

之前InputManager 的启动过程 已经对inputManager 的启动过程做了简单的介绍。这里先小结一下:

1、InputManagerService 构造,确认DisplayThread,做nativeInit

2、nativeInit ,创建一些实例,例如NativeInputManager、InputManager、EventHub

3、构造InputManager,实例 InputReader、InputDispatcher,并实例 InputReaderThread 对按键进行监控、InputDispatcherThread 对按键进行分发。



processEventsLocked(mEventBuffer, count);
processEventsForDeviceLocked(deviceId, rawEvent, batchSize);
void InputReader::processEventsForDeviceLocked(int32_t deviceId,        const RawEvent* rawEvents, size_t count) {    ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId);    if (deviceIndex < 0) {        ALOGW("Discarding event for unknown deviceId %d.", deviceId);        return;    }    InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(deviceIndex);    if (device->isIgnored()) {        //ALOGD("Discarding event for ignored deviceId %d.", deviceId);        return;    }    device->process(rawEvents, count);}
void InputDevice::process(const RawEvent* rawEvents, size_t count) {    // Process all of the events in order for each mapper.    // We cannot simply ask each mapper to process them in bulk because mappers may    // have side-effects that must be interleaved.  For example, joystick movement events and    // gamepad button presses are handled by different mappers but they should be dispatched    // in the order received.    size_t numMappers = mMappers.size();    for (const RawEvent* rawEvent = rawEvents; count--; rawEvent++) {#if DEBUG_RAW_EVENTS        ALOGD("Input event: device=%d type=0x%04x code=0x%04x value=0x%08x when=%lld",                rawEvent->deviceId, rawEvent->type, rawEvent->code, rawEvent->value,                rawEvent->when);#endif        if (mDropUntilNextSync) {            if (rawEvent->type == EV_SYN && rawEvent->code == SYN_REPORT) {                mDropUntilNextSync = false;#if DEBUG_RAW_EVENTS                ALOGD("Recovered from input event buffer overrun.");#endif            } else {#if DEBUG_RAW_EVENTS                ALOGD("Dropped input event while waiting for next input sync.");#endif            }        } else if (rawEvent->type == EV_SYN && rawEvent->code == SYN_DROPPED) {            ALOGI("Detected input event buffer overrun for device %s.", getName().string());            mDropUntilNextSync = true;            reset(rawEvent->when);        } else {            for (size_t i = 0; i < numMappers; i++) {                InputMapper* mapper = mMappers[i];                mapper->process(rawEvent);            }        }    }}
这里的mMapper成员变量保存了一系列输入设备事件处理象,例如负责处理键盘事件的KeyboardKeyMapper对象、负责处理轨迹球事件的TrackballInputMapper对象以及负责处理触摸屏事件的TouchInputMapper对象, 它们是在InputReader类的成员函数createDevice中创建的。这里查询每一个InputMapper对象是否要对当前发生的事件进行处理。由于发生的是键盘事件,真正会对该事件进行处理的只有KeyboardKeyMapper对象。
void KeyboardInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) {    switch (rawEvent->type) {    case EV_KEY: {        int32_t scanCode = rawEvent->code;        int32_t usageCode = mCurrentHidUsage;        mCurrentHidUsage = 0;        if (isKeyboardOrGamepadKey(scanCode)) {            int32_t keyCode;            uint32_t flags;            if (getEventHub()->mapKey(getDeviceId(), scanCode, usageCode, &keyCode, &flags)) {                keyCode = AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN;                flags = 0;            }            processKey(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->value != 0, keyCode, scanCode, flags);        }        break;    }    case EV_MSC: {        if (rawEvent->code == MSC_SCAN) {            mCurrentHidUsage = rawEvent->value;        }        break;    }    case EV_SYN: {        if (rawEvent->code == SYN_REPORT) {            mCurrentHidUsage = 0;        }    }    }}
void KeyboardInputMapper::processKey(nsecs_t when, bool down, int32_t keyCode,        int32_t scanCode, uint32_t policyFlags) {    if (down) {        // Rotate key codes according to orientation if needed.        if (mParameters.orientationAware && mParameters.hasAssociatedDisplay) {            keyCode = rotateKeyCode(keyCode, mOrientation);        }        // Add key down.        ssize_t keyDownIndex = findKeyDown(scanCode);        if (keyDownIndex >= 0) {            // key repeat, be sure to use same keycode as before in case of rotation            keyCode = mKeyDowns.itemAt(keyDownIndex).keyCode;        } else {            // key down            if ((policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_VIRTUAL)                    && mContext->shouldDropVirtualKey(when,                            getDevice(), keyCode, scanCode)) {                return;            }            mKeyDowns.push();            KeyDown& keyDown = mKeyDowns.editTop();            keyDown.keyCode = keyCode;            keyDown.scanCode = scanCode;        }        mDownTime = when;    } else {        // Remove key down.        ssize_t keyDownIndex = findKeyDown(scanCode);        if (keyDownIndex >= 0) {            // key up, be sure to use same keycode as before in case of rotation            keyCode = mKeyDowns.itemAt(keyDownIndex).keyCode;            mKeyDowns.removeAt(size_t(keyDownIndex));        } else {            // key was not actually down            ALOGI("Dropping key up from device %s because the key was not down.  "                    "keyCode=%d, scanCode=%d",                    getDeviceName().string(), keyCode, scanCode);            return;        }    }    int32_t oldMetaState = mMetaState;    int32_t newMetaState = updateMetaState(keyCode, down, oldMetaState);    bool metaStateChanged = oldMetaState != newMetaState;    if (metaStateChanged) {        mMetaState = newMetaState;        updateLedState(false);    }    nsecs_t downTime = mDownTime;    if (metaStateChanged) {        getContext()->updateGlobalMetaState();    }    if (down && !isMetaKey(keyCode)) {        getContext()->fadePointer();    }    NotifyKeyArgs args(when, getDeviceId(), mSource, policyFlags,            down ? AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN : AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP,            AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM, keyCode, scanCode, newMetaState, downTime);    getListener()->notifyKey(&args);}
        if (mParameters.orientationAware && mParameters.hasAssociatedDisplay) {            keyCode = rotateKeyCode(keyCode, mOrientation);        }
ssize_t keyDownIndex = findKeyDown(scanCode);
    ssize_t keyDownIndex = findKeyDown(scanCode);    if (keyDownIndex >= 0) {        // key up, be sure to use same keycode as before in case of rotation        keyCode = mKeyDowns.itemAt(keyDownIndex).keyCode;        mKeyDowns.removeAt(size_t(keyDownIndex));    } else {        // key was not actually down        ALOGI("Dropping key up from device %s because the key was not down.  "                "keyCode=%d, scanCode=%d",                getDeviceName().string(), keyCode, scanCode);        return;    }


InputListenerInterface* InputReader::ContextImpl::getListener() {    return mReader->mQueuedListener.get();}
void QueuedInputListener::notifyKey(const NotifyKeyArgs* args) {    mArgsQueue.push(new NotifyKeyArgs(*args));}

到这里,我们返回 loopOnce:

    // Send out a message that the describes the changed input devices.    if (inputDevicesChanged) {        mPolicy->notifyInputDevicesChanged(inputDevices);    }    // Flush queued events out to the listener.    // This must happen outside of the lock because the listener could potentially call    // back into the InputReader's methods, such as getScanCodeState, or become blocked    // on another thread similarly waiting to acquire the InputReader lock thereby    // resulting in a deadlock.  This situation is actually quite plausible because the    // listener is actually the input dispatcher, which calls into the window manager,    // which occasionally calls into the input reader.    mQueuedListener->flush();
如果input device 发生改变的话,会通过notigyInputDevicesChanged 通知上层。

最后会通过mQueuedListener 的flush 激活 InputDispatcher。

通过之前code 看到,processEventsLocked 会将获取的event 以NotifyKeyArgs 的形式存放起来,这里怎么会激活 InputDispatcher呢?

看一下 InputManager 的构造函数:

InputManager::InputManager(        const sp& eventHub,        const sp& readerPolicy,        const sp& dispatcherPolicy) {    mDispatcher = new InputDispatcher(dispatcherPolicy);    mReader = new InputReader(eventHub, readerPolicy, mDispatcher);    initialize();}
mReader 的第三个参数就是mDispatcher,再来看看InputReader 的构造:

InputReader::InputReader(const sp& eventHub,        const sp& policy,        const sp& listener) :        mContext(this), mEventHub(eventHub), mPolicy(policy),        mGlobalMetaState(0), mGeneration(1),        mDisableVirtualKeysTimeout(LLONG_MIN), mNextTimeout(LLONG_MAX),        mConfigurationChangesToRefresh(0) {    mQueuedListener = new QueuedInputListener(listener);    { // acquire lock        AutoMutex _l(mLock);        refreshConfigurationLocked(0);        updateGlobalMetaStateLocked();    } // release lock}
第三个参数传进来是 mDispatcher,到这里就变成了mQueuedListener。
所以上面的flush 其实调用的就是 InputDispatcher 的 notifyKey:

void InputDispatcher::notifyKey(const NotifyKeyArgs* args) {#if DEBUG_INBOUND_EVENT_DETAILS    ALOGD("notifyKey - eventTime=%lld, deviceId=%d, source=0x%x, policyFlags=0x%x, action=0x%x, "            "flags=0x%x, keyCode=0x%x, scanCode=0x%x, metaState=0x%x, downTime=%lld",            args->eventTime, args->deviceId, args->source, args->policyFlags,            args->action, args->flags, args->keyCode, args->scanCode,            args->metaState, args->downTime);#endif    if (!validateKeyEvent(args->action)) {        return;    }    uint32_t policyFlags = args->policyFlags;    int32_t flags = args->flags;    int32_t metaState = args->metaState;    if ((policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_VIRTUAL) || (flags & AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY)) {        policyFlags |= POLICY_FLAG_VIRTUAL;        flags |= AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY;    }    if (policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_FUNCTION) {        metaState |= AMETA_FUNCTION_ON;    }    policyFlags |= POLICY_FLAG_TRUSTED;    int32_t keyCode = args->keyCode;    if (metaState & AMETA_META_ON && args->action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN) {        int32_t newKeyCode = AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN;        if (keyCode == AKEYCODE_DEL) {            newKeyCode = AKEYCODE_BACK;        } else if (keyCode == AKEYCODE_ENTER) {            newKeyCode = AKEYCODE_HOME;        }        if (newKeyCode != AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN) {            AutoMutex _l(mLock);            struct KeyReplacement replacement = {keyCode, args->deviceId};            mReplacedKeys.add(replacement, newKeyCode);            keyCode = newKeyCode;            metaState &= ~AMETA_META_ON;        }    } else if (args->action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP) {        // In order to maintain a consistent stream of up and down events, check to see if the key        // going up is one we've replaced in a down event and haven't yet replaced in an up event,        // even if the modifier was released between the down and the up events.        AutoMutex _l(mLock);        struct KeyReplacement replacement = {keyCode, args->deviceId};        ssize_t index = mReplacedKeys.indexOfKey(replacement);        if (index >= 0) {            keyCode = mReplacedKeys.valueAt(index);            mReplacedKeys.removeItemsAt(index);            metaState &= ~AMETA_META_ON;        }    }    KeyEvent event;    event.initialize(args->deviceId, args->source, args->action,            flags, keyCode, args->scanCode, metaState, 0,            args->downTime, args->eventTime);    mPolicy->interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(&event, /*byref*/ policyFlags);    bool needWake;    { // acquire lock        mLock.lock();        if (shouldSendKeyToInputFilterLocked(args)) {            mLock.unlock();            policyFlags |= POLICY_FLAG_FILTERED;            if (!mPolicy->filterInputEvent(&event, policyFlags)) {                return; // event was consumed by the filter            }            mLock.lock();        }        int32_t repeatCount = 0;        KeyEntry* newEntry = new KeyEntry(args->eventTime,                args->deviceId, args->source, policyFlags,                args->action, flags, keyCode, args->scanCode,                metaState, repeatCount, args->downTime);        needWake = enqueueInboundEventLocked(newEntry);        mLock.unlock();    } // release lock    if (needWake) {        mLooper->wake();    }}


    if (!validateKeyEvent(args->action)) {        return;    }
static bool isValidKeyAction(int32_t action) {    switch (action) {    case AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN:    case AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP:        return true;    default:        return false;    }}

接着是在进queue 之前做一些必须要的操作:

    KeyEvent event;    event.initialize(args->deviceId, args->source, args->action,            flags, keyCode, args->scanCode, metaState, 0,            args->downTime, args->eventTime);    mPolicy->interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(&event, /*byref*/ policyFlags)
这个会通过jni 回调到InputManagerService.java 中的接口,也就是 InputManager 的启动过程中提到的WindowManagerCallbacks。

    int32_t repeatCount = 0;    KeyEntry* newEntry = new KeyEntry(args->eventTime,            args->deviceId, args->source, policyFlags,            args->action, flags, keyCode, args->scanCode,            metaState, repeatCount, args->downTime);    needWake = enqueueInboundEventLocked(newEntry);
bool InputDispatcher::enqueueInboundEventLocked(EventEntry* entry) {    bool needWake = mInboundQueue.isEmpty();    mInboundQueue.enqueueAtTail(entry);    traceInboundQueueLengthLocked();    switch (entry->type) {    case EventEntry::TYPE_KEY: {        // Optimize app switch latency.        // If the application takes too long to catch up then we drop all events preceding        // the app switch key.        KeyEntry* keyEntry = static_cast(entry);        if (isAppSwitchKeyEventLocked(keyEntry)) {            if (keyEntry->action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN) {                mAppSwitchSawKeyDown = true;            } else if (keyEntry->action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP) {                if (mAppSwitchSawKeyDown) {#if DEBUG_APP_SWITCH                    ALOGD("App switch is pending!");#endif                    mAppSwitchDueTime = keyEntry->eventTime + APP_SWITCH_TIMEOUT;                    mAppSwitchSawKeyDown = false;                    needWake = true;                }            }        }        break;    }    case EventEntry::TYPE_MOTION: {        // Optimize case where the current application is unresponsive and the user        // decides to touch a window in a different application.        // If the application takes too long to catch up then we drop all events preceding        // the touch into the other window.        MotionEntry* motionEntry = static_cast(entry);        if (motionEntry->action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN                && (motionEntry->source & AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER)                && mInputTargetWaitCause == INPUT_TARGET_WAIT_CAUSE_APPLICATION_NOT_READY                && mInputTargetWaitApplicationHandle != NULL) {            int32_t displayId = motionEntry->displayId;            int32_t x = int32_t(motionEntry->pointerCoords[0].                    getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X));            int32_t y = int32_t(motionEntry->pointerCoords[0].                    getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y));            sp touchedWindowHandle = findTouchedWindowAtLocked(displayId, x, y);            if (touchedWindowHandle != NULL                    && touchedWindowHandle->inputApplicationHandle                            != mInputTargetWaitApplicationHandle) {                // User touched a different application than the one we are waiting on.                // Flag the event, and start pruning the input queue.                mNextUnblockedEvent = motionEntry;                needWake = true;            }        }        break;    }    }    return needWake;}
    if (needWake) {        mLooper->wake();    }

InputManager 的启动过程中说到过 InputReaderThread 和 InputDispatcherThread,在InputDispatccherThread 被唤醒的时候,会调用:

bool InputDispatcherThread::threadLoop() {    mDispatcher->dispatchOnce();    return true;}
void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() {    nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MAX;    { // acquire lock        AutoMutex _l(mLock);        mDispatcherIsAliveCondition.broadcast();        // Run a dispatch loop if there are no pending commands.        // The dispatch loop might enqueue commands to run afterwards.        if (!haveCommandsLocked()) {            dispatchOnceInnerLocked(&nextWakeupTime);        }        // Run all pending commands if there are any.        // If any commands were run then force the next poll to wake up immediately.        if (runCommandsLockedInterruptible()) {            nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN;        }    } // release lock    // Wait for callback or timeout or wake.  (make sure we round up, not down)    nsecs_t currentTime = now();    int timeoutMillis = toMillisecondTimeoutDelay(currentTime, nextWakeupTime);    mLooper->pollOnce(timeoutMillis);}
void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {    nsecs_t currentTime = now();    // Reset the key repeat timer whenever normal dispatch is suspended while the    // device is in a non-interactive state.  This is to ensure that we abort a key    // repeat if the device is just coming out of sleep.    if (!mDispatchEnabled) {        resetKeyRepeatLocked();    }    // If dispatching is frozen, do not process timeouts or try to deliver any new events.    if (mDispatchFrozen) {#if DEBUG_FOCUS        ALOGD("Dispatch frozen.  Waiting some more.");#endif        return;    }    // Optimize latency of app switches.    // Essentially we start a short timeout when an app switch key (HOME / ENDCALL) has    // been pressed.  When it expires, we preempt dispatch and drop all other pending events.    bool isAppSwitchDue = mAppSwitchDueTime <= currentTime;    if (mAppSwitchDueTime < *nextWakeupTime) {        *nextWakeupTime = mAppSwitchDueTime;    }    // Ready to start a new event.    // If we don't already have a pending event, go grab one.    if (! mPendingEvent) {        if (mInboundQueue.isEmpty()) {            if (isAppSwitchDue) {                // The inbound queue is empty so the app switch key we were waiting                // for will never arrive.  Stop waiting for it.                resetPendingAppSwitchLocked(false);                isAppSwitchDue = false;            }            // Synthesize a key repeat if appropriate.            if (mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry) {                if (currentTime >= mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime) {                    mPendingEvent = synthesizeKeyRepeatLocked(currentTime);                } else {                    if (mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime < *nextWakeupTime) {                        *nextWakeupTime = mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime;                    }                }            }            // Nothing to do if there is no pending event.            if (!mPendingEvent) {                return;            }        } else {            // Inbound queue has at least one entry.            mPendingEvent = mInboundQueue.dequeueAtHead();            traceInboundQueueLengthLocked();        }        // Poke user activity for this event.        if (mPendingEvent->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER) {            pokeUserActivityLocked(mPendingEvent);        }        // Get ready to dispatch the event.        resetANRTimeoutsLocked();    }    // Now we have an event to dispatch.    // All events are eventually dequeued and processed this way, even if we intend to drop them.    ALOG_ASSERT(mPendingEvent != NULL);    bool done = false;    DropReason dropReason = DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED;    if (!(mPendingEvent->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER)) {        dropReason = DROP_REASON_POLICY;    } else if (!mDispatchEnabled) {        dropReason = DROP_REASON_DISABLED;    }    if (mNextUnblockedEvent == mPendingEvent) {        mNextUnblockedEvent = NULL;    }    switch (mPendingEvent->type) {    case EventEntry::TYPE_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED: {        ConfigurationChangedEntry* typedEntry =                static_cast(mPendingEvent);        done = dispatchConfigurationChangedLocked(currentTime, typedEntry);        dropReason = DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED; // configuration changes are never dropped        break;    }    case EventEntry::TYPE_DEVICE_RESET: {        DeviceResetEntry* typedEntry =                static_cast(mPendingEvent);        done = dispatchDeviceResetLocked(currentTime, typedEntry);        dropReason = DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED; // device resets are never dropped        break;    }    case EventEntry::TYPE_KEY: {        KeyEntry* typedEntry = static_cast(mPendingEvent);        if (isAppSwitchDue) {            if (isAppSwitchKeyEventLocked(typedEntry)) {                resetPendingAppSwitchLocked(true);                isAppSwitchDue = false;            } else if (dropReason == DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED) {                dropReason = DROP_REASON_APP_SWITCH;            }        }        if (dropReason == DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED                && isStaleEventLocked(currentTime, typedEntry)) {            dropReason = DROP_REASON_STALE;        }        if (dropReason == DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED && mNextUnblockedEvent) {            dropReason = DROP_REASON_BLOCKED;        }        done = dispatchKeyLocked(currentTime, typedEntry, &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);        break;    }    case EventEntry::TYPE_MOTION: {        MotionEntry* typedEntry = static_cast(mPendingEvent);        if (dropReason == DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED && isAppSwitchDue) {            dropReason = DROP_REASON_APP_SWITCH;        }        if (dropReason == DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED                && isStaleEventLocked(currentTime, typedEntry)) {            dropReason = DROP_REASON_STALE;        }        if (dropReason == DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED && mNextUnblockedEvent) {            dropReason = DROP_REASON_BLOCKED;        }        done = dispatchMotionLocked(currentTime, typedEntry,                &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);        break;    }    default:        ALOG_ASSERT(false);        break;    }    if (done) {        if (dropReason != DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED) {            dropInboundEventLocked(mPendingEvent, dropReason);        }        releasePendingEventLocked();        *nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN;  // force next poll to wake up immediately    }}

done = dispatchKeyLocked(currentTime, typedEntry, &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);
bool InputDispatcher::dispatchKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, KeyEntry* entry,        DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {    ......        // Identify targets.    Vector inputTargets;    int32_t injectionResult = findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked(currentTime,            entry, inputTargets, nextWakeupTime);    if (injectionResult == INPUT_EVENT_INJECTION_PENDING) {        return false;    }    setInjectionResultLocked(entry, injectionResult);    if (injectionResult != INPUT_EVENT_INJECTION_SUCCEEDED) {        return true;    }    addMonitoringTargetsLocked(inputTargets);    // Dispatch the key.    dispatchEventLocked(currentTime, entry, inputTargets);    return true;}


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