MPAndroidChart 教程:概述
MPAndroidChart 教程:开始 Getting Started(一)
MPAndroidChart 教程:与图表进行手势交互 Interaction with the Chart(二)
MPAndroidChart 教程:坐标轴,X轴,Y轴,Labels(三)
MPAndroidChart 教程:设置数据,设置颜色(四)
MPAndroidChart 教程:数据格式器 ValueFormatter(五)
MPAndroidChart 教程:图表的具体设置 Specific chart settings(六)
MPAndroidchart 教程:图例 Legend(七)
MPAndroidChart 教程:动态和实时数据 Dynamic & Realtime Data(八)
MPAndroidChart 教程:修改视窗 Modifying the Viewport(九)
MPAndroidChart 教程:动画 Animations(十)
MPAndroidChart 教程:MarkerView(十一)
MPAndroidChart 教程:ChartData类,ChartData子类, DataSet类,DataSet子类(十二)


1) LineChart 效果图

    // 设置动画    chart.animateX(8000); // 图1    chart.animateY(8000); // 图2    chart.animateXY(8000, 8000); // 图3    chart.animateY(8000, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInElastic ); // 图4

2) BarChart 效果图

    // 设置动画    chart.animateX(8000); // 图1    chart.animateY(8000); // 图2    chart.animateXY(8000, 8000); // 图3    chart.animateY(8000, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInSine); // 图4

3) PieChart 效果图

    // 设置动画    chart.animateX(8000); // 图1    chart.animateY(8000); // 图2    chart.animateXY(8000,8000); // 图3    chart.animateY(8000, Easing.EasingOption.EaseOutBounce); // 图4


MPAndroidChart 的动画机制只在Android API 11 (Android 3.0.x) 和以上有效。
在低于 Android 3.0.x 的版本中动画不会执行(但不会引起 crash)。


  • animateX(int durationMillis) : 水平轴的图表值动画,这意味着在指定的时间内从左到右 建立图表
  • animateY(int durationMillis) : 垂直轴的图表值动画,这意味着在指定的时间内从下到上 建立图表
  • animateXY(int xDuration, int yDuration) : 两个轴的图表值动画,从左到右,从下到上 建立图表
    mChart.animateX(3000); // animate horizontal 3000 milliseconds    // or:    mChart.animateY(3000); // animate vertical 3000 milliseconds    // or:    mChart.animateXY(3000, 3000); // animate horizontal and vertical 3000     milliseconds

任意一种 animate(...) 动画方法被调用后,无需再调用 invalidate() 方法。

三、ChartAnimator 动画源码分析

/** * Object responsible for all animations in the Chart. ANIMATIONS ONLY WORK FOR * API LEVEL 11 (Android 3.0.x) AND HIGHER. */@SuppressLint("NewApi")public class ChartAnimator {    /** object that is updated upon animation update */    private AnimatorUpdateListener mListener;    public ChartAnimator() {}    public ChartAnimator(AnimatorUpdateListener listener) {        mListener = listener;    }    /** the phase that is animated and influences the drawn values on the y-axis */    protected float mPhaseY = 1f;    /** the phase that is animated and influences the drawn values on the x-axis */    protected float mPhaseX = 1f;    // 下面的动画方法}

1) animateX( … ) 方法的源码

    /**     * Animates the rendering of the chart on the x-axis with the specified     * animation time. If animate(...) is called, no further calling of     * invalidate() is necessary to refresh the chart.     *     * @param durationMillis     */    public void animateX(int durationMillis) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseX", 0f, 1f);        animatorX.setDuration(durationMillis);        animatorX.addUpdateListener(mListener);        animatorX.start();    }    public void animateX(int durationMillis, Easing.EasingOption easing) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseX", 0f, 1f);        animatorX.setInterpolator(Easing.getEasingFunctionFromOption(easing));        animatorX.setDuration(durationMillis);        animatorX.addUpdateListener(mListener);        animatorX.start();    }    public void animateX(int durationMillis, EasingFunction easing) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseX", 0f, 1f);        animatorX.setInterpolator(easing);        animatorX.setDuration(durationMillis);        animatorX.addUpdateListener(mListener);        animatorX.start();    }

2) animateY( … ) 方法的源码

    /**     * Animates the rendering of the chart on the y-axis with the specified     * animation time. If animate(...) is called, no further calling of     * invalidate() is necessary to refresh the chart.     *     * @param durationMillis     */    public void animateY(int durationMillis) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseY", 0f, 1f);        animatorY.setDuration(durationMillis);        animatorY.addUpdateListener(mListener);        animatorY.start();    }    public void animateY(int durationMillis, Easing.EasingOption easing) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseY", 0f, 1f);        animatorY.setInterpolator(Easing.getEasingFunctionFromOption(easing));        animatorY.setDuration(durationMillis);        animatorY.addUpdateListener(mListener);        animatorY.start();    }    public void animateY(int durationMillis, EasingFunction easing) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseY", 0f, 1f);        animatorY.setInterpolator(easing);        animatorY.setDuration(durationMillis);        animatorY.addUpdateListener(mListener);        animatorY.start();    }

3) animateXY( … ) 方法的源码

    /**     * Animates the drawing / rendering of the chart on both x- and y-axis with     * the specified animation time. If animate(...) is called, no further     * calling of invalidate() is necessary to refresh the chart.     *     * @param durationMillisX     * @param durationMillisY     */    public void animateXY(int durationMillisX, int durationMillisY) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseY", 0f, 1f);        animatorY.setDuration(                durationMillisY);        ObjectAnimator animatorX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseX", 0f, 1f);        animatorX.setDuration(                durationMillisX);        // make sure only one animator produces update-callbacks (which then        // call invalidate())        if (durationMillisX > durationMillisY) {            animatorX.addUpdateListener(mListener);        } else {            animatorY.addUpdateListener(mListener);        }        animatorX.start();        animatorY.start();    }    public void animateXY(int durationMillisX, int durationMillisY, Easing.EasingOption easingX,            Easing.EasingOption easingY) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseY", 0f, 1f);        animatorY.setInterpolator(Easing.getEasingFunctionFromOption(easingY));        animatorY.setDuration(                durationMillisY);        ObjectAnimator animatorX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseX", 0f, 1f);        animatorX.setInterpolator(Easing.getEasingFunctionFromOption(easingX));        animatorX.setDuration(                durationMillisX);        // make sure only one animator produces update-callbacks (which then        // call invalidate())        if (durationMillisX > durationMillisY) {            animatorX.addUpdateListener(mListener);        } else {            animatorY.addUpdateListener(mListener);        }        animatorX.start();        animatorY.start();    }    public void animateXY(int durationMillisX, int durationMillisY, EasingFunction easingX,            EasingFunction easingY) {        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11)            return;        ObjectAnimator animatorY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseY", 0f, 1f);        animatorY.setInterpolator(easingY);        animatorY.setDuration(                durationMillisY);        ObjectAnimator animatorX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "phaseX", 0f, 1f);        animatorX.setInterpolator(easingX);        animatorX.setDuration(                durationMillisX);        // make sure only one animator produces update-callbacks (which then        // call invalidate())        if (durationMillisX > durationMillisY) {            animatorX.addUpdateListener(mListener);        } else {            animatorY.addUpdateListener(mListener);        }        animatorX.start();        animatorY.start();    }

四、缓动动画 (Animation easing)

您可以选择以下预定义的静态 Easing.EasingOption :

  public enum EasingOption {      Linear,      EaseInQuad,      EaseOutQuad,      EaseInOutQuad,      EaseInCubic,      EaseOutCubic,      EaseInOutCubic,      EaseInQuart,      EaseOutQuart,      EaseInOutQuart,      EaseInSine,      EaseOutSine,      EaseInOutSine,      EaseInExpo,      EaseOutExpo,      EaseInOutExpo,      EaseInCirc,      EaseOutCirc,      EaseInOutCirc,      EaseInElastic,      EaseOutElastic,      EaseInOutElastic,      EaseInBack,      EaseOutBack,      EaseInOutBack,      EaseInBounce,      EaseOutBounce,      EaseInOutBounce,  }

基本上,有以下两种方式进行 easing 你的动画。

1) 预定义的缓动选项:(下面代码可在所有 Android 版本运行)

    public void animateY(int durationmillis, Easing.EasingOption option); 
  • 例如,调用带有预定义缓动选项的动画方法
    // animate both axes with easing    mChart.animateY(3000, Easing.EasingOption.EaseOutBack); 
  • 当你想代码运行在 Android 3.0 (API 11) 以下时0,总是使用 Easing.EasingOption

2) 自定义缓动函数(在 Android 3.0 自定义缓动函数会使应用 crash):

    public void animateY(int durationmillis, EasingFunction function); 
  • Create your own easing functions by creating your own easing-function class and implementing the EasingFunction interface :
 /**  * Interface for creating custom made easing functions.   */  public interface EasingFunction {     /**      * Called everytime the animation is updated.      * @param input - the time passed since the animation started (value between 0 and 1)      */      public float getInterpolation(float input);  }
  • Then call it this way ( be aware, this will not run below Android 3.0 and crash ) :
    // animate both axes with easing    mChart.animateY(3000, new MyEasingFunction()); 

五、Easing.EasingOption 所有效果图

1,2) Linear , EaseInQuad

3,4) EaseOutQuad , EaseInOutQuad

5,6) EaseInCubic , EaseOutCubic

7,8) EaseInOutCubic , EaseInQuart

9,10) EaseOutQuart , EaseInOutQuart

11,12) EaseInSine , EaseOutSine

13,14) EaseInOutSine , EaseInExpo

15,16) EaseOutExpo , EaseInOutExpo

17,18) EaseInCirc , EaseOutCirc

19,20) EaseInOutCirc , EaseInElastic

21,22) EaseOutElastic , EaseInOutElastic

23,24) EaseInBack , EaseOutBack

25,26) EaseInOutBack , EaseInBounce

27,28) EaseOutBounce , EaseInOutBounce



  1. 简易音乐播放器(Android(安卓)Studio)
  2. ViewAnimator教程
  3. Android最佳实践之Material Design
  4. 带倒计时提示的弹框
  5. Android(安卓)Property Animation 介绍(一)
  6. Android(安卓)Studio Property属性动画
  7. Android官方提供的两种viewpager滑动动画
  8. android 游戏 动画
  9. android Tween Animations(动画效果-代码实现)的使用


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  8. Android(安卓)跨进程通信(二)
  9. android 获取手机位置信息
  10. Android 官方数据库Room --- 配置