
Android 8.0 Hostap流程(也叫Softap)

1)从Android 7.0开始,google已经从原先直接调用WifiManager.setWifiApEnabled()的方式,直接改成调用ConnectivityManager.startTethering()的方式了。
2)当修改AP配置时,也不用原先像mWifiManager.setWifiApEnabled(null, false),再mWifiManager.setWifiApEnabled(mWifiConfig, true)的方式。改成了当hostap关闭后,接收hostap的广播,再进行打开操作,这样避免了开关过快导致hostap不能再次打开的问题


commit ffb4fbb1a7a8df82fb8425321244cda4be5b76c2Author: Rebecca Silberstein @google.com>Rebecca Silberstein committed on 5 Mar 2016     Save WifiAp config changes when hotspot is enabled    We need to properly handle asynchronous events when WifiAp for hotspot    is enabled and the user changes the config.  This CL changes the    behavior to:    1 - mark local boolean indicating a restart is needed    2 - trigger the WifiAp to stop    3 - save the new config    4 - when the stop is complete (and the boolean is set), restart the    WifiAp.    Also fix a few style issues in the file.    BUG:27460194    Change-Id: I7e49ab9c49e125017cf83866a396701e440bf383



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