        Builder builder = new Builder()                .setCleartextTrafficPermitted(DEFAULT_CLEARTEXT_TRAFFIC_PERMITTED)                .setHstsEnforced(DEFAULT_HSTS_ENFORCED)                // System certificate store, does not bypass static pins.                .addCertificatesEntryRef(                        new CertificatesEntryRef(SystemCertificateSource.getInstance(), false));        // Applications targeting N and above must opt in into trusting the user added certificate        // store.        if (targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {            // User certificate store, does not bypass static pins.            builder.addCertificatesEntryRef(                    new CertificatesEntryRef(UserCertificateSource.getInstance(), false));        }        return builder;    }

同时 NetworkSecurityConfig 还提供了一些根据特定条件查找根证书的操作:

    public Set getTrustAnchors() {        synchronized (mAnchorsLock) {            if (mAnchors != null) {                return mAnchors;            }            // Merge trust anchors based on the X509Certificate.            // If we see the same certificate in two TrustAnchors, one with overridesPins and one            // without, the one with overridesPins wins.            // Because mCertificatesEntryRefs is sorted with all overridesPins anchors coming first            // this can be simplified to just using the first occurrence of a certificate.            Map anchorMap = new ArrayMap<>();            for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {                Set anchors = ref.getTrustAnchors();                for (TrustAnchor anchor : anchors) {                    X509Certificate cert = anchor.certificate;                    if (!anchorMap.containsKey(cert)) {                        anchorMap.put(cert, anchor);                    }                }            }            ArraySet anchors = new ArraySet(anchorMap.size());            anchors.addAll(anchorMap.values());            mAnchors = anchors;            return mAnchors;        }    }. . . . . .    public NetworkSecurityTrustManager getTrustManager() {        synchronized(mTrustManagerLock) {            if (mTrustManager == null) {                mTrustManager = new NetworkSecurityTrustManager(this);            }            return mTrustManager;        }    }    /** @hide */    public TrustAnchor findTrustAnchorBySubjectAndPublicKey(X509Certificate cert) {        for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {            TrustAnchor anchor = ref.findBySubjectAndPublicKey(cert);            if (anchor != null) {                return anchor;            }        }        return null;    }    /** @hide */    public TrustAnchor findTrustAnchorByIssuerAndSignature(X509Certificate cert) {        for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {            TrustAnchor anchor = ref.findByIssuerAndSignature(cert);            if (anchor != null) {                return anchor;            }        }        return null;    }    /** @hide */    public Set findAllCertificatesByIssuerAndSignature(X509Certificate cert) {        Set certs = new ArraySet();        for (CertificatesEntryRef ref : mCertificatesEntryRefs) {            certs.addAll(ref.findAllCertificatesByIssuerAndSignature(cert));        }        return certs;    }

真正执行证书合法性验证的还不是 NetworkSecurityTrustManager,而是 TrustManagerImpl(位于 external/conscrypt/src/platform/java/org/conscrypt/,由 NetworkSecurityTrustManager 的定义(位于frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/不难看出这一点:

    public NetworkSecurityTrustManager(NetworkSecurityConfig config) {        if (config == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("config must not be null");        }        mNetworkSecurityConfig = config;        try {            TrustedCertificateStoreAdapter certStore = new TrustedCertificateStoreAdapter(config);            // Provide an empty KeyStore since TrustManagerImpl doesn't support null KeyStores.            // TrustManagerImpl will use certStore to lookup certificates.            KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());            store.load(null);            mDelegate = new TrustManagerImpl(store, null, certStore);        } catch (GeneralSecurityException | IOException e) {            throw new RuntimeException(e);        }    }. . . . . .    @Override    public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType)            throws CertificateException {        checkServerTrusted(certs, authType, (String) null);    }    @Override    public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType, Socket socket)            throws CertificateException {        List trustedChain =                mDelegate.getTrustedChainForServer(certs, authType, socket);        checkPins(trustedChain);    }    @Override    public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType, SSLEngine engine)            throws CertificateException {        List trustedChain =                mDelegate.getTrustedChainForServer(certs, authType, engine);        checkPins(trustedChain);    }    /**     * Hostname aware version of {@link #checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String)}.     * This interface is used by conscrypt and do not     * modify without modifying those callers.     */    public List checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType,            String host) throws CertificateException {        List trustedChain = mDelegate.checkServerTrusted(certs, authType, host);        checkPins(trustedChain);        return trustedChain;    }    private void checkPins(List chain) throws CertificateException {        PinSet pinSet = mNetworkSecurityConfig.getPins();        if (pinSet.pins.isEmpty()                || System.currentTimeMillis() > pinSet.expirationTime                || !isPinningEnforced(chain)) {            return;        }        Set pinAlgorithms = pinSet.getPinAlgorithms();        Map digestMap = new ArrayMap(                pinAlgorithms.size());        for (int i = chain.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {            X509Certificate cert = chain.get(i);            byte[] encodedSPKI = cert.getPublicKey().getEncoded();            for (String algorithm : pinAlgorithms) {                MessageDigest md = digestMap.get(algorithm);                if (md == null) {                    try {                        md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);                    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {                        throw new RuntimeException(e);                    }                    digestMap.put(algorithm, md);                }                if (pinSet.pins.contains(new Pin(algorithm, md.digest(encodedSPKI)))) {                    return;                }            }        }        // TODO: Throw a subclass of CertificateException which indicates a pinning failure.        throw new CertificateException("Pin verification failed");    }

TrustedCertificateStoreAdapter 为根证书库提供了 TrustedCertificateStore 接口的查找操作,以方便 TrustManagerImpl 使用(位于frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/

public class TrustedCertificateStoreAdapter extends TrustedCertificateStore {    private final NetworkSecurityConfig mConfig;    public TrustedCertificateStoreAdapter(NetworkSecurityConfig config) {        mConfig = config;    }    @Override    public X509Certificate findIssuer(X509Certificate cert) {        TrustAnchor anchor = mConfig.findTrustAnchorByIssuerAndSignature(cert);        if (anchor == null) {            return null;        }        return anchor.certificate;    }    @Override    public Set findAllIssuers(X509Certificate cert) {        return mConfig.findAllCertificatesByIssuerAndSignature(cert);    }    @Override    public X509Certificate getTrustAnchor(X509Certificate cert) {        TrustAnchor anchor = mConfig.findTrustAnchorBySubjectAndPublicKey(cert);        if (anchor == null) {            return null;        }        return anchor.certificate;    }    @Override    public boolean isUserAddedCertificate(X509Certificate cert) {        // isUserAddedCertificate is used only for pinning overrides, so use overridesPins here.        TrustAnchor anchor = mConfig.findTrustAnchorBySubjectAndPublicKey(cert);        if (anchor == null) {            return false;        }        return anchor.overridesPins;    }

不难看出 Android 中 Java 层证书验证的过程如下图所示:

OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake()NativeCrypto.SSL_do_handshake() 执行完整的 SSL/TLS 握手过程。证书合法性验证作为 SSL/TLS 握手的一个重要步骤,通过本地层调用的 Java 层的回调方法 SSLHandshakeCallbacks.verifyCertificateChain() 完成,OpenSSLSocketImpl 实现这一回调。OpenSSLSocketImpl.verifyCertificateChain()Platform.checkServerTrusted()RootTrustManager.checkServerTrusted()NetworkSecurityTrustManager.checkServerTrusted() 用于将真正的根据系统根证书库执行证书合法性验证的 TrustManagerImpl 和 SSL/TLS 握手过程粘起来。OpenSSLSocketFactoryImplOpenSSLSocketImplSSLParametersImpl 粘起来。SSLParametersImplOpenSSLSocketImplRootTrustManager 粘起来。

NetworkSecurityConfigRootTrustManagerNetworkSecurityTrustManager 粘起来。NetworkSecurityConfigNetworkSecurityTrustManagerTrustedCertificateStoreAdapterTrustManagerImpl 和管理系统根证书库的 SystemCertificateSource 粘起来。

TrustManagerImpl 是证书合法性验证的核心,它会查找系统根证书库,并对服务端证书的合法性做验证。


还有两个问题,一是 SSLParametersImpl 是如何找到的 RootTrustManager;二是如何定制或者影响证书合法性的验证过程。

TrustManager 的查找

Java 加密体系架构(JCA)是一个非常灵活的架构,它的整体结构如下图:

Java 应用程序通过接口层访问加密服务,接口层的组成包括 JAAS(Java Authentication Authorization Service,Java验证和授权API)、JSSE(Java Secure Socket Extension,Java 安全 套接字扩展)、JGSS(Java Generic Security Service )和 CertPath等。具体的组件如我们前面看到的 CertificateFactoryTrustManagerFactorySSLSocketFactory 等。

JCA 还定义了一组加密服务 Provider 接口,如 等。加密服务的实现者实现这些接口,并通过 提供的接口注册进 JCA 框架。

对于 Android 系统来说,TrustManagerFactory 加密服务的注册是在 ActivityThreadhandleBindApplication() 中做的,相关代码(位于 frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/如下:

        // Install the Network Security Config Provider. This must happen before the application        // code is loaded to prevent issues with instances of TLS objects being created before        // the provider is installed.        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "NetworkSecurityConfigProvider.install");        NetworkSecurityConfigProvider.install(appContext);        Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);

NetworkSecurityConfigProvider 类的定义(位于 frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/如下:

package;import android.content.Context;import;import;/** @hide */public final class NetworkSecurityConfigProvider extends Provider {    private static final String PREFIX =            NetworkSecurityConfigProvider.class.getPackage().getName() + ".";    public NetworkSecurityConfigProvider() {        // TODO: More clever name than this        super("AndroidNSSP", 1.0, "Android Network Security Policy Provider");        put("TrustManagerFactory.PKIX", PREFIX + "RootTrustManagerFactorySpi");        put("Alg.Alias.TrustManagerFactory.X509", "PKIX");    }    public static void install(Context context) {        ApplicationConfig config = new ApplicationConfig(new ManifestConfigSource(context));        ApplicationConfig.setDefaultInstance(config);        int pos = Security.insertProviderAt(new NetworkSecurityConfigProvider(), 1);        if (pos != 1) {            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to install provider as highest priority provider."                    + " Provider was installed at position " + pos);        } ConfigNetworkSecurityPolicy(config));    }}

NetworkSecurityConfigProvider.install() 方法中,通过 Security.insertProviderAt()NetworkSecurityConfigProvider 注册进 JCA 框架中。从 NetworkSecurityConfigProvider 的构造函数可以看到,它将 带进 JCA 框架。 的定义(位于 frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/如下:

package;import android.util.Pair;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.util.Set;import;import;import;import;import;/** @hide */public class RootTrustManagerFactorySpi extends TrustManagerFactorySpi {    private ApplicationConfig mApplicationConfig;    private NetworkSecurityConfig mConfig;    @Override    public void engineInit(ManagerFactoryParameters spec)            throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {        if (!(spec instanceof ApplicationConfigParameters)) {            throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("Unsupported spec: " +  spec + ". Only "                    + ApplicationConfigParameters.class.getName() + " supported");        }        mApplicationConfig = ((ApplicationConfigParameters) spec).config;    }    @Override    public void engineInit(KeyStore ks) throws KeyStoreException {        if (ks != null) {            mApplicationConfig = new ApplicationConfig(new KeyStoreConfigSource(ks));        } else {            mApplicationConfig = ApplicationConfig.getDefaultInstance();        }    }    @Override    public TrustManager[] engineGetTrustManagers() {        if (mApplicationConfig == null) {            throw new IllegalStateException("TrustManagerFactory not initialized");        }        return new TrustManager[] { mApplicationConfig.getTrustManager() };    }    @VisibleForTesting    public static final class ApplicationConfigParameters implements ManagerFactoryParameters {        public final ApplicationConfig config;        public ApplicationConfigParameters(ApplicationConfig config) {            this.config = config;        }    }}

RootTrustManagerFactorySpiTrustManager 来自于 ApplicationConfigApplicationConfigTrustManager 相关的代码(位于 frameworks/base/core/java/android/security/net/config/如下:

public final class ApplicationConfig {    private static ApplicationConfig sInstance;    private static Object sLock = new Object();    private Set> mConfigs;    private NetworkSecurityConfig mDefaultConfig;    private X509TrustManager mTrustManager;. . . . . .    /**     * Returns the {@link X509TrustManager} that implements the checking of trust anchors and     * certificate pinning based on this configuration.     */    public X509TrustManager getTrustManager() {        ensureInitialized();        return mTrustManager;    }. . . . . .    private void ensureInitialized() {        synchronized(mLock) {            if (mInitialized) {                return;            }            mConfigs = mConfigSource.getPerDomainConfigs();            mDefaultConfig = mConfigSource.getDefaultConfig();            mConfigSource = null;            mTrustManager = new RootTrustManager(this);            mInitialized = true;        }    }


再来看 JCA 接口层的 的定义:

public class TrustManagerFactory {    // The provider    private Provider provider;    // The provider implementation (delegate)    private TrustManagerFactorySpi factorySpi;    // The name of the trust management algorithm.    private String algorithm;. . . . . .    public final static String getDefaultAlgorithm() {        String type;        type = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {            public String run() {                return Security.getProperty(                    "ssl.TrustManagerFactory.algorithm");            }        });        if (type == null) {            type = "SunX509";        }        return type;    }. . . . . .    /**     * Creates a TrustManagerFactory object.     *     * @param factorySpi the delegate     * @param provider the provider     * @param algorithm the algorithm     */    protected TrustManagerFactory(TrustManagerFactorySpi factorySpi,            Provider provider, String algorithm) {        this.factorySpi = factorySpi;        this.provider = provider;        this.algorithm = algorithm;    }. . . . . .    public static final TrustManagerFactory getInstance(String algorithm)            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {        GetInstance.Instance instance = GetInstance.getInstance                ("TrustManagerFactory", TrustManagerFactorySpi.class,                algorithm);        return new TrustManagerFactory((TrustManagerFactorySpi)instance.impl,                instance.provider, algorithm);    }. . . . . .    public final void init(KeyStore ks) throws KeyStoreException {        factorySpi.engineInit(ks);    }    /**     * Initializes this factory with a source of provider-specific     * trust material.     * 

* In some cases, initialization parameters other than a keystore * may be needed by a provider. Users of that particular provider * are expected to pass an implementation of the appropriate * ManagerFactoryParameters as defined by the * provider. The provider can then call the specified methods in * the ManagerFactoryParameters implementation to obtain the * needed information. * * @param spec an implementation of a provider-specific parameter * specification * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if an error is * encountered */ public final void init(ManagerFactoryParameters spec) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { factorySpi.engineInit(spec); } /** * Returns one trust manager for each type of trust material. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the factory is not initialized. * * @return the trust managers */ public final TrustManager[] getTrustManagers() { return factorySpi.engineGetTrustManagers(); }

TrustManagerFactory 通过 JCA 框架提供的 找到注册的。应用程序通过 -> -> 得到,即 X509TrustManager

私有 CA 签名证书的应用

自签名证书是无需别的证书为其签名来证明其合法性的证书,根证书都是自签名证书。私有 CA 签名证书则是指,为域名证书签名的 CA,其合法有效性没有得到广泛的认可,该 CA 的根证书没有被内置到系统中。

在实际的开发过程中,有时为了节省昂贵的购买证书的费用,而想要自己给自己的服务器的域名签发域名证书,这即是私有 CA 签名的证书。为了能够使用这种证书,需要在客户端预埋根证书,并对客户端证书合法性验证的过程进行干预,通过我们预埋的根证书为服务端的证书做合法性验证,而不依赖系统的根证书库。

自定义 的代价太高,通常不会通过自定义 来修改服务端证书的合法性验证过程。以此为基础,从上面的分析中不难看出,要想定制 OpenSSLSocketImpl 的证书验证过程,则必然要改变 SSLParametersImpl,要改变 OpenSSLSocketImplSSLParametersImpl,则必然需要修改 SSLSocketFactory。修改 SSLSocketFactory 常常是一个不错的方法。

在 Java 中,SSLContext 正是被设计用于这一目的。创建定制了 SSLParametersImpl,即定制了 TrustManagerSSLSocketFactory 的方法如下:

        TrustManager[] trustManagers = new TrustManager[] { new HelloX509TrustManager() };;        SSLContext context = null;        try {            context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");            context.init(null, trustManagers, new SecureRandom());        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {            Log.i(TAG,"NoSuchAlgorithmException INFO:"+e.getMessage());        } catch (KeyManagementException e) {            Log.i(TAG, "KeyManagementException INFO:" + e.getMessage());        }        HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(context.getSocketFactory());

SSLContext 的相关方法实现(位于libcore/ojluni/src/main/java/javax/net/ssl/如下:

    private final SSLContextSpi contextSpi;. . . . . .    public static SSLContext getInstance(String protocol)            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {        GetInstance.Instance instance = GetInstance.getInstance                ("SSLContext", SSLContextSpi.class, protocol);        return new SSLContext((SSLContextSpi)instance.impl, instance.provider,                protocol);    }. . . . . .    public final void init(KeyManager[] km, TrustManager[] tm,                                SecureRandom random)        throws KeyManagementException {        contextSpi.engineInit(km, tm, random);    }    /**     * Returns a SocketFactory object for this     * context.     *     * @return the SocketFactory object     * @throws IllegalStateException if the SSLContextImpl requires     *          initialization and the init() has not been called     */    public final SSLSocketFactory getSocketFactory() {        return contextSpi.engineGetSocketFactory();    }

其中 SSLContextSpiOpenSSLContextImpl,该类的实现(位于external/conscrypt/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/如下:

package org.conscrypt;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;/** * OpenSSL-backed SSLContext service provider interface. */public class OpenSSLContextImpl extends SSLContextSpi {    /**     * The default SSLContextImpl for use with     * SSLContext.getInstance("Default"). Protected by the     * DefaultSSLContextImpl.class monitor.     */    private static DefaultSSLContextImpl DEFAULT_SSL_CONTEXT_IMPL;    /** TLS algorithm to initialize all sockets. */    private final String[] algorithms;    /** Client session cache. */    private final ClientSessionContext clientSessionContext;    /** Server session cache. */    private final ServerSessionContext serverSessionContext;    protected SSLParametersImpl sslParameters;    /** Allows outside callers to get the preferred SSLContext. */    public static OpenSSLContextImpl getPreferred() {        return new TLSv12();    }    protected OpenSSLContextImpl(String[] algorithms) {        this.algorithms = algorithms;        clientSessionContext = new ClientSessionContext();        serverSessionContext = new ServerSessionContext();    }    /**     * Constuctor for the DefaultSSLContextImpl.     *     * @param dummy is null, used to distinguish this case from the public     *            OpenSSLContextImpl() constructor.     */    protected OpenSSLContextImpl() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {        synchronized (DefaultSSLContextImpl.class) {            this.algorithms = null;            if (DEFAULT_SSL_CONTEXT_IMPL == null) {                clientSessionContext = new ClientSessionContext();                serverSessionContext = new ServerSessionContext();                DEFAULT_SSL_CONTEXT_IMPL = (DefaultSSLContextImpl) this;            } else {                clientSessionContext = DEFAULT_SSL_CONTEXT_IMPL.engineGetClientSessionContext();                serverSessionContext = DEFAULT_SSL_CONTEXT_IMPL.engineGetServerSessionContext();            }            sslParameters = new SSLParametersImpl(DEFAULT_SSL_CONTEXT_IMPL.getKeyManagers(),                    DEFAULT_SSL_CONTEXT_IMPL.getTrustManagers(), null, clientSessionContext,                    serverSessionContext, algorithms);        }    }    /**     * Initializes this {@code SSLContext} instance. All of the arguments are     * optional, and the security providers will be searched for the required     * implementations of the needed algorithms.     *     * @param kms the key sources or {@code null}     * @param tms the trust decision sources or {@code null}     * @param sr the randomness source or {@code null}     * @throws KeyManagementException if initializing this instance fails     */    @Override    public void engineInit(KeyManager[] kms, TrustManager[] tms, SecureRandom sr)            throws KeyManagementException {        sslParameters = new SSLParametersImpl(kms, tms, sr, clientSessionContext,                serverSessionContext, algorithms);    }    @Override    public SSLSocketFactory engineGetSocketFactory() {        if (sslParameters == null) {            throw new IllegalStateException("SSLContext is not initialized.");        }        return Platform.wrapSocketFactoryIfNeeded(new OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl(sslParameters));    }

如我们前面讨论,验证服务端证书合法性是 PKI 体系中,保障系统安全极为关键的环节。如果不验证服务端证书的合法性,则即使部署了 HTTPS,HTTPS 也将形同虚设,毫无价值。因而在我们自己实现的 X509TrustManager 中,加载预埋的根证书,并据此验证服务端证书的合法性必不可少,这一检查在 checkServerTrusted() 中完成。然而为了使我们实现的 X509TrustManager 功能更完备,在根据我们预埋的根证书验证失败后,我们再使用系统默认的 X509TrustManager 做验证,像下面这样:

    private final class HelloX509TrustManager implements X509TrustManager {        private X509TrustManager mSystemDefaultTrustManager;        private X509Certificate mCertificate;        private HelloX509TrustManager() {            mCertificate = loadRootCertificate();            mSystemDefaultTrustManager = systemDefaultTrustManager();        }        private X509Certificate loadRootCertificate() {            String certName = "netease.crt";            X509Certificate certificate = null;            InputStream certInput = null;            try {                certInput = new BufferedInputStream(MainActivity.this.getAssets().open(certName));                CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");                certificate = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory.generateCertPath(certInput).getCertificates().get(0);            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            } catch (CertificateException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            } finally {                if (certInput != null) {                    try {                        certInput.close();                    } catch (IOException e) {                    }                }            }            return certificate;        }        private X509TrustManager systemDefaultTrustManager() {            try {                TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(                        TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());                trustManagerFactory.init((KeyStore) null);                TrustManager[] trustManagers = trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers();                if (trustManagers.length != 1 || !(trustManagers[0] instanceof X509TrustManager)) {                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected default trust managers:"                            + Arrays.toString(trustManagers));                }                return (X509TrustManager) trustManagers[0];            } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {                throw new AssertionError(); // The system has no TLS. Just give up.            }        }        @Override        public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {            mSystemDefaultTrustManager.checkClientTrusted(chain, authType);        }        @Override        public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {            for (X509Certificate certificate : chain) {                try {                    certificate.verify(mCertificate.getPublicKey());                    return;                } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                } catch (SignatureException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }            mSystemDefaultTrustManager.checkServerTrusted(chain, authType);        }        @Override        public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {            return mSystemDefaultTrustManager.getAcceptedIssuers();        }    }

此外,也可以不自己实现 X509TrustManager,而仅仅修改 X509TrustManager 所用的根证书库,就像下面这样:

    private TrustManager[] createX509TrustManager() {        CertificateFactory cf = null;        InputStream in = null;        TrustManager[] trustManagers = null        try {            cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");            in = getAssets().open("ca.crt");            Certificate ca = cf.generateCertificate(in);            KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());            keystore.load(null, null);            keystore.setCertificateEntry("ca", ca);            String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();            TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm);            tmf.init(keystore);            trustManagers = tmf.getTrustManagers();        } catch (CertificateException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (KeyStoreException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e1) {            e1.printStackTrace();        } finally {            if (in != null) {                try {                    in.close();                } catch (IOException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        }        return trustManagers;    }

自己实现 X509TrustManager 接口和通过 TrustManagerFactory,仅定制 KeyStore 这两种创建 X509TrustManager 对象的方式,当然是后一种方式更好一些了。如我们前面看到的,系统的 X509TrustManager 实现 RootTrustManager 集成自 X509ExtendedTrustManager,而不是直接实现的 X509TrustManager 接口 。JCA 的接口层也在随着新的安全协议和 SSL 库的发展在不断扩展,在具体的 Java 加密服务实现中,可能会实现并依赖这些扩展的功能,如上面看到的 X509TrustManager,而且加密服务的实现中常常通过反射,来动态依赖一些扩展的接口。因而,自己实现 X509TrustManager 接口时,以及其它加密相关的接口时,如 SSLSocket 等,可能会破坏一些功能。

很多时候可以看到,为了使用私有 CA 签名的证书,而定制域名匹配验证的逻辑,即自己实现 HostnameVerifier。不过通常情况下,网络库都会按照规范对域名与证书的匹配性做严格的检查,因而不是那么地有必要,除非域名证书有什么不那么规范的地方。

关于证书钉扎,在使用私有 CA 签名的证书时,通常似乎也没有那么必要。


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